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"...Errrr.." I scratched my head shyly "Y/n answer me" "Well..."I held on the my words which was evidently starting to annoy him 

"Hurry" "Y-Yeah" He sighs out rolling his eyes "And did you use protection?" 

'OMO! That's true, did we actually use protection?' My eyes widen as I literally scream at myself

'Minho's right but I'm not really sure' 

"Hello Y/n" Minho waved his hand infront of my face "Wh-What?" "Did you use protection?" He repeated his question "I-I don't know" "What do you mean you don't know?" 

'Shall I tell him I had a blindfold on so I couldn't see? Nah that would be so weird'

"I mean, yeah we did" I lied to him so he could stop stressing "You sure?" "..Yup.." I nodded my head in complete lies "O-Okay then you must have eaten really something bad, because you never throw up. Have a shower and get to bed. I'll come and check on you later, okay?" "Thanks oppa" He patted my head and went out of his room. I got up and had a bath which lasted for about an hour and then I went to lie down in bed and I thought about what Minho had said 

'Maybe I am pregnant. Wait that can't be. Taehyung doesn't want a child, Does he? Of course not he has Ruby . But if I do have a child would I want it? Yeah I do want a child and this would make my mum so happy. But am I ready? I mean I take care of Ruby but am I a good mother? Would I be a good mother? Wait am I pregnant?...'

((Taehyung POV))
(Earlier that day)

I was watching tv waiting for Y/n to get back so we could have breakfast but she didn't come back. Hours and minutes passed and she still wasn't back, so I decided to call Y/n cause I was getting bored *RING* I looked to the side and saw y/n left her phone with me 'Again?' I quickly put on my shoes and went to her house to check on her.

*Doorbell*No answer*Doorbell*No answer What's wrong with her is she still sleeping? She normally puts a spare key under her mat but it wasn't there 

'Hm? Weird'. 

She left all her stuff at my house so I quickly went back to see if she had left her key as well. Once I found the key to her house buried deep I went out and quickly ran straight in trying to find her

"Y/n?" She wasn't downstairs so I went to look in her room "Y/n?" She wasn't in her room but then I saw her drawers open and clothes missing "What the?" 

Did she leave me again? No no she couldn't but wait maybe she went to her mums house I'll call her Mum on her phone

-Phone call-
Taehyung: Hello Mrs Y/m/n
Your mum: Y/n?
Taehyung: No this is Taehyung
Your mum: Ahh Taehyung
Taehyung: Erm Mrs Y/m/n have you seen y/n or has she come to your house
Your mum: Oh no I haven't been home all day I don't think she's here she was supposed to come tomorrow with you...
Taehyung: Oh okay...well....
Your mum: Is everything okay?
Taehyung: I hope so
Your mum: so I'll see you tomorrow then?
Taehyung: Yes mrs Y/m/n
-end call-
That's weird if she not there and not here where could she have gone?

((Authors POV))

You woke up feeling sick again so you went to the bathroom before you could get there your brother came out of his room "Where are you going Y/n?" "To the toilet" "To throw up?" 

'He's pretty good at guessing' you thought. 

You just looked down and he continued "Are you're not pregnant" He came closer to you "No my tummy just- I mean head just hurts" He was about to feel your forehead but your held onto his wrist "I'm okay" "I'll go to the shop and get you medicine" "No no I can go myself" "No I'm going" He demanded "It's fine Minho besides I need some fresh air to like help my head...yeah?" "Err..O-Okay but wear a jacket don't want you getting more worse" You just giggled and left the house


You really didn't want to get medicine. All night you couldn't sleep because all you was thinking about is whether you was pregnant or not so you bought 2 pregnancy test-Just in case-
The shops wasn't really far from your parents house and whilst you was walking something came into your mind 

'Ruby! Ohhh Ruby my baby😞I miss her so much! When she used calls me omma and unnie ohh Ruby💗 but now her mum has come back😞Will she call me omma? Will she remember me? Will we have cuddles and laugh together? Will it be the same?'

'How can this be?' You reached home and you rushed to the toilet to check and guess what Postive😒
You were definitely pregnant. What will Taehyung think? Would he want it?'

((Minho POV))

I heard y/n come back and she ran somewhere I went to check but then I saw her coming out the toilet and shutting the door really quick "You okay?" "Yeah I'm okay why wouldn't I be" she said really quick to me which made me squint my eyes 

Something seemed suspicious because her voice was shaking as if she were scared. I wanted to go to the bathroom but she didn't move "Aren't you gonna move?" "...Can you get me water for my medicine?" She asked me "Where are your medicines?" "In the toilet" "Err o-okay" I need to find out what is bothering her because it is bothering me too. I went into the the kitchen and saw my mum and dad "Erm..Omma...appa" "Ahh Minho is everything okay?" "I need to talk to you" "Yes?" "....I...think... Y/"

"PREGNANT!?!...Pregant?" "Are you sure?" "Well...I'm not 100% sure but she's being having morning sickness for the past 2 days she's been here and she doesn't even eat that much so..." "hmm..." My father said stroking his beard "But how could this be" My mum said. I could tell my dad was very confused but my mum being my mum, she was so happy 

"Y/N!" My dad shouted and my mum turns to her "SHE'S HERE?!" She says surprised "What are your doing" I asked him "Let's ask her" "..." "Y/N!" He shouts again and my mum is still surprised "YES?" "Come here please" she came into the kitchen "Yes omma appa?" "I am going to ask you something and I want you to be truthful with me okay?" "O-Okay" "Y/n....are you...are you...somehow...pregnant?" 

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