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 Before we get started I want to say , Jungkook's' father is not an abuser in real life , i bet you hes a sweet guy but in this fanfic he will be a dick and i don't know his parents names so yehhh.

Jungkooks .p.o.v.

I woke up and realised I was still at Tae's place , one of his hands was under his head while he other one wrapped loosely around my waist.

I smiled and nudged him , waking him up."Hmm?"He hummed and look at me with sleepy eyes,"What time is it?"he asked and I turned on my phone checking the time.

"Almost 3pm."I said and turned my head and looking at his gorgeous features..

He smiled and I sat up , stretching me arms."I should go home and tidy my room a bit , call me when you're on your way."He nodded his head and I got up and put on my shoes and beanie.

I waved him a goodbye as he laid in bed and I went out through his window. I jumped of the step before the last , My feet landed on the ground and I pulled out my phone and earphones. I connected my earphones into my phone and placed them into my ears. I pressed start on my song letting a random song play as I walked down to my house.

I didn't take long until I got to into my house expecting the worse the man I so call my father. I took out my earphones and swirled them around my phone and placed it deep into my pocket of my jeans. I gulped and placed my hand on the doorknob and opened the door.

My 'Father' was laying on the couch watching the tv. 'As long as I stay quiet he won't notice me...' I thought and slowly closed the door and silently took off my shoes. I gulped as I saw him rise from the couch. 

He got up and a saw me standing infront of the front door , my palms started to sweat and I started to shake in fear. "I heard you got a F in your science.."He said slowly getting closer to me. 'How does he know that happened last week...'Out of nowhere he threw a punch straight into my face and then punched me in the stomach and then grabbed me by the hair , making me look into his eyes which were full of hatred and evilness.

"You're such a disappointment to this family , you killed Mi-ju , you killed your own fucking Mother , what kind of son are you? You're such a fucking Dick , you should have died and not Mi-ju!" He said pushing me against the wall. 

Tears were in the corner of my eyes as he said all of those words."Fucking disappointment!" He said kicking me again and again. "Is little Jungkook going to cry? Fucking pussy , that's what you are!"He yelled , he then yelled at me more and more with more offensive words , but I just blocked them out...I just let him yell them offensive words.

He finished yelling after when we heard a car honking outside. He grabbed his phone and wallet and put on his shoes."When I come back in three days I want to see this place SPOTLESS!" He said , yelling the word spotless. He lifted up his hand I cringed back , expecting what was coming...But no slap ever came instead I heard a another car honking sound and then my father left. 

I let out a sigh and slid down the wall and clutched my knees to my chest...


It was a typical cold evening in november , me and my Mum decided to go to the movie and see the avengers. I finally got my drivers license so she let me drive."Excited to see the movie?" Mum asked me with a bright smile on her face.

I nodded my head looking at her but then quickly fixed my attention on the road, out of nowhere a stray dog wandered on  the road."JUNGKOOK WATCH OUT!" My mother yelled as she noticed the dog , I quickly turned the well to avoid the dog but started to go down the hill."JUNGKOOKIE!"My Mother yelled as I tried my best to stop the car but befor I got to stop it.. It was too late...

We drove into a massive tree ,"Jungko-" Everything went black , I woke up to the sound of sirens. I looked at my  Mum...She was pale as a ghost , blood dripping out of her mouth , her eyes were closed and her hand was holding mine.

"Mum?" I started to panic , "Mum? Mum? MUM?!"I shook her but no response."MUM DON'T LEAVE ME!" Tears fell down my cheeks as I held her lifeless body,"Mum you cant die , not yet no!"It was too late she already was gone , I couldnt do anything , I stared at her in disbelieve , tears running down my cheeks. 

A man took me out the car and then another person took my Mum , they put me on one of those ambulance things but I kept getting up yelling for my mother to wake up....

*End of flashback*

I cried into my knees remembering the night of my mothers death. "He's right its all my fault."I mumbled as I ran a hand through my hair. I got up and wiped away the tears."Real men dont cry." I cursed at myself as I walked past a mirror. I walked up stairs to my room and sighed as I opened the door to my room and then went to my bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a giant bruise forming on my cheek."Great."I mumbled and turned on the tap. I cupped my hands under the tap , collecting water then washing my face with it. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed 

'Kill your self.'

'You're a disappointment.' 

'You killed your Mother.' 

'No one loves you.'

'What's the point in your existence if no one loves you?'

Voices in my head repeated as I stared at myself and opened my mirror and took out a small box, I took out the sharp object and sat down on my toilet and rolled up my sweater sleeve showing my scared arms .'Didnt you promise Taehyung that was the last time?' A voice said in my head but I ignored it not caring anymore.

The sharp metal collided with my arm , blood oozed out of the fresh cut , I continued doing this until I heard my phone buzz making me drop the blade in panic. I went to my tap and quickly rinsed my arm and then picked up my phone and a very happy and bubbly tae answered me,"hello~" He said happily and I answered with a simple ,"Hi." "So i'm gonna be on my way soon , should I bring anything?" "No you dont have to but if you want some movie would be nice."I knew was smiling and he then said,"Okay see ya."Then hung up...

I got up and stripped out of my clothes and went into the shower. I winced as the warm water hit my fresh cuts but just ignored it after a while and washed myself.....

fuck this turned depressing...part of the story though anyways i gotta go other wise my dad will kill me gotta shower and remember *whispers*it markson or never BYE BYE!!! 

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