Things Just Never Change

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((Taehyung's POV))

'I let her go again, how can that be y/n?' I ask myself so shocked trying to analyse the whole situation again. 

She looks so different in all the right ways, how could I have called her a freak? I should have just given her a chance, wow I'm the freak, I regret a lot of things and she is surely one, 

'Wait why am I thinking about her? FUCK I NEED TO MOVE ON' I slapped myself and continued on with the party but I can never seem to get Y/n out of my mind, why do I seem so attached and thinking of her when I have a girlfriend now

Natalia!!! Remember her, as soon as Y/n disappeared from school I got the best looking girl in our school and I couldn't be much happier, I try and convince myself.

((Authors POV))

After that party you and Lisa never really talked about it which was a good thing but she did meet this guy so that's all she's been talking about "Y/n you know Mark I love him so much" That's all she say has been talking about and you are so happy for her but you couldn't seem to get Taehyung out of your mind especially after that day but now all you want to do is focus on your studies. You have decided that you want to go to university in America for 2 years so your gonna go when you finish college, you have told Lisa and your parents and they are okay about it. But you are also going there to forget about Taehyung forever and move on from your broken heart.

((2 years later))

You have now finished university, 'It's about time' you thought thinking about all the work you had to do. 

Now you was in the mall, shopping for some new clothes, Lisa couldn't come because she wanted to go on a date with her boyfriend so now your a lonely women 'but who cares' you thought as you walk from shop to shop. 

You saw adidas and you walked into the shoe shop in hope to find the perfect shoes, about 10 minutes later you find the perfect pair of a superstars. You went to queue up and as soon as you got to the checkout, you was looking in your bag for your purse and as you took your card out, you look up and see cash in a hand you looked behind you for the owner of the hand and you see him.... 

"T-Taehyung?" You say so shocked and drop your card and purse onto the floor "I'll pay for this"He says in his new husky voice and I shudder "No it's fine I have money" You try and push his hand away but he was too strong "Here" he gave the cashier his money and once he paid he took your bag and grabbed your wrist towards the parking lot, you were actually happy you found Taehyung again you wanted to talk to him so you didn't fight back, he paid for his ticket and looked at you and threw his keys to you, luckily you caught them in time 

"My car is there" He points to his car and you turn around to look in the direction he was pointing in "Go and sit, I need to get some cash just sit in my car I'll be right back" Then with that he walks away and you walk to his car,  open it, sit down. You look around in his white Jaguar, it looks so expensive, you didn't want to break anything even though there wasn't anything break, it smells like a new car you breathe in and out and look to the back where you see a car seat but you shrug is off. He took pretty long and clearly you couldn't wait any longer so you dozed off.


im so sick of that fake love

Freak! || TaehyungXReader *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now