lost phones = lost hope

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(( Taehyungs POV ))

Tae: Hello?

Lisa: Hello Y/n?

(Before I could answer y/n quickly ran out of my office "Wait Y/n! You left your phone" I tried to shout at her but she was too quick so I put the phone back to my ear)

Lisa: Y/n are you okay ? You sound rough

Tae: This isn't y/n

Lisa: who is it then?

Tae: Taehyung

There was a moment of silence

Lisa: Wait what?!? Taehyung?

Tae: Yeah?

Lisa: H-how?

Tae: I guess the word I'm looking for is luck

Lisa: How did you see her again? how did you find her so quickly

Tae: Oh my long story

Lisa: What?

Tae: I'll tell you later

Lisa: I mean just how?

She sounded very shocked which made me laugh a bit

Tae: I said I'll tell you later

Lisa: Oh okay? Well anyway can I please talk to y/n

Tae: she's not here

Lisa: Why do you have her phone then?

Taehyung: well....

Lisa: where is she then?

Tae: She went somewhere quickly. I can call you back when she comes back

Lisa: Erm.. yeah please call me back, I need to go now bye

Tae: K bye

( I ended the call but how am I supposed to call y/n now that I have her phone she is not even gonna know where I am *Facepalm* )

(( Taehyung's POV ))

I put Ruby to sleep, after collecting her and quickly rushed o the living room as I heard a phone buzzing on the table,  when I got there I saw y/n's phone ringing 'Damn that what I forgot, I forgot to give it to her'. I was thinking whether I should pick it up or not because it was unknown but I just picked it up 'Oh well'

Taehyung: Hello?

??: Hello Y/n?

Taehyung: Who's this sorry?

??: Y/n this is your mother

Taehyung: Oh sorry Y/n is not here she went out quickly

Your mum: Who is this?


Your mum: Is this her boyfriend?

Taehyung:...You could say that

Your mum: She never told me about you

Taehyung: (I just laughed nervously) well...

Your mum: Could you please pass on a message to your girlfriend

Taehyung: Yeah why not

(The thought of y/n being my girlfriend made me smile)

Your mum: Tell her she needs to call me asap it is very important

Taehyung: Yeah sure

Your mum: Thank you my dear

Taehyung: No problem

Your mum: Call me mum

Taehyung: Okay mum?

Your mum: I like you already. Well I guess I'll see you later bye

Taehyung: Bye

I ended the call. I wonder what's so important that she need to discuss with Y/n

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