Month Goes

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1 month has gone past so quickly, you still have been getting morning sickness but not as bad as your first few days. You have grown a little baby bump and now it is visible for everyone to see, so you have avoided going home to see him but one day eventually you would have to go back and that day was today.

You was in your room packing all your clothes and your mum called you "Y/N!" She came into your room and gave you the phone saying Taehyung wanted to speak to you 

I sighed taking the phone and bringing it to my ears 

"Hello Y/n?" I hear Taehyung say "...." "Hello? Y/n?" "I'm here Tae" "Are you okay Y/n?" "..Yeah.." "Ruby has missed you!"My heart pounds hearing her name "I missed her too" "I miss you" "...same..." "Are you really mad at me?" "" "Why did you leave me then?" "I thought you didn't want to come" "Why?" I actually didn't know what to say, why did I really leave him?

"Because you was busy?" "Doing what?" He asks me pleading me to explain "I-I don't know" "You didn't even call me?" "You have my phone" "Your mums phone?" He said putting out another point "I was busy" "Doing what Y/n?" "...." "Okay, I am not going to pressure you or anything, we will get passed it, okay? I'm coming to pick you up" "Can you pick me up tomorrow? I kinda feel a little sick" "Your still feeling sick?" "...I guess" "After a month? Still?" "Yeah" "I'll take you to the hospital to get you checked" "I'm fine Tae" The line goes quiet for a second and I bite my lip "You sure?" "Yes" "Okay first thing tomorrow I'll pick you up, Okay?" "Yeah okay" "I love you Y/n" At first you was hesitant to reply but you decided to just say it "...I love you too Tae...bye" "See you" I couldn't lie it did feel good hearing Taehyung's voice again because you had missed it so much so you couldn't imagine how he was feeling 

I needed to stop pushing him away 

((Next morning))

"Y/N! Your boyfriends here!" I groaned and got out of bed "Y/N!" Minho shouts again "IM COMING!" I get up and take my bags walking down the stairs slowly 

As I reach the bottom stair i see my mum standing at Taehyung's car because she left the door wide open, it looked like they were talking. Once I get to the car they stop talking and he quickly gets out and comes towards me

Taehyungs POV~

"Taehyung this is the first time I'm seeing you no wonder my daughter has fallen for you, you're so handsome" Y/n's mum pinched my cheeks and I smiled at her kind remark "I can't wait for y/n to have babies with you they would be so beautiful"

 [A/N ooo your mum be dropping hints😂] 

"Thank you Mrs Y/m/n" 

"I'm sure you're taking care of her" "Of course Mrs Y/m/n" "I bet you have missed her" "Too much" I smile at her and she also smiles back "So how have you been doing?" Before I could answer the question I saw someone coming out from the door, it was Y/n oh god I have missed her so much "Here she comes" We stop talking and I quickly get out of the door and make my way towards her to give her a hug

Your POV~

He hugs me and I accidentally drop a bag as I hug him bag hard like he does "I've missed you so much, Ruby has missed you" Tears start to come down my face and I quickly wipe them "Stupid hormones" "Hormones?" He pushes off my confused "Just feeling emotional lately" I say and he nods clearly confused still but pushing it away

"Bye Minho!" I scream as I see him standing at the door "Bye sis" He waves at me as Taehyung puts all my stuff in the trunk  "Bye Y/n" Mum says as she engulfs me in a big hug "Bye Mum" "Don't forget to tell him" She whispers in my ear and I swallow nodding at her "Get in Y/n" I got in and sat in the passengers seat looking at her "See you Taehyung take care of my baby and my baby" Taehyung looks at me then my mum confused as my eyes widen "Okay mum, bye" I hear him chuckle meaning he didn't even realise what she had said

Or maybe he did know but he was acting like he didn't....

"Y/n I missed you so much" he put his hand on my thigh and started stroking it up and down "Yeah me too".

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