~Cold hands ,Warm hearts~

436 13 7

Jungkooks .p.o.v.

We walked into the supermarket and Tae instantly grabbed my hand , this is a big supermarket and they are always somehow full so we wouldn't want to lose each other, we looked at each other and Tae said,"What do you want to get?" I shrugged,"I dont really care." He rolled his eyes and dragged me to the frozen section and got out two pizzas and gave them to me so I  would carry them. 

He then pulled me into the junk food section and he took some random candy and popcorn.We went up to the cashier who had a bright smile on her face. We gave her our things and she scanned it."Whats a cute couple doing here in late hours hm?" "Oh we w-we are not a couple"I stuttered , waving my hand around. 

"You would make a cute one though."She smiled and continued to scan the items. I bet my face was more red then a tomato by now , I looked at the gift card shelf instead  of the cashier or Tae. Taehyung gave her the money and she gave us a nother bright smile as she handed me the bag."Have a nice evening boys."She said and we went.

There was an awkward silence as we walked to my house , we were half way there when I turned around to say something to Tae but instead his lips collided with mine (is it to early or not? whatever) Making me drop the bag , I didn't respond I just stood there in shock. He disconnected our lips and acted like nothing happened."I'm tired let's go home."He smiled and I nodded and we went home...

They ate their pizza , candy and popcorn , watched some movies and cuddled while they slept blahblahblah next day

I woke up and Tae was already gone , I guess he went to change and get ready for school. I ruffled my hair and checked my phone , 7:20 ! FUCK SCHOOL STARTS AT 8! I shot up and got a random sweater , skinny jeans , pair of socks and underwear out of my drawer and quickly changed into it. I threw my clothes into the laundry basket. I ran down stairs and grabbed a piece of leftover pizza and running back up stairs. I looked at the mirror and fixed up my hair then went back into my room , I grabbed my earphones , keys and phone and got out the house. 

I plugged my earphone into my phone and plopped them into my ears and started to listen to music While I walked to school. I took out probably like a year old gum out of my mouth and plopped it into my mouth 'Its either really bad breath or old gum' I said to myself and continued into school. 

Soon enough I got to school and opened my locker.I took out my bag which I left in there yesterday because of mine and Taehyung's 'escape from school' . I took out my earphones and suddenly girls started to squeal and saying."OMG!" "Oh my god it's Bangtan!" "BTS-OPPAS!" I looked over at the door and saw so called 'Bangtan'. They are the coolest boys in school , theres five of them , there's Jimin he's the youngest out of the so cold gang , he usually lets girls touch his 'Nutella abs'. Then theres Namjoon or 'Rap monster' people call him hes very smart and is the 'leader' of the group. Theres Hoseok or 'Jhope' he's the strange one....All you need to know. theres also Yoongi or Suga, he sleeps in every class , never pays attention in class aka the 'Too cool for school' Type of person , he doesnt give a fuck about almost anything. Then finally there is Seok Jin or 'Jin' for short hes very caring and motherly. They are the trouble makers of the group always make chaos in the school. Wouldn't want to get mixed up with them.

I rolled my eyes as I saw one girl stroking Jimins abs , one girl trying to chatting up Yoongi and another girl asking Namjoon for 'Secret tutor lessons after schools' I closed my locker and made my ways slowly to class."You in a rush?" A deep voice said and I turned around to see Mark Tuan , he's close with the bangtan boys like really close but hes not part of the 'Gang'. "What do you want again?" "Was wondering if you want to meet me after school?" "No im busy and why would I want to hang out with you? Fucking player." I mumbled the end and continued to walk on."Look  i'm sorry okay." He said, "What for cheating on me with Jackson? Look im over you, okay?" I said looking at his face.."Please Kookie" "No you cheated on me with you beloved Jackson and stop falling me Kookie." I said , slight anger in my voice.

He sighed and turned around but before he walked away he ran up to me and hugged me in tight hug."Look Kookie i'm sorry okay? Give me one more chance" I have to admit he was a little cute okay maybe no a little and I could go back to dating him and get these stupid thoughts of Taehyung."I'll think about it Mark now let go I have to go to class." I said and then the bell rang."Bye Kookie." He said then ran off. I rolled my eyes then went to my class. 

I got to my class and sat at my usual spot which was at the far back, the teacher called out our names and we all said present. A very tired looking Tae ran in and sat down beside me.(Pretend taehyung and Jungkook are the same age)"You're late Mr.Kim." Mrs Park said and crossed her arms."Sorry I-I got into an argument with my mother."He said telling the truth. "I wont Mark you late this time but next time please come on time." She said and gave us a smile , showing her pearly teeth , she sat back down behind her desk , flicking her dirty blonde hair in the process. 

She was English , she came to korea to teach english , she's very kind and would let you off for being late because she herself is usually late. she was married to one of the biggest celebrities in this whole entire planet, and Exo member called Chanyeol , she could have been an actor or singer herself like her husband but decided to have this job.(What are you on about that this teacher is based on me pfft)

She stood up again and said,"You can talk to the people beside you theres no assembly today." We all nodded our heads and I turned to face Tae."Where did you go this morning?" "Went home to get changed around 6am."He shrugged and looked at me with a smile."Why did you have an argument with your mum this time?" I asked resting my head on my palm."We got into an argument how they are never there for me and all they care about is there stupid business job." "Hmm sorry about that."I said and looked away."Nah it's fine." He said with a smile."Someone told me you and Mark are back together huh?" "No he was just talking to me and suddenly hugged me." I said rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly.

"You two should get back together you looked adorable together." He said and smiled
"Really?" "Yeh," The corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled,"If you wont get together I'll get you two to get back together somehow." "You're like fucking cupid." I laughed and he nodded." I know I mean my cousin and Minho together after all."He laughed and I nodded my head. 

"Yeah they were the good old days."I sighed remembering the time me , Taehyung , Ji Su(Taes cousin) , Mark and Minho would be at my house , my Mum would make use baked goods and we would sit on the sofa while waiting for them. Dad would either help Mum or joke around with us maybe even telling us stories of him when he was small...I sighed again. "I miss the times when we were kids and had no problems".......

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