Meet ups

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Authors POV~

(5 months later)

You were attending your new school for a while now and it was actually much better than your old school everyone was much more nicer and people accepted you for who you are. And even Lisa, yeah that nice girl you met on your first day, well now she is your Bestfriend and you both do everything and anything together, one day you desire to be as pretty as your Bestfriend, what a great friend she is.

(Your POV, Your house)

Me and lisa was in you living room we just came back from school and was now watching a movie, you could say it was, fairly interesting but it wasn't that bad, but then Lisa interrupted my wild thoughts by pausing the TV "Y/n I know you hate parties...." She goes on knowing what my reply would be "What is it?" "...but will you please come with me to my friends party" "Another party?" I groan "Please" Lisa begged "What kind of party?" "It's a swimming party" "No" 

I immediately say and turn the other way "But-" "No" I repeated myself, you would hate to even see myself in a bikini "Please Y/n" "A swimming party? Are kidding me mate? nahhh" I say and scoff 

"You owe me" That's true she did save you a lot of times through many things, you thought about it for a while and sighed "What will i get out of this?" You asked "Well... it's another memory right?" She said in a persuading tone. I thought about it again 'It's true it is another memory..urge whatever fine' "Okay I'll go with you" and just agreed and she jumped up and went crazy "MY BESTFRIEND IS COMING YEAH YEAH SHE IS COMING WOOP WOOP!" Lisa shouted happily "COME ON Y/N JOIN ME" You had no other choice so you got up and partied with her besides what else could you lose.


After all of your craziness was over with your Bestfriend you sat down breathless and asked her "When is it?" "Well.... it's tomorrow" "What? Tomorrow? I don't have any swimming wear, Lisa" you told her "Well I was wondering if you want to sleep at my house today plus I have tons of bikinis and you could wear a sexy outfit on top " you did want to go to her house because you forgot your favourite shorts there. So you nodded and went upstairs and packed some clothes, and exited and we took the bus and got to her house very quickly luckily there was no traffic so you arrived safely

When we got there all her maids were there, and they came to you and asked if we wanted anything "No I'm fine thank you" You have been to Lisa's house so many times you basically live here.Both of you went upstairs and messed around, like girls do, Soon after you and Lisa was done with your silliness, you went to bed.

(Next day)

You woke and sat up on the bed, rubbed your eyes but your eye caught something in the corner and you looked at it, you saw Lisa at her closet and bunch of bikinis and clothes on the floor "Lisa what are you doing?" "Oh y/n your awake" she came to you and threw a bunch of bikinis on you "Try these on" "Why?" "You need a bikini silly" "Oh right" you nodded and tried them on you weren't afraid to get naked on front of Lisa because you've seen her naked and so it was all good. You tried on a bunch and found the perfect one, it was a red bikini and the bottoms was high waisted showing all you curves. "Perfect! It's amazing! It's perfect!" Lisa said and we had fun and got ready for the party.


Up to this part everything is edited but this book is so trash sorry if you're reading it :(

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