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(this whole book was originally written December 2016 but I'm just editing for mistakes I'm not changing anything !)

(Next day)

I woke up feeling a little waved 


 I woke up feeling a little bit better from what has happened and knowing that I'm moving suddenly out of embarrassment is a bit spoilt but I'm happy however I was still nervous on what will happen. I got ready and headed downstairs. 

"Honey shall I drop you?" My mum asked you "You don't have to I can just find my was thank you" "No no get your back, I'll pack your lunch, go to the car" She shoos my off and I roll my eyes "Its just my first day mum but okay" I say going up the stairs to put on a black skirt and a white blouse and also you put some light makeup on and you grabbed your empty bag and went into the car you put on your headphones and closed your eyes. 

Soon you got to your new school you looked out your window examining the scenery and there was so many people, 'Hopefully I don't seem like a freak to them' I thought to myself and you turned to your mum "Thanks mum" I kiss her cheek and get my bag "I'll pick you up after school okay hun" "Yeah thanks mum" I say getting out of your car and slowly entered my 'new' school.

 When I got in I walked walked down the hall so lost, 

'I have never felt so insecure it feels so weird thinking about what people think of you' I never really liked thinking that way but I guess life catches up with you too quickly. I saw a girl at her locker and she was wearing a pair of trainers and skinny jeans and a white jumper to go with it which I think was really cute. 

I went to her "Excuse me, I'm new here do not really know my way around here-" I say very confused and she giggles and nods "- so do you know where I should go?" "Oh are you new here?" She asks and I nodded "Omg I love new people,be my friend please!" She asks practically begging and I smiled and nodded happily she grabbed my arm "Well lets go to where I need to and you can continue with that" I joke and she smile "I'll lead the way" We go to the office "We are here" she said pointing at the door "I'll wait here for you, you can go in" "Thanks" you smiled and went in

(15 minutes later)

I came out and she was still there, waiting for me "Do you have the same classes as me" she asks taking my time table and she examines it and all of a sudden she squeals "Yay my bestie is in all my classes" 

'Bestie? I mean that's fine but I don't even know her name' 

"Sorry to ask but what's your name?" I ask her politely "I'm Lisa you?" "I'm Y/n" "That's cute. lets go to class before we get late to class" she grabs my hand and pulls me. The two of us  headed to class and both entered "(Teachers name) We have a new girl here today" Lisa said to my supposed teacher "Ahh new student please introduce yourself" I turned  to face the whole class

"Hello I'm y/n please take care of me"I say bowing. everyone erupts with cheers for me and I smile 'Maybe it would be good after all'

(Taehyungs POV)

"Oh Tae Tae its your favourite day" "Why" I look up at Hobi whilst biting into my apple and handling the ball "Miss Freak's not there" He gestures to the girl that always sits on the bench but she's not there "Oh yeah that's so weird Tae, where is she?" Jimin gets involved smiling "I dont know maybe she went to get her lunch quickly" "Aww, are you worried for her?" Yoongi mocks in a baby voice and I push him aside "I'm not a jerk face like you, she needs to eat, you get hungry when you stare at me for too long" I joke and they all laugh "Maybe they want to eat you" Hobi suggest and I smile "Or maybe something on you" Jimin raises his eyebrows and everyone smacks the back of his head "Oh did I tell you guys what she asked me yesterday, this will defiantly make you laugh"


Like every girl knows Tae gonna regret it sooner or later hahahaha

Freak! || TaehyungXReader *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now