Dinner Extravaganza

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(( Authors POV ))

Whilst you were shopping you realised you didn't have your phone and started to panic 'Damn! Where did I put my phone? Did I leave it at home? Ah Oh well' you thought yourself and continued shopping.

(( Home ))

It took you at least 2 hours to shop for food for ONE dinner not even a weeks worth, ONE! 

Laughing to yourself, you took all the shopping bags to the kitchen and thought about what to cook

(( 10 minutes later ))

After debating in you head you decided to cook kimchi fried rice with meat and some side dishes and you know that Ruby loves ramen so you have to cook that for sure.

(( 1 hour later ))


'They are here already?!' You rush putting some fail finishing touches on the table then running to the door too be bombarded with buy running and grabbing both your legs

 You immediately picked her up and kissed her forehead "Hello Unnie" She beamed and smiled up at me "Hello my baby" I picked her up from my legs and smiled back at her

"Hello Y/n" Taehyung said stepping into your house with a bunch of roses in his arms "Hey Tae, where is your wife?" You said looking behind him confused 

"What do mean?" "You should have brought her to our dinner, besides I want to meet this little munchkins mother?" You pinch her nose and start to tickle her "Y/n what are you talking about...I don't have wife" You stop what you're doing and look at him confused 

"But-" Before you could say anything Ruby interrupted you "Unnie I'm hungry" "Foods nearly ready" You brought Taehyung and Ruby to the dining room and places Ruby in a chair

"Ruby what do you want to watch, while I finish up dinner?" "Erm peirypqa pi" You laugh at her cuteness "What did you say, honey?" But Taehyung talked for her "She loves to watch peppa pig" "She's so cute" You say as you pinched her cheeks "She got that from me" Taehyung says confidently and you roll your eyes 

"What? Is it not true?" "No Taehyung she got it from me" You joke as you walk  to the kitchen

(( Kitchen ))

You was still cooking but you felt a presence come behind you which made you a bit shaky, you pretended not to realise, so you continue to cook "Do you need any help?" Taehyung whispers into your ear which makes you heart beat quickly 

"Hm?" You stop stiring and just stand still not turning back at him "Do you need any help I said" "Oh no thanks I'm nearly done" You pick up the messy plates and place them in the skink avoiding him

"Okay" he come behind you again "Smells nice" You smile to yourself but try to hide it away from "Thanks" After you reply he laid his hand on your waist. 

Slowly his hand slid under your shirt as you continued cooking "Wh-what are you doing?" You asked him as you felt what he did "Don't you like it" He whispers in your ear "Not really" You say and kept your eyes on your dish. 

Suddenly he turned you around to face him and he stared straight into you eyes and he came closer to you "I can't take it anymore Y/n I just can't I love you too much" "T-the rice Taehyung" You said quickly turning around and he pushed his hair back frustrated pushing off you right away 

'Phew that was close' 

You quickly served the dish and carried Ruby to her seat and you all began to eat.

(( 15 minutes later ))

(( Your POV ))

It was kind of awkward, what am I saying, it was so awkward

 I couldn't even look up, I just played with my food uncomfortably because I had lost my appetite but I decided to break the silence because it was killing me 

"So Ruby how is school?" She  up at me from her food and smiled widely "It's good thanks" I smiled at her and she continued talking "Me and my boyfriend are always playing together" You looked at her as you widened your eyes and I hear Taehyung start to choke and I hold in my laugh 

"Boyfriend?!" Taehyung exclaims confused and I giggle at his face 

"Yes appa" I could see he was so pissed because of his face but what really made me laugh is she wasn't even bothered she continued eating

"Well Ruby don't let boy say bad things about you because your perfect the way you are even if he stops liking you or has never liked you remember your perfect and shouldn't change for anybody stare at him all day and it doesn't matter in the end because he will regret loosing you" I say to her in one breath even though I know she would never understand it wasn't really for her, it was directed at Taehyung 

I wanted him to regret everything.

I peeked at Tae who looked as if he were about to cry but lifted his head up trying to get rid of anything and so I could no longer see his face

'Did I cause that?' 

"Ruby time for bed" He quickly got up, wiping his eyes and dropping his tissue on the table

"Taehyung are you okay?" "Yeah, fine" He scooped up Ruby from her place  "Oh okay" I swallowed back

"Y/n thanks for dinner maybe you can come to our house tomorrow?" I nod my head "No problem and I would love to come over" He smiles and went to the door "Thank you" He leaves quietly and I breathe out 

'Taehyung I still love you. tell me how to stop I can't control myself either, just please stop playing games with my heart' I lay back on the dinning room chair in deep though knowing he will never love you the way you do 

I went to the kitchen and started to tidy everything up but whilst doing that you heard the doorbell go off

'Who could it be?'  I wipe my hands against the towel and hurried towards the door

"Oh Taehyung, what are you doing here?" "I forgot to give this to you" He says taking something from behind his pocket and gave it to me 

"Oh that's where it went, thanks" I trail on and bow "And also I wanted to ask you something" He added "Yeah go on" I look up into his eyes and get trapped immediately "Can you please pick up Ruby again from school?" I am disappointed inside but smile anyway "-I am staying late at work and I wouldn't be able to pick her up" "Yes I would love to" "Thanks y/n sooo goodnight?" "Goodnight Tae" I reply back to him but as I was about to close my door he stops it with his foot and I look back up at him

"Yeah?" I say poking my head out "I almost forgot, your mum said that you needed to call her" "Oh why?" "She never said, she just said call her" "Oh okay thanks Tae, goodnight" "Goodnight y/n" And I finally shut my door

(( 20 minutes later ))

I finally finished everything and now was laying in bed thinking about what Taehyung said "What does he mean? I don't have a wife" Then if he never had a wife how comes Ruby is here 'That so stupid Y/n'. I gasp as I realised something 'That means she doesn't have a mum' I thought more about it 'What am I talking about of course she had a mum' I slap myself 

'Why am I even thinking if this I don't care remember y/n' I kept thinking 'Tomorrow when I pick up Ruby, I should take her to the park and get some ice cream that's such a good idea' I thought so much about it I didn't even know when I fell into a slumber


oh shity loops

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