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((Taehyungs POV))

Since I didn't know where Y/n went off to, I just waited at home for her to come back but what was weird is that her car that I gave her was still here, hmm...weird.


'Finally she's here' I breathe out and quickly wish to the door "Y/n where did-" I stop as I am surprised it wasn't her "APPA!" Ruby screams out as me and I smile instantly but that fades away when I see who is hold her "Oh Dianne, it's you" "May I come in?" "Yeah yeah" I step aside allowing her and Ruby to come in

 "Why are you so early?" I follow them into the living room after I lock the door "Is there a problem?" "No" I say quickly rubbing my sweaty hands on my bottoms "Why would there be?" "Okay" She gives me a weird look and I breathe out as I was now stressing out "Erm Dianne I am going to go and work upstairs, so you can take care of Ruby" "So your letting me stay?" She says excited and I close my eyes "What?" "Please?" I open my eyes and nod "Yeah whatever" Is the last thing I said as I rushed upstairs 

((Some hours later))
"Come in?" I'm guessing it was Dianne who was knocking and I was right when I see her walk in slowly "What do you want?" She comes over to where I am and sits right next to me "What?" She closes my laptop and puts her hand on my knew but I jerk up and move away 

"What are you doing?" I give her confused look as she moves closer "Taehyung I miss us" "I don't" I snap at her in disgust as I remember all the memories of her leaving me to care for Ruby on my own "Let's go back to the good old days" "You know I loved you, I really did, no one messed it up that was all you, so think you can come crawling back and thing I'd accept you, I only let Ruby see you so she knows how shit her mother really is" I knew I hit a soft spot but thats what I was intending on doing so she could dislike me like I disliked her. With no repose I looked away from her 

"Where is Ruby?" "Sleeping" She gets on her knees and holds me face "Please" "Diane you need to learn how to move on, I have moved on so you should as well" I push her off and stand up "I've got a girlfriend so don't ever do that again" I stated out in the open and her head snaps up to me "Yeah, a girlfriend" "She will never be as good as me Taehyung" I look down as my jaw clenches "You know what get out my house come back tomorrow" "But Tae-" "Leave!" I shout and she jumps up running out of my room

((Your POV))

I poked my tongue on my inner cheek not knowing what to say "Erm...." "Y/n?" "....err....mmm" "Y/n it's okay" They try to calm me down and I breathe out staring directly into Minho's eyes  "....Y-Yeah..." My mum sighed and a smile plastered on both my parents and for Minhos face was well the -I-knew-it face "Aigoo my baby❤️😩" My mum hugs me so tight I couldn't even breathe "MUM Y/N's BABY!" Minho shouts and she let go of me "Y/n stay for one more week so I can take care of you, I'll tell Taehyung" My mum said and I looked at her confused "Taehyung?" "Oh yeah Taehyung called, he was asking for you and as a matter of fact I did tell him you wasn't here but he was confused at first, I don't even know why it's like he didn't know but so was I haha, I'll tell him I found you" "Oh" "Y/n, he has your phone" My mum says as she picks up her phone "Yeah I know" "Do not want to talk to him" "....I guess..." "Here is my phone" She puts the phone in my hand "...Honey Minho lets give her some privacy" They walk up the stares and she holds me hands "Tell him" And she walks upstairs as well 

Taehyung: Hello Mrs y/m/n

You: ...Taehyung: hello?You: HelloTaehyung:Hello Mrs y/m/n?You:...Taehyung:...You:...Taehyung: How are you?You:... ('I'm not ready to talk to him yet')-end call-

((Authors POV))

You ended it '...' You really didn't know what to say "MUM!" "Yes honey?" "Here is your phone thanks" "No problem did you manage to talk to him?" "Who?" "Taehyung of course who else" I didn't reply and just ran upstairs and shut my room door 

((Your mums POV))

Y/n has been acting funny maybe I should go and talk to her. I was about to go upstairs but then my phone rang
Your mum: Hello?
Taehyung: Hello Mrs y/m/n
Your mum: ah Taehyung
Taehyung: *Sly chuckle*
Your mum: Did you manage to talk to y/n?
Taehyung: What? No I didn't she didn't call me, I have her phone
Your mum: She said she called you just now, that's weird
Taehyung: When?
Your mum: Just now
Taehyung: I thought that was you
Your mum: no
Taehyung: Yeah so when is she coming back
Your mum: She decided she wanted to stay for 1 more weeks so don't worry
Taehyung: 1WEEK?!?
Your mum: Yes is there a problem?
Taehyung: it's been so long, I haven't seen her for 1 week
Your mum: Why don't you come?
Taehyung: She probably doesn't want to see me
Your mum: Are you sure she loves that's why she is carrying-
'Am I supposed to tell him or does he know'
Taehyung: Carrying what?
Your mum: H-Her water yeah her water
Taehyung: O-Okay
Your mum: Taehyung I'll see you in 1 weeks then?
Taehyung: yeah I guess
Your mum: Bye honey
-end call-

((Your room))

((Your POV))*Knock*

"Come in" my my entered "Hi Mum" "Y/n we need to talk" she sat down next to you "What the deal with you and Taehyung" "What do you mean?" "Come on Y/n you know what I mean" I sighed 'She always knows when something is bothering me' "Nothing" "Is that why you 'called' Taehyung?" I rubbed my lips together "It didn't work" "But you have called him back" "I could have" "Call him now but this time I'll be here okay?" "I don't feel like talking to him" "If you don't tell me your going to his house tonight" I widened my eyes and looked at her "Fine fine" "Spill" "Well I just thought that he didn't love me" "Why" she narrowed her eyebrows "Well his ex was coming but he never told me and...I don't know...I thought he didn't even trust me and I even asked him...and still he didn't tell me...so I needed time and so did he..." "Are you sure you asked him?" "Well not exactly " "Y/n grow up, when you get home you have to tell him and ask him you need to talk to have a good relationship" I nodded my head my mum was right I need to ask him whether I like it or not "Thanks Mum" She stood up "Did you tell him" "About what?" "The baby" I smiled nervously "What baby?" I said sarcastically "Y/n did you tell him?" "..No.." "When are you planning on telling him?" I shrugged my shoulders "Never" "Seriously" you looked up at her "I don't know" "Well it better be soon" "Fine Mum" "Good"

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