Thanks, bye

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((Taehyung POV))

I need to get cash quickly, I needed to pay for Jimin back asap and I used my last cash to buy y/n stuff.  While I was walking I see my ex wife, I stop in my tracks as she comes over to me 

"Taehyung ah" I step back still looking at every movement she makes "What?" I clench my jaw "Why are you give me attitude" She asks pretending to be confused "Why am I giving you attitude? Talking from the one that CHEATED ON ME" I raise my voice at her "I didn't mean it! It was a mistake" She screams at me and I scoff at her disloyalty "Tae....Erm...I'm pregnant" I look at her surprised "What do you mean?" I stutter "It's yours" "How do you know?" "I went to the hospital and did a blood test" I actually can't believe it I'm going to have a child but I don't want this slut to be the mother "Without me" "Yeah without you" "So?" I ask her "So can I come over to your house until I have the child and then I'll leave" I just can't leave her on the streets with my child in her "....Fine" She jumps for joy "But you have to come tomorrow " I add quickly shutting down her party "Why?" She stops and asks "So you don't want to come?" I ask her "Fine I'll go and pack my stuff" and with that she walked away, I was standing there but then I remembering y/n I run to the cashpoint and back to the car 


When I get there I went to y/n side, opened the door and she was sleeping, I looked at her face 'Wow so beautiful how could I have rejected you' I leave a cheeky peck on her lips because I've been wanting to do that forever "Sorry Y/n" She moves around and I just stare at her, I couldn't resist, her lips are irresistible and then I went to the drivers side and drove to my house.

((Authors POV))

You wake up to someone calling your name, gradually you open your eyes and see Taehyung beside you "We are here" He says and gets out of side of the car, you get unpacking your stuff and also leave "When did you get in the car?" I rub my eyes looking at him "I'm sorry I made you wait long" I shake my head and look at the modern, luxurious  looking block in front of you "Where are we?" "My apartment" He says taking the bags out of your hand "Oh" This is the first time you are going to his house so your a little excited. 

He leads you inside greeting the security guard, he takes you to the top floor and it opens, he gets his keys and opens the door letting you go in first. You take off your shoes and he puts your bags down near you shoes. You then follow behind him. He leads you to the living room and you sat down on the coach "Want anything to drink?" He asks "Yeah can I have juice?" "Yeah sure" He went to the kitchen to get you some juice and soon came out and gave you the glass of juice "Thanks" "No problem" 

He switches on the TV, he's acting like its happy days and we are actually best friends, its weird behaviour but I don't press on, as he is scrolling your favourite program comes on and you get excited nearly choking on the juice "Omg please leave it here Tae!" He looks at you a bit then aback "Tae?" "Oh sorry" "Don't be" You could feel your face heating up and you look to the side so he doesn't see it

'Why is it suddenly so hot in here?'

 "You like this aswell?" You asks him "Love it" He says still focused on the screen 'Well I shouldn't be watching this without Lisa but oh well' "I don't mind if you call me Tae" He says randomly and you look at him confused and nod as we continue to watch the show  

((1 hour and a half later))

The show ended and you look at Taehyung who was on his phone, he looks up to you. Out of nowhere he gets up and comes to sit next to me, he turns his body to me and looks at me again, he tucks a loose stand of hair behind you ear and you was just staring at him, you lean back onto the couch and shut your eyes trying to block any feelings from evoking 

"Taehyung-" you get cut off as the doorbell rings "Y/n continue" He says trying not to break this moment "But your doorbell?" "Can you please get it quickly" You nod and get up and go open the door. Once it is opened, you find a slim looking girl  "Who are you?" You ask her politely 

"Excuse me I should be asking who you are" She suddenly snaps at you "Me?" "Do you not know who I am? Didn't my tae tae tell you about me?" You look at her confused, scrunching your eyebrows 

"Your tae tae?" "Yes! Duh I am his wife" You looked at her shocked "Oh I was about to go" You said putting on your shoes "Please tell him he won't see me again I quit" "Oh your his maid okay I will tell him" She says and you look at her confused but nod you head slowly. After wearing your shoes you take your bags and leave the apartment

You keep walking not knowing where you're going or where you was 

Luckily you find a bus stop and wait there 'He had a wife all this time? So he was just playing me? Again? Man I always fall for his traps but not anymore I'll be gone soon anyway I'll try my best to forget all about him'  You thought and soon a bus came and you got on hoping it could take you to a train station.


Its deep

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