Long Lost Love

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((Still Lisa's POV//Home))

I got home and found Mark sitting on the coach watching TV "Babe where were you?" He get upend comes to me "Erm I went to go find Y/n boyfriend" He looked at me and tilts his head "Y/n Y/n?" I nod "Why?" "I just needed to tell him y/n told me to tell him don't worry" "Couldn't she just call him?" "She doesn't have his number" "Oh okay" "I need to go and call y/n so I'll got upstairs first" "okay, I'll make dinner" He pecks my lips and I rush upstairs to call her

((Phone call))

Y/n: LISA!

Lisa: Y/N I miss youuuuu

Y/n: I miss you too, how is everyone?

Lisa: Good how is America?

Y/n: It's soo good but so much hard work though

Lisa: Good, so y/n I need to tell you something

Y/n: What happened?

Lisa: Nothing it's just that women you saw at Taehyungs-

Y/n: Why are you taking about Taehyung ?

She laughs over the phone as if I were joking

Lisa: I just really need to tell you this

Y/n: *sigh* Can't it wait? I don't really want to talk about him whilst I'm out here trying to find a job, house everything 

Lisa: Wait Y/n, that women wasn't his wife

Y/n: Really? What women

Lisa: The one at his apartment the one you was telling me called herself his wife

Y/n: Oh *Phone starts to crack*

Lisa: Yeah and don't freak out but he is going to have a child with her though

Y/n: What did you say Lisa? I can't hear you it's cracking

Lisa: He is going to have a child with her *I sigh out that I finally told her*

Y/n: I'll call you back later I actually cannot hear you love you bye bye

((End call))

The most important thing she needed to know she doesn't even know 'Why?' I smack my head 'I should have just said it first' Dammit I sighed she'll be okay with it...The baby?.....Right?

[[A/N; sorry i cant let my future man have a child looool]]

((2 years later))

America has been really good, I have managed to meet new people. Sometimes it could get tough, but it's good overall. There is a problem I have decided that I am just going to stay in America forever. Reason? Because one, I haven't even forgotten about my first love, that's not to be mentioned and two, there is a job in Los Angeles that I can take on which earns me good pay and I will also get to work as a well educated business woman.

So today was my last day in university and I ammoving tomorrow so right now I am just packing the last things in my apartment. Luckily I found a perfect condo for myself which had a backyard and a garage. Even though I don't have a car YET I need lots of room and the best part is that only elderly people live on that street so it would be nice and quite to get on with work.

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