Mother Dearest

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((Your POV))

You woke because your phone was ringing near your ear, so loud you opened your eyes to see who it was and it was your one and only mother. You felt the urge to decline it but you felt bad so you picked it up

You: What?

Your mum: A hello would be nice

You: Hello! what?

Your mum: Don't you give me attitude young lady

You: Yeah okay okay, sorry mum

Your mum: Where are you?

You:At home ...why?

Your mum: What are you doing?

You: Sleeping, well was sleeping, why?

Your mum: Sleeping? At this time what is wrong with you y/n

You: (You looked at the time and saw that in fact it was 05:35pm) damn it's so late

Your mum: Y/n when are you coming with your boyfriend?

You: What boyfriend?

Your mum: What do you mean? What about Taehyung?  Don't tell me you broke it off with him already

You: Oh yeah about that...erm next week?

Your mum: okay I'll make sure to prepare a bedroom for you and now get out of bed and get a job young women

You: Yeah yeah okay

Your mum: I need to go now I'll see you next week bye love

You: Bye-

(She cut it again-how rude)-

'it's so late my dates in 2 hours and I look like flipping mess gosh' I quickly got up and went to have a shower

((20 minutes later))

Literally the time was going so fast just a minute ago I had 2 hours and now I only have 45 minutes wtf

I finally got ready and you looked at the time 0805 'shit I'm late' I quickly put on your shoes and ran out the house 'Wait he lives right next to me😹' 

I went to his door and rang the doorbell, I waited there for a few minutes but no one was answering so I decided to knock but I got so angry so I pretended to push the door but it magically just opened 

'Does Taehyung just leave his door open to everyone?'  I push the door further and took of my shoes, put you bag down and went into the living room.

When I got to the living room I saw petals on the floor going upstairs, I put my phone on the coach and followed the petals going up

The petals led you upstairs to his room and when I opened it, everything looked so romantic, I stepped in further and saw the bed it had champagne with 2 wine glasses and a note and a black blindfold. You picked up the note and it read


Put on the the blindfold and don't say anything|

That's all it said, nothing more nothing less so I picked up the blindfold and tied it around my eyes and stood there dumbfounded.

Freak! || TaehyungXReader *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now