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You woke up and heard someone knocking your door so you rubbed your eyes and went to the door and opened it "Dinners ready Y/n" you smiled "I'll be down in a sec" you closed your door and realised something 'Oh! My! God! I left my phone at Taehyungs house damn!' You slapped your forehead 'What shall I do now? Why do I always leave it and it doesn't even have a password' you slapped your forehead again 'Really Y/n really?' You went downstairs and put on a fake smile. When you walked into the dining room you saw your family and once your mum saw you she got up from her seat and ran to you and hugged you tight "Aigoo my baby your back ahh my baby!" You mum said "Hello mum nice to see you again" but she pulled back a bit "You must be hungry sit eat" you sat down and your father asked "Where's your boyfriend?" "Oh...erm" "Is there a problem?" "What? Nooo" "Then where is he?" "He decided not to come?" "Why?" "I guess something came up" "I hope he is fine" "Y-Yeah" and you are a spoon full so you couldn't answer anymore questions.

Somehow you lost your appetite and you couldn't eat so you just sat there thinking of Taehyung and what could be happening with him and his ex "Y/n are you okay?" You looked up at Minho "Stop asking me that I'm fine" You gave him a reassuring smile "Did you not hear what mum and dad were saying?" You looked at your parents "What were saying?" "Me and your father were just discussing that we wanted a grandchild-" you was cut from listening to what your mum had to say because your stomach ache came back so you stood up so they don't see you in pain "I need to use the toilet" you didn't Let them answer and just left.

You went to the toilet and you vomited it didn't even have anything in it, it was like invisible vomit. You washed your face and exited the bathroom but your brother was standing in front of the bathroom and pulled you into his room "Y/n I'm not going to ask again are you okay?" "IM FINE!" "Y/N!" "What?" "You just vomited" "So?" "Is this the first time you have vomited this week?" You looked down and shook your head "No" "Y/n look at me" you looked up "Have you and Taehyung had sex?" "...errrrr..."

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