smut! you can skip

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((Authors POV))

Somehow in the past week you have completely let go of all the previous inhibitions you ever had with him and it's sexy and beautiful. You imagined all these things before 

"Ohhh..." He gasps as he finally lets his own pleasure wash over his senses, warm and sweet and utterly sublime. "Y/n..."

"Love you," He whispers between a steady crescendo of moans. "Oh you..."

Taehyung slowly lets go of your wrists and takes off the blindfold and throws its to the floor. Taehyung looked at you and saw you eyes were still shut "Open your eye baby" He said to you and you slowly open your eyes but look up at the ceiling 

"Y/n look at me" 

You gently look at him "Don't break this contact okay? the eye contact keep it" You nod your head. He shuts his eyes as he pushes faster and faster, practically vibrating on top of you. You choke and try to hold yourself back until he collapses into an exhausted heap on your chest and then you let loose the breath you have been holding in.

"That felt good?" he guesses and you gasps for breath and nod against him. "I think you were going at warp speed for a few seconds there luv" You whisper joke trying to capture your breath

Taehyung laughs breathlessly but then you nudge him gently off but he clings tight to you with his thighs and refuses to move.

"More?" he asks and you hesitantly slowly nod but he doesn't move as he tries to catch his breath and finally you can't bear it anymore. "You know, I think it must be about my turn to be on top"

"You're amazing," He murmurs and strokes your fingertip down your cheek. "You know that right?"

Your still a little breathless but you smiles up at him and then wrap your arms around his next

"Are you sure you want to go again?" This time you shake your head "It kind of hurts me now" under normal circumstances Taehyung would have laughed, equal parts embarrassed by your reference.

"Okay I'm going to stop now" he says laying next to you on the bed and you turn to your side to face him 

"Y/n your so beautiful" "Taehyung I love you" You realised what you accidentally said over what Taehyung said and got automatically embarrassed so you cover your mouth but he just chuckles 

"Y/n I love you too" 

Theres is an awkward silence and you can't look at him

"Stop lying" Taehyung brings his hand up and caresses your cheek "This wasn't just any kind sex, I wanted to show all my love to you and that's is exactly what I did" "..." "Y/n I love you and no one can stop it" He smiled at you and kissed your forehead "I love you too" "Now baby ,sleep it's been a long night, Y/n sleep babe" 

He pulls you in for a tight hug tucking you under his chin and you mumbled to yourself "Taehyung I love you, I'm happy your my first and I want you to be my last, what can I do?" "Y/n are you talking?" "No no, night Tae" "Night" And so he positions himself comfortably and you both sleep in each other's arms.

You woke up early in the night because you felt very sick, you really didn't know why, but all you knew is your stomach wasn't on your side today. ~~~~~~~
Your stomach ache was just getting worse and worse by minute, you felt as if you could throw up anytime by now, so you got up even though you legs hurt you so bad and sat on the floor hoping the pain from your stomach and legs will go away.
(5 minutes later)
It didn't stop and didn't seem as if it was going to anytime soon, and you couldn't take it any longer. Even though it was dark you looked around the room with your arms, crawling to look for something to at least try cover you up. Luckily you found Taehyungs top -well I think it was- and you wore it.

Freak! || TaehyungXReader *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now