Sequel info!!

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Well guys, this book is completed, but it doesn't end just yet!! Please check out my sequel called "Us greasers plus one"

If you're enjoying this book so far please continue reading the sequel, lots of interesting things will be happening!! I'm sure with the cliffhanger at the end of this most of you will want to continue.

I haven't started writing in this new book just yet but I'll be starting today. I'm hoping to post regular updates also!

Also, I love seeing you guys adding my book to your reading lists, so please do so!

ALSO, I wanna give a huge shoutout to kieradelrey for helping me out along the way with this book, and again with the next. She is an amazing writer and I recommend you guys reading her newest book called "Ms. bitch"

I'm happy taking any requests from anyone and I'll definitely use them all along the way! Thanks for reading:)

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