~It's over~

202 16 4

Jungkook .p.o.v.

After I woke up I ment home without waking up or saying anything to the others.

I gulped as I opened the door to the house and hurried up the stairs , changing into new clothes. I put all the dirty clothes into the laundry basket down stairs before checking my father. He was fast asleep with a beer in hand.

He wont get up until later it's still early anyways...

I went back down the stairs and threw myself on the couch and pulled out one of the many magazines from the pile on the coffee table. I flipped through the pages , these magazines sucked There's nothing at all thats atleast a little interesting...

A few hours passed and I was watching random youtube videos on my phone , still on the couch. I heard footsteps going down the stairs. I took out my one earphone and stuffed them into my pocket before , dashing into the kitchen and turning on the coffee maker.

I put a cup under the machine and beard him walk on ,"Morning piece of shit"He said and watched the coffee drip into the cup and made my way to the door.

"Yo fucker!"He yelled making me turn around and threw his full cup of coffee at me.

The cup bouncing against my chest but also spilling half on my chest and upper stomach, burning me as it sank through.

I let out a scream as I backed away and the cup fell to the ground spilling rest of the coffee on the ground and in my feet.

I backed into the living room , screeching in pain as I tried to take the shirt off.

Unexpectedly he kicked making me fall and poured some of the coffee that was in the cup on top of me."Burn....Burn you faggot , going out without saying!?Who the fuck you think you are , your little boyfriend yelling at ME!?" He yelled and laughed...

Taehyungs .p.o.v.

I sat in front of jungkook's house , flicking the rather big pocket knife in my pocket.

Ive been thinking about his for weeks , I was getting annoyed at the way Jungkook got treated....

I heard Jungkook scream inside followed by a loud crash and yelling.

"You're useless!" Thats all I needed to hear before getting up and breaking open the door.

I stomped into the living room , seeing Jungkook's father holding Jungkook by his collar and was punching and kicking him over and over.

I pushed him off of Jungkook before flipping the knife and stabbing him in stomach.

He fell down to the floor clutching his stomach.

I stared wide eyed at him ,I cant believe I actually did it...

I went down to his level and impaled him with the knife again,"No Taehyung stop! Its enough!" Jungkook yelled and I shook my head."I'll finish what I started" I hissed and stabbed him one last time but this time into the chest , making sure that i impale his lung or heart , I didnt really care.

I flipped the knife and stared at my hands , they were covered in blood of the man hay abused Jungkook for god knows how long.

"Pack up , were leaving."I said and Jungkook ran up stairs. I closed the front door and sat down at the stares.

Looking at my hands."I...actually...killed him..." I mumbled and felt a hand on my shoulder."I'm ready to go." Jungkook smiled and I got up. He slipped on a pair of boots before packing a pair of converse.

We went to the kitchen where he stopped me before we walked out."Wait." He said and climbed up on the kitchen counter and reached for something on one of the shelves.

He took it down and smashed it down on the floor. He collected all the paper notes and nodded,"We can go now"...

Jungkooks .p.o.v.

We ran to the woods behind my house that lead to the other side of town where the boys live.

Apparently hes been planning this for ages and told all the boys , everyone packed up and they left their things at Jin's.

We got to Jin's house and I looked around multiple times before Jin walked out and told us to come in.

"This is so fucking dumb Taehyung."Jin said and shook his head."Too late now isn't it?"He said and raised his hands showing the now dry blood on his hands.

Jin sighed not acting surprised as if he seen worse."Go wash up the rest are waiting for you two."He said and we both nodded and went our own ways.

I went to the living room and sat down next to Jimin."Hey Kookie" He smiled and looked at me before I placed my head on his shoulder."What are we gonna do now?"I asked , referring to what happened a minute ago."Run" He simply said and I nodded.

"I mean if Taehyung gets caught we can simply say he was defending you which is true , Right?" I nodded my head."We have enough money for now , Jin and Namjoon aren't the richest people but they have lots of money and they've been saving up and so has everyone else." I nodded and removed my head as I heard someone walk into the room.

Taehyung walked over and sat down on my lap and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"So what's the plan?" Yoongi asked and Namjoon said,"Where leaving in an hour , Collect everyones money and put it into one container or bag.. Put all the things into the trunk of Jins car, we'll fit it in and if not then...one of us will just have to stay here." He laughed and we all nodded..

An hour has passed and all of our bags with things , blankets and pillows , money and snacks where packed. I sat at the back with Taehyung sitting beside me , Jimin , Yoongi and Hoseok where in the middle road as Jin drove and Namjoon was in the passenger seat.

When everything was set we drove off...to a new beginning......

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