Get off my back

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I went out the room to find the toilet, and it wasn't even that hard to find. As I was sat on the toilet I started to feel a bit nauseas, like my stomach was cramping up and my head was feeling dizzy. I stood up to go and wash my hand but all that came out was throw up and I had to turn around to make sure it went into the toilet. 

I couldn't control it and for the first time in my life I was powerless, a few minutes went past and I could feel a pair of hand pull all my hair back from my face into a ponytail and crouching right next to me. Finally it stopped and I lifted my head as I could taste the unpleasant taste in my mouth "Did I wake you? sorry" I say slowly as I see Taehyung pitiful face at me "Are you okay Y/n?" "I'm fine, go back to bed Tae" "That's not what matters now. Are you okay? You threw up so early in the morning?" "I think I'm fine, I must have just have eaten something that wasn't good" "Was my cooking that bad?" He says and I giggle "It's fine" "But are you sure your fine?" "I'm fine  again, thanks Tae" "Get on my back" He says standing up and bending over and I just look at him "Too tired for that" I say slowly trying to build strength to stand up "Just get on my back" He whines and I roll my eyes "I don't think speeding my legs across your back will help the pain I'm going through right now" I say in pain "Do your legs hurt you?" "Well nah" I say sarcastically "Stop playing around Y/n" "Yes, but I can walk" "No you cannot" He turns around and picks me up bridal style carrying me to the room and placing me on the bed "Thanks" I whisper and he sits next to me intertwining our hands together 

All of a sudden I gasped and cover my mouth "OMG!" "What?!? What?!?" "WHERE IS RUBY?" "Oh my scared me I thought it was something serious" He said relieved and I smack his arm "What do you mean this is serious where is she?" "She's at her mums house" Hearing that broke my heart into a million pieces but I tried not to show that I was hurt "H-Her mum?" "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you her mum came, it wasn't that big of a deal, I did try to get her away but she is Ruby's mum after all" I nod my head but I was still so heartbroken "Anyway enough about Ruby, sleep now" Taehyung says petting my head slowly "K" I turned so I wasn't facing him and a tear dropped but I quickly wiped it 

'It'll be fine right? Ruby will be fine right?'  I thought to yourself "Y/n I'm going to have a shower" I didn't reply,  and just shut eyes eyes pretending that I had fallen asleep already and he leaves

'How can I sleep when he said that? He asked me to be Ruby's mum but all of a sudden her real mum comes back? Wait does Ruby even know? Poor girl I miss her so damn much!'   I hear the door open and  quickly shut my eyes when you saw Taehyung, but then I opened your eyes again but not fully. I saw Taehyung, water dripping down from his hair and all over his abs I really wanted to open I eyes but I couldn't because I was 'Sleeping'

[A/N Guys imagine Taehyung and you in this position^^ OMG]

Taehyung took his other towel and stared drying his hair. He was interrupted because his phone rang he went to it and picked it up
Taehyung: What?
I could only hear his replies not what the other person on the other line
Taehyung: What happened to her?
Taehyung: Take care of Ruby and don't hurt her
Taehyung: You're not even her mother
I was sure that it was Ruby's mum now
Taehyung: That's it I'm coming to pick her up tonight
This conversation was going on for too long but luckily Taehyung put his phone on the bed side table and put it to speaker so now I could hear it all properly 
Ruby's mum: I'm coming to your house so don't worry
Taehyung: What do mean?
Ruby's mum: Taehyung I want to stay with Ruby I've missed her so I'm coming over
Taehyung: For what?

Ruby's mum: I just want us to act as a family for once 

Taehyung doesn't say anything for a while then finally replies 

Taehyung: How many days?
Ruby's mum: 1 week
Taehyung: *Sigh* fine
Ruby's mum: Thanks tae tae
Taehyung: I'm not doing this for you, only for Ruby because she needs her mother
Ruby: Appa!
Taehyung: Ruby I'll see you soon my baby
Ruby: Nae appa
Hearing Ruby's voice made a tear accidentally drop down from your face and I stupidly wiped it "Y/n?" 'Shit bad move why did you move Y/n really?!?'
Ruby's mum: Who are you taking to?
Taehyung: No one, anyway I need to go so...bye
He picked up his phone and ended the call and came to me touching the side of my body 

Taehyung POV~
Was she awake? What am I saying of course she wasn't ,she was sleeping I don't want her to worry about my ex. I went to wake her up and she woke up quicker than expected "Oh Taehyung you're back" She said and I smiled "Are you hungry baby?" "No I just want to go home" she said "What? You don't want to stay with me?" She shook her head. I got on top of her "Tae-" "When did you get my top" I leaned down to her level and whispered in her ear "I felt a-a little sick and I was c-cold" I wrapped my arms around her waist "I'll make you warm" I noticed she wasn't even looking at me, Whys that? Did I do something wrong? I kissed her neck 4 times then kissed her jaw, cheek until I reached her lips. I kissed her but she didn't kiss me back "What's wrong?" I looked up at her "I-I want to go home" "Do you want me to take you?" "No I can go by myself" I got off her and stood up and helped her up and she got up and limped to the door "You don't look okay"

Authors POV~
He got up and held your arm and you looked at him 'Maybe I should ask him about it' "Taehyung is there a problem?" "What?" "Ruby maybe?" You shrugged your shoulders but Taehyung narrowed his eyebrows looking at you "Ruby?" "Taehyung do you have anything to tell me?" "What do you mean?" He asks confused which makes me upset that he's lying "Anything about Someone that you used to love?" "What?" "Nevermind Taehyung" You push him back with all the energy you had "I'm going now" and I quickly got dressed and he didn't even bother to stop me, he let me go without another word 

You clearly didn't have your key so you took the back door and locked it so Taehyung doesn't get in. You decided you'll got to your parents house earlier and so you called a cab to be here in a hour.

((35 minutes later))
You finally finished getting ready and now you was packing some clothes and stuff you needed.
You heard a horn from outside so you took your spare key and left.

((3 hours later))
After a long journey you finally got to your parents house and boy was it big 'Woah! is this the wrong address?' You went to the door and pressed the door bell and your brother opened it "Y/n?" "MINHO" You shouted and hugged him but that was a wrong move because you stomach hurt again so you broke the hug early "Y/n are you okay?" You held your stomach but you fake smiled "I'm fine" Minho took your bag "Come in I'll show you too your room"

Minho opened the door to your room and you entered "Wow so nice" you looked at him and smiled "Thank brother" but he raised his brow in confusion "What?" "Mum said you had a boyfriend where is he?" "Boyfriend?" "Y/n stop" "Fine I just felt like coming myself plus something came up and his ex came back" "He left you?" "I don't know" you shrugged your shoulders "But-" "Minho can we not talk about this I hate that we are sad and plus I'm really tired from a long journey" "Okay sis dinners at 8:00 I'm going now" "See ya" Once you left you threw yourself into the bed 'I'm so tired what a day'

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