The Horrible Has Begun

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..."We have a lot to catch up on."
She rammed into him and hugged him. "I knew it was you! I just knew it! I missed you so much. Never do that again!" She yelled. He reached his hand hand down and moved her head by her chin and kissed her cheek. "I missed you too, slot more than you would think." He said. "So why are you do down and depressed and shit all of a sudden?" That's right, he hasn't been here in about five years. She thought. "Um, it's a long story. Can I tell you some other time?" She asked. He nodded. Then he took her hand and led her to the passenger side of the Jeep. "Let's go for a ride." He said.
Destiny and Alex have know each other since she was three. He was five. They had been childhood friends and then he started to fall for her. He thought he would never have a chance and that's when he started to get depressed. He didn't wany anyone but her but he didn't know that she felt the same. She hid it so well.
He started to self harm. He burned himself, cut himself, any way possible to hurt himself he did it. Once he almost died from sticking his finger in a socket. After a while he just decided to go emo. That made her like him even more. She was emo since she was twelve. Around when they started to fall for each other she was thirteen and when he went emo she was fifteen.
When she turned 16 he decided to confess. On her 16 birthday just before she went to get her piercings done he pulled her aside and kissed her. It was unexpected and she was surprised. But happy. She took his hand and pulled him back when he went to walk away and told him "I love you. More than you will ever know." Then she kissed him. Again.
When he got sent away to military school four years ago they lost touch except when he visited, but even then she didn't tell him anything bad because she didn't want him to worry. She cried every night for a year. Then everything that happened happened and that just became completely normal to her. Not one day went by that she didn't cry at least once. Now he was back. She was so happy. But what would her mother do?
Instead of going to her house they went to his apartment. He's led her up the stair by her hand then opened the door and let her through. She went straight for the bed and turned the TV on. He went a took his coat off then layed down behind her.
When she finally choose a channel he pulled her down so she was laying next to him. "I missed you way too much"she said. Then she turned and kissed him. "I missed your kisses." He said to her. "What did you miss about me?" She looked at him and raised an eyebrow "really? We're going to do this now." He chuckled then said "Yes. Now tell me, or didn't you miss me?" She laughed "Of course
I missed you. You're my lover boy.." she played around .." I missed everything about you. Especially your kind eyes." He blushed

She lightly brushed his cheek with the backs of her fingers. So light that it gave him chills down his spine. "And I missed seeing you blush. You're so adorable when you blush." She kissed his cheek. Then she kissed his ear. "And I miss the feel of your hair against my cheek." She whispered. She kissed his neck lightly. "I missed your hot breath against my neck." She took his hand and placed it softly her waist. "I missed your touch most of all." She laughed then kissed him and got up to get something to eat.

"Hey babe, do you have anything chocolate?" She yelled from the kitchen. He yelled back "No I don't think so!" Then he got up to use the bathroom. While he was in the bathroom he heard a loud noise coming from the kitchen. Then he heard her scream. He hurried then rushed out of the bathroom and ran straight for the kitchen.

He peered down the hallway to the front door and it was wide open although he has locked it. He knew he had. At this point he couldn't hide even a trace of fear, as his body started trembling at the thought of what might've happened to Destiny. Her yelled, "Babe! Where are you!?" She yelled back from another room, "I'm in the kitchen, hurry up and come here! NOW!" He was running to the kitchen by this point. He got there to find his girlfriend held at gun point.

To be continued...

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