Greet Up's

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((Taehyung POV))

I came out of the kitchen with snacks in my hand for me and y/n to eat "Y/n do you like ready salted-" I stopped as soon as I see Natalia my ex wife standing there "What are you doing here?" I drop the stuff on the table "Tae my baby I came early so me and you could spend so much time together" She says squealing and I cringe "Where is Y/n?" "Who's that?" "Where is the girl that was here?!?" "Oh you maid she left and told me tell you she quit" She says sitting down and eating the food I brought out. I look at her confused and soon I realised what y/n meant and I quickly put my shoes on and ran out 

'Oh God I don't want her to get the wrong impression' I ran and ran but I couldn't find her anywhere, I went to the bus stop nowhere to be found I didn't even get her number 'Fuck I lost her again' I think to myself pulling my hair "Y/N!" I shout and drop to the floor weeping "Y/NNNNN!!!" and wept, I let her go and it's all my fault

That day you decided you was going to permanently  move to America because now that he had moved on you decided to as well, yes even after these years he's still been that one little love you'll never forget and you was hoping of coming back here to amend it but clearly you was too late snd he is MARRIED! wowzaa

You told your parents and they are happy but worried for you like they've always been, so now you was packing the rest of your stuff you left here to leave for the airport

You zip up the last bag and sigh "You ready, hun?" Your mum knocks the door and you look back "Yeah I just need to do one last thing" You hadn't told Lisa you was leaving, and she didn't even have a chance to see you after these years so you got your phone and dialled her straight away 

((Your POV))

"HEY HEY HEY" She picks up happy and I bite my lip "Lisa I need to tell you something" "What is it?" She said over the phone "Y/n you're scaring me, hurry up and tell me" "Well I have decided that I'll go to America earlier" "What?!" She yells over the phone and I shut my eye and breathe out "Well I think it's best for me to go..." "Is this about Taehyung?" You told her last week about Taehyung and now she understood why it is hard for you to get attached to boys "....I guess" "What did he do this time?" "Oh no nothing I just feel it's better if I leave now" "Y/n I am going to miss you very much"

"I know you will but promise you will visit" "I promise, when you leaving?" "Few hours" "Few hours?! Y/n..." "I'm sorry Lisa" "Don't be sorry Y/n I know this is hard, please have a safe flight. I can't believe I'm not even going to see my bestfriend before she leaves" She says as if she were about to cry "Lisa remember that I love you" "I already know, but y/n?" "Yeah?" "Can I have Taehyungs number I want to talk to him about something" 

"....err.. I don't have his number. I never got the chance to talk to him because his wife came" "WHAT?WIFE?!?" She yells again and I have to take the phone off my ear "Yeah I forgot to tell you that he was married" "Jeez wow well I'll try and get ahold of him" "I guess this is it, good bye then" "Y/n this can never be a goodbye I'll call you all the time I don't care if I waste my money as long as it is on you" "Aww I love you I need to go now, so I'll see you" "Yes I-I will s-see you I love you y/n" She starts stuttering and I could tell she was crying as well "Lisa please don't cry, I love you, Bye" "I love you too....bye" and with that you ended the call and smiles at your phone 

'Everything will be alright.' 

"Goodbye Korea, Hello America" You lay your head back on you seat and soon you close you eyes

((Lisa POV))

I actually can't believe it, this must be a joke right? How can she just leave me? But it's not her fault, it's Taehyung's and he WILL PAY!

I quickly take a shower and went out to where Y/n hangs out hoping that Taehyung will just magically pop out of nowhere, and if God was on my side he will come today.

I walked around the park and then magically or maybe just out of coincidence I saw him but he was with a women maybe with his wife that Y/n told me about who care anyways. 

I went to him "Taehyung?" He turns and looks at me, the women next to him grabs his arm and pulls him closer "Tae who's this?" He looks at me confused "Who are you?" His voice is deep and husky and it reminded me how much I wanted to punch that beautiful face of his 

"Me? You don't need to that, all you do need to know is that y/n left this country because of you my bestfriend is gone because of you ! She has gone to America and by the looks of it I don't think she is coming back. How could you Taehyung just take my precious gift away from me?" I stopp because tears was coming out my eyes but I could tell that he was very shocked but I still continued "You led her on with your stupid game and you had a wife-" He stopped me straight away "Firstly I didn't lead her on I actually loved her and second this thing is not my wife" He waves around the woman pushing her of him.

I look up to him confused "What do you mean she told Y/n that she is your wife" He turns to her "You said what?!?" "Tae I told her but who cares she's gone now plus that was you maid" "What do you mean who cares I care I love her and now she's gone" I could see that in Taehyung's eyes he was very hurt so I said "I mean if you really did love her you would go to America and find her right?" "Did she actually leave because of me?" He looks at me with a puppy look and it made me want to cry more. I gave him a reassuring smile "Not really but I guess you was part of the reason" "What can I do now?" "Go to America and get her heart back like the first time you caught her attention okay?" Then Taehyung looked at me as if I were a genius "OMG best idea ever" Then he frowns and points at the women's baby bump "She has my child in her what if y/n doesn't accept me?" I gave him another reassuring smile 

"Big or small y/n will always love you and your child regardless" He smiles at me then he turns to what I think now is his ex 

"Natalia please stop telling people we are married and soon when you have that child im keeping it okay? You can leave and do what ever you want to do, I will give you as much money as you need as long as you promise to stay away from my child and me" "No Taehyung she needs a mother" "Fine then I'll tell your parents what you did" She gasps and stops the attitude   "Fine fine please don't tell them" He nods his head slowly "Promise?" "I promise Tae" 

After their little conflict he then looks to me "You sure Y/n will forgive me?" "Positive" I reply with a smile on my face "And what's your name" "Lisa" "Ahhh thank you very much Lisa" "No problem" He shook my hand and he left with his ex and then I went home.

I need to tell Y/n quickly about his wife and all of this so she doesn't get the wrong impression and continues to remain depressed.


Taehyung is so bloody cute 

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