~That's what friends do right?~

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~WARNING THIS BOOK INCLUDES: swearing , abuse , self harm , alcohol , gays , parent neglect and mental illnesses...ENJOY!~

Jungkooks .p.o.v.

I walked down the halls of the school building , pulling down on my black sweater sleeves.All them people chit-chatting in the halls are giving me a headache , I sighed as I opened my locker.

Soon enough I heard the familiar calling my name."Kookie-yah!" Tae yelled as he ran over to me."Hi."I smiled making him smile even more,"Hows you?"He asked and opened his locker which was next to mine.

"You know same old things."I said peeking behind my locker door to see his face. I closed my locker door and went up to him."want to ditch school?"He asked with a smirk.

Taehyung doesn't look like the one to ditch school but he is , he ditches school when he has tests he didn't revise for and sometimes drags me along.

"I mean sure! I have shitty classes today anyways."A smirk spread across his face again."Let's go then." He grabbed his phone and money then looked at me and offered me his hand."Would Princess Kookie come with me to the enchanted forest?" He said in a posh voice and I nodded and grabbed his hand.

He tightened his grip and started to run out of the school building. He looked back at me as we ran out of the building and into the woods near the school. He stopped running but didn't let go of my hand.

Soon enough we got to the field with on random big tree in the middle , camper usually camp her on holidays.

He dragged me over to the tree and sat down under it and I did the same. He put his head on my shoulder like always and yawned"When did you go to sleep , sleepy head" I said and sighed"Uhhhh 4am...." "TAE!!" "Whatt?" "You should get enough sleep" "I did kookie-yah don-"He got cut off by a yawn and he stretched"See your tired hyung!"

"Hey want have a sleepover tonight?" he asked and shot up with excitement."Why?" "We had one in years!But it's okay if you don't want to." "Of course I want to have a sleepover , Dads not going to be home anyways , he's going to something with his school friends , hes' going to be back in like three days anyways so why not?" I said and gave him a small smile and he smiled back giving me that fuzzy feeling in my stomach.

He yawned again and placed his head on my lap. "When do you want to go back to class?" Tae asked as his eyes closed slowly.

"I don't , todays classes are shit , two periods of Science , three periods or Home Economics , and then the rest of the day is Maths and Languages."

"Hmmm.." He hummed as he cuddled into my lap making my cheeks turn red.

"Oi why you leave , your so rude I was comfortable!" He said rubbing the back of his head.

"So was I just....felt embarrassed."I said not looking at him , he burst out laughing and my cheeks turned even more red."Awww Kookie!" He awed and went up to me before hugging me from behind.

I didn't say anything and just bite my lip."What ever have it your way."He said and started to tickle my waist."Taehyungie!"I said between laughter , I tried to fight back but he won the tickle war making me fall down on the soft dry grass.

"I surrender you win!"I say between laughs and he stops and laughs."Let's go to my house parents aren't home. "Your parents are never home I should just move in with you." Tae offered me his hand and helped me to stand up,"Let's go to my house then." He smiled and went to his house....

When we got to his house , like always Tae forgotten his keys."Fuck sake."He cursed as he double checked all of his pockets. I chuckled and he looked back at me with an angry expression and I looked around as if nothing happened.

"My window should be opened so..."He jumped over his yard fence and I did the same , following him like a lost pup.He looked up at his rooms window and he was right it was half open. He looked around and took a ladder and waved his hand telling me to follow him.

I did as I was told and went up the ladder and followed him into his room."So what you want to do?" He said as he closed the window and sat down beside me."Hmm I dont really know."I said tapping my chin"well you see im very tired so" "I'm quite tired too to be honest." "Soooo cuddle and naps?" I nodded my head and took off my beanie and shoes and he took of his jumper and shoes.

I laid down on his soft plush bed and he soon laid down in front of me and I cuddled into his chest and covered us in his white blanket.

"You should get a bigger bed." I chuckled and he smiled"Nah it's perfect for cuddling." he said ,stroking my hair."Sleep tight Kookie." "You too taehyung."....

We cuddle that's what friends do...Right?

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