Head Office

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aw happy tears :')

((Your POV))

He looked at me and stood up straight away when he realised who I was and pulled me into a hug

"Y/n i-is this r-really you?"He stuttered as he was shaking against me "Ye-" before I could finish my sentence a little girl came running in "Appa! I want to sleep! when are you coming back?" She said in a baby voice rubbing her eyes

Taehyung let go of me and went to her "Y-you have a child now?" I asked surprised when he picked her up "Yeah, her name is Ruby" He smiled and started rocking her

I went behind Taehyung and looked at the little girl "Hey Ruby" She opens her eyes and looks at me and starts to whine that she wanted me to hold her

She quickly wrapped her arms around my neck making me nearly fall to the ground with the impact on how she grabbed me

"Unnie I'm tired" She said so politely "Sleep Honey" I said and and rubbed her back "I'm going to put her to bed" Taehyung said "Ahh don't worry" I say not wanting to let her go "No no please" "But Tae she is still probably tired just put her in the coach for now then when she sleeps you can take her" He looks at me and nods smiling "Okay" We both went to the dining room and sat down opposite each other "So how are you?" He asks me, breaking the silence and I gently put Ruby in another position so she is comfortable

"I'm good you?" I reply finally looking at him "Fine" He replies awkwardly "...." "Why did you leave?" He suddenly bursts out with so much emotion laced around it "Huh?" "Korea.. Why did you leave Korea?" I thought about whether I should say it was because of him but then I thought it wasn't a good time to come clean

"Well...erm...-" "Was it because of me?" I look at him surprised "Why would you think that?" I asked him shocked at his sudden remark "Lisa told me" He says and looks down

'OMG I need to call Lisa!' My thoughts buzz as I mentally slap myself

"Lisa told you that? It's not you, don't worry" "Okay but I just want to know one thing" "Yeah?" "Do you still like me?"

'Do I still like him? Yes!'

"Taehyu-" "It's fine, I figured you wouldn't since you know...I got a kid and all" He smiles at me and I tightly smile back "I like her" I whisper "I like her too" He replies, whispering aswell "Want some juice?" I ask him not trying to make an awkward moment "Yeah, why not"

((30 minutes later))

I look up at the time 00:34 'Omg it's so late'

I patted Taehyung and told him to look at the time "Thank you, I'll see you tomorrow, neighbour?" I chuckle as he gets up carrying Ruby gently and I wave to him trying to not make noise that would wake her up

"Thank you for taking care of her Y/n" I smile to myself as Tae slips out the back to his house

and they both left.

I quickly get up clearing everything, once that was done I got changed into my nightwear remembering I had a meeting the next day, so I went to lay in bed 'Taehyung? How is he here? But wait... He has a child now? But when? She's so cute though! How I wish I was his wife, lucky her, I guess lucks not for everyone' I was so clouded in thoughts I didn't even know when I went to sleep

((Next day))

I woke up and stretched but stopped midway when I realised that I had an interview for my new job was at 10:00am.

When I looked at the clock I jumped as I woke up so late 09:24 'Shit!' I quickly called the cab and got dressed


I got there super late and rushed out of the cab but before I entered I wiped off all the sweat on my face, I quickly walked in and asked someone where the head office was and she pointed at the door in front of me and I headed there as quickly as possible

'I am never going to get hired look how late I am'

I went to where I was directed and knocked, no answer, I knocked again, no answer, so I decided to opened it assuming there was nobody inside.

Once I opened the door I saw a women and a man, I couldn't really see their faces as the women head was blocking the mans and she was facing away from me

*cough* I fake cough and the women and the man turn to look up at you surprised

"Y/n?" I look up at the man and saw Taehyung "Yeah?" I ask so shocked to see him there especially looking all sexy in his suit

"Isabelle please leave" he said in a powerful voice which even made me shiver "But sir-" "Please Isabelle" ..She left and when she closed the door he pulled his chair back and walked over to where I was standing

I looked down and started playing with my fingers as I didn't know what to do in this situation as I didn't realise I'd see him to early. "Baby what are you doing here?" He says coming closer to you "Baby?" I look up suddenly "Oh yeah sorry I forgot we are not together anymore" He face palms himself and I look at him confused "Were we ever together?" He just ignores my question and I just smile up at him nervously

"Yeah...so I came for a job interview and when I asked the women where the head office was she said it was here" "Oh your here for the interview" "Yeah, why do you see so surprised" My voice cracks andI shut my eyes

"How comes your late?" "..." I didn't reply as I didn't want to tell him the real reason "Do you know how to work as a business women?" "...Not really but I want to learn" "You're hired" I look at him confused "Huh?" He came closer, looked into my eyes and tucked my stands of hair behind my ear "Sorry Y/n" I shake my head and tuck the rest of my hair behind my ear "It's fine, but remember Tae you have a wife" I told him but he looked into my eyes confused "Y/n I don't-" I cut him off trying to avoid rejection again "It's okay"

"Okay?..Erm... so what I was saying, was that your hired" "Thank you so when shall I start?" "Next week?" 'cool I have a week off' "Yeah that's fine thanks" "No problem" "Oh and can I please pick Ruby from school?" I ask him hoping he would say yes as I really do love her so much

He smiles and was about to hug me but I put my hand on his chest pushing him off "I know what school she goes to. I'll be going now bye" I open the door but he shuts it straight away *Bang* and turns me around pinning to to the door

"Where are you going?" He said in a husky voice and I start to breathe heavily with our proximity "I-I w-was about to p-pick up Ruby" "At this time?" He glances at the clock and I also look "Well-" I was stopped because he pulled my shirt down and sucked into my neck leaving a hickey for sure "T-Taehyung s-stop please" I tried my best not to moan, even though it felt really good, I tried to push him off but he was too strong "Someone is already picking her up today for me thanks for the help though"

'Why do I even try?'

He lifted his head up and leaned in closer to kiss me but luckily my began to ring so i looked down to see who it was, I picked it up and put it to my ear quickly arranging my shirt as Taehying moves a bit away from me

"Y/n this is Lisa I need to tell you something I keep forgetting to tell you" "What is it?" "You know Taehyung-" before she could finish what she was going to say, Taehyung grabbed my phone and put it to his ear "Hello!" I wanted to get my phone back but I realise that this is the perfect time to escape from his hold so I decided to leave my phone and run out of the bundling quickly hailing a cab



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