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((Your house))

I didn't know whether I should've gone straight to Taehyung's house or not but I decided that it's my duty to take car of Ruby and make her happy so I decided to bring her over to my house because she got chocolate all over my top and I'm just gonna use it as a excuse to avoid Taehyung and I had to change

((Authors POV))

After the phone call you saw Ruby sluggishly walking to you and you could see she was tired "Unnie I'm hungry" "Do you want ice cream?" Her eyes lightened straight away and she nodded her head "Yes pwease" you smiled and took her hand and went to the ice cream shop

(Ice cream shop)

You didn't really want ice cream so you bought her chocolate ice cream and you sat her down in the bench and you sat down opposites from her.

(10 minutes later)

Her ice cream melted but for some reason she hasn't seemed to notice that because she is still eating well drinking it and it was going all over her and her uniform, luckily today was Friday. She suddenly stopped and looked you "Is there a problem?" She nodded her head "What's up?" She pushed her ice cream off the table and climbed over and sat on your lap "Unnie?" "Yes?" , "Where is my mom?" You looked at her confused "wh-what do you mean?" She shrugged her shoulders "Do you not live with your mum?" She shook her head. You honestly didn't know what to say so you picked her up and said "We have to go home your appa is making you food" "but-" you quickly shut her up by wiping her mouth with a tissue "Kaja" You put your hand out and she nodded and took your hand.

((Your house)

You didn't know whether you should go straight to taehyungs house or not but you decided that you should just bring Ruby over to your house because she got chocolate all over your top and you had to change

((Your house))

I didn't know whether I should've gone straight to Taehyung's house or not but I decided that it's my duty to take car of Ruby and make her happy so I decided to bring her over to my house because she got chocolate all over my top and I'm just gonna use it as a excuse to avoid Taehyung and I had to change

((10 minutes later))

I left Ruby downstairs to watch her peppa pig and I quickly got changed into a white mesh top and ripped black jeans and went downstairs "Ruby we need to go" She didn't even look at me nor did she reply 

"Ruby?" Again no answer so I got the remote and turned it off and she shot her head up and looked at me "Unnie?" "Ruby we need to go" She made a sad face and she made me feel so bad "You daddy wants you baby" "Okay" She jumps of the couch, and puts her shoes on and opens the door 

"How did you reach the door?" I question her in astonishment and she shrugs "I don't know unnie" "You surprise me sometimes Ruby" She giggles and hiccups "Let's go Unnie!" She holds my hand and pulls me away "You don't even know where we are going" I say to her "I know" She replies "You know for a 4 year old you know how to talk a lot Ruby" I tell her "Where are we going then" She stops and asks me "To your appas house" I pick her up and start to walk over to Taehyungs house


I pressed the door bell and stepped back with Ruby still in my hands waiting for Taehyung to answer the door "Oh you're finally here!" "Appa!" Ruby shouts and I give her to Taehyung and they both walk into the house "My big baby I missed you so much" I smile at their interaction "Y/n come in" I snap out of what I was thinking about and step inside taking off my shoes and walking to the dining room and sitting down on the chair opposite Taehyung 

"Thanks Tae, you really didn't have to do all this" "No problem, baby"He takes a spoon out of his food and then takes a tissue to wipe Ruby's mouth

'baby?!! He called me that again wtf taehyung?!?' 

I tried not to focus on the reference so I kept eating "So did you call your mum?" Taehyung breaks the silence and I nod "Oh yeah, thanks" "What she say?" "She was moving to America near us and she wanted me to visit her with my 'boyfriend' " I make the signs with my fingers and suspiciously look at him as he smiles nervously "Oh...sorry about that" I chuckle and roll my eyes "It's fine"

"Appa!" Ruby shouts out of nowhere "Yes baby?" He turns to her immediately which makes me swoon "Can I ask you something?" "Go ahead baby" "Well I wanted to know, where is my eomma?" I look up at Ruby in shock then at Taehyung waiting for his answer too

He smiles at her and pushes her little hairs back but I was very confused because she was too young to know what happened and it was weird because she was asking these kinds of questions "Why baby?" "Some girls at school were teasing me saying I only have you and no one else" "Are you upset" "No I just want a mummy" "What do mean Ruby? She's right there" Taehyung points and I look to where he was pointing and realising it was me made me have a fit of coughs and I literally couldn't breathe "M-me?-" *cough* "What-" *cough* "Do you-" *cough* "M-mean?" *doublecough* "Are you okay Y/n?" I couldn't say my whole sentence properly so I got up and rushed to the kitchen to grab some water "I need water I'll be right back" "But waters right here" Taehyung says from behind me but I still run away

I knew there was water but I needed to breath, he just threw that on me and honestly that surprised me more than the question she even asked


I want a baby like Ruby tanks

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