Second Times A Charm

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(07:34 pm)

"Y/n! Let's go!!" Lisa yelled "I'm coming wait!" You shouted back and went downstairs "Woah! who are you?" Lisa asked you. You knew you looked different, you wore makeup and really revealing clothes and you felt very uncomfortable but you are doing this for Lisa "Does it look that bad I can change if you want?" "No no no this is good" she said pulling you arm to come down the stairs fully, Lisa called the cab and soon it finally came and now you were off to the the party 'Hopefully it will be alright' You thought to yourself


We got to the party and you could hear the loud music coming from the big mansion, me and Lisa walk inside to find only drunken and loads of teenagers all around us dancing and doing what most people do. 

Most of the boys were checking us out and whistling to us but we just ignored them and I continued to follow Lisa's lead praying she knows where she is going. 

Both of us got to the backyard, and a bunch of girls approach us "Hello Lisa" One girl says ""Hi girlies" Lisa says to them and they all smile even though I didn't know them, I still smile "Who's your friend?" Another girl asks randomly and Lisa puts her arm around me "Oh her she my Bestfriend y/n" I bow to them and wave "Hello y/n" "Nice to meet you" I reply "Wow you two look so sexy, do you have a man" Another girl in the groups asks "Us?" I ask to see who she is referring to.

"Yeah obviously, silly" The girl says "Thanks girls" Lisa says for me and she takes my hand and pulls me to the swimming pool. We take off our clothes and went into the pool and started swimming around and messing about. soon I got tired, due to lack of sleep I've had, so I decide to sit at the edge of the pool but Lisa wasn't tired so she continued to play around with some random people. 

I saw a boy swimming to my direction but I didn't pay attention to it until he came on front of me however he was still in the pool he took my hand and kissed it "Name's Taehyung but you can call me Tae" 

'Wait hold up?' I look clearly at the boy directly in front of me and I jump back when I realise who it is 

Taehyung he's right here, flirting with me. WITH ME?! 

'What shall I do you?' I thought to myself, I don't want to look like a mess I get so nervous around him, even after everything he has done, even after ask the humiliation he had thrown upon me I still like him, a lot intact.  

"What's your name?" He asked knocking me out of my thoughts "M-mine?" I stutter internally hitting my forehead a couple times "Yes beautiful" He slurs his words to make him see more flirty

"That's for me to know and you to find out" I say and get out of the pool fully walking over to the bar but somehow I knew he followed right along with me "I see playing hard to get" He says over the music behind me making me scoff. Once I get to the bar I ask the bartender for some whiskey and he gets on with it  "I'll buy that for you" He says laying down a stack of cash "Thanks" I say to him and take the cup getting at far away from him as possible.




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