~He knows~

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Jungkook .p.o.v.

We were playing a small game of truth or truth because we couldn't be bothered with dares. "So Jungkook!" I spun my head to Namjoon who said my name."When did you meet Taehyung?" He asked and I looked at taehyung with a smile which then faded seeing he wasn't paying attention , he was picking at his nails probably still annoyed about earlier.

"Well we were friends ever since I can remember to be honest , we knew each other ever since the start of school."I shrugged not really remembering because he has always been in my life.

Namjoon smiled as he looked at me then Taehyung. I reached for the cup on the table , the motion uncovering my wrist slightly. I took the cup and took a sip looking at Tae and Hoseok there eyes where wide , well Hoseok looked more worried and Taehyung just looked in disbelief . "Jungkook what is that on you-" Started Hoseok but got caught off by Taehyung."Jungkook , don't tell me you!" He got up and walked around the couch and grabbed my wrist , I winced as he lifted me up and dragged me to the kitchen.

He closed the door and cornered me against the door."Arms , Now."He said staring into my eyes. I gulped and tucked my hands behind me."Jungkook , show me your forearms!" He almost yelled.

I looked at the ground and stuck out my arms. He rolled up my sleeves and I closed my eyes. He was staring at every single cut and scar on my arm...

"Why?"He whispered gently."I don't - It just...." I shut my mouth unable to get the right words out."Is it because of him?" He said referring to my father, I just looked at the ground not daring to see the pain and disappointment in his eyes.

"Jungkook..." He grabbed my chin and made me look at him. His eyes where glossy and soon enough a small tear left the corner of his eye. I couldn't bare to see him , i'm so disappointing... I promised ill stop...

"Why did you break the promise?" He asked and he wiped the one tear away."I d-don't know...I'm such a disappointment you dont have to tell me , I broke the promise i'm weak not even able to keep damn promise that is so easy-"I got caught of by a pair of lips on mine.

Taehyungs hands cupped my cheeks as he pressed me against the door with a light thud. I wrapped my arms around his waist as we had our mini makeout. He disconnected our lips and pressed his forehead against mine.

My eyes were starting to water again as I saw his eyes."Please tell my why you're doing it . Just please." "I feel ugly and worthless."I said and looked away. He looked on the ground and sighed

"I feel i'm not good enough for you or for anyone , I feel like a fail...."I said and he wrapped his arms around my chest embracing me in a warm hug.

He let go and I sat down on the kitchen chair resting my head on the table."Promise you'll try to stop , if you can't stop then tell me what it is that is making you hurt yourself and i'll get it out of your life." I nodded my head and stared out of the window.

Without another word Taehyung opened the kitchen door and went into the living room , leaving me to my thoughts....

Taehyungs .p.o.v.

I went into the living room and closed the door behind me. "Whats wrong?" "What was that on Jungkook's wrist?" "Is Jungkook okay?" "What's going on?" They all threw questions at me like at some quiz show."Jungkook's fine it's just..." I sat down on the couch as the others went around me wanting to know about the younger one.

"Even before his mother died he had depression , he was bullied so much he ended up self harming... It has gotten worse when his mother died , he ended up in the hospital because he jumped off a bridge he ended UP with a broken leg and arm and some scratches , I helped him stop but his father turned to alcohol to get rid of missing his wife , then his bullies went away and he stopped for what I thought forever but now... he's doing it again and its bad his arms are more scared than ever and i'm worried , I don't know what goes on behind the closed doors of his house but i'm going to find out , he was denying it was because of his father but I saw how pissed he was when he saw me and Jungkook... I will find out what the fuck is going on and i'll stop it , that boy has gone through so much shit and he's so sweet yet he gets this shitty life!" I was now shouting pointing at the kitchen door.

Before I knew it I was in tears again , Hoseok started to rub my back but they didn't say anything."Don't talk to him about it...." Dhey all nodded before Jungkook entered the room tugging on his sleeves , He sat down on the arm chair awkwardly , all eyes on him . I cleared my throat and everyone went back to chatting to each other.

I looked down on the ground before going over to the younger one who was slowly falling asleep. I went behind him and started to play with his hair. I leaned over seeing his face which had a small smile on it.

I smiled as I combed my fingers through his hair splitting all the knots before brushing all his hair to the back where it made a cute ponytail before letting go of his hair and fixing it back to its normal shape.

I walked over to the other side and sat on his knee. I leaned against his chest and closed my eyes , he wrapped his arms around me before starting to kiss my neck."Jungkook~" I mumbled as he kissed my neck."Not when the boys are here."I felt the heat in my cheeks rise and I looked down at the floor before getting up,"Where are you going?" I heard Jin say and I answered wit."Bathroom"...

Jungkooks .p.o.v.

 Taehyung left me sitting on the chair alone. I stared at the clock waiting about three minutes until getting up, Jin gave me a questioned look and namjoon looked at me knowing whats going on.

I went up the stairs and sound the bathroom , I unlocked the lock where taehyung was washing his hands. I closed and locked the door before going up behind him and kissing his neck again."Jungkook!" He jumped in surprise and spun around before connecting our lips together....

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