~The wanted~

190 13 1

Jungkooks .p.o.v.

It was the next day already , time flew fast as we were on the road...

I watched as we drove past trees and occasional buildings.

This was a new beginning and I knew it was going to be a amazing.

We soon got to abandoned train stations and we all got out of the car and Jimin skipped to one of the trains.

We laughed at his child like behaviour as he spun around like a ballerina.

I ran after him repeating his moves as I couldn't keep in my laughter.

I made my way on one of the train wagons and sitting down at the edge , letting my feet dangle at the edge.

Soon enough everyone else joined me as we enjoyed the view of the forest and the sunset.

As it got darker we ended all our conversations and vent on the road again , driving to a nearby town and parked infront of a hotel.

Namjoon took some money and we all went into the hotel , walking in like some gang.

Namjoon went up to the counter placing the money on the counter before looking the young lady straight into the eyes.

"One night , one room...if anyone asks for Jeon Jungkook or Kim Taehyung , say they weren't here." "And if I don't follow you rules sir?" She asked , turning her head slightly."Then I'll make sure you don't see the light of day ever again." He glared and she gulped.

He gave her extra money."This should shut you up , now understand?" She took the money and nodded."Room 302."She said and gave him the keys and we got out of the lobby. I gave her a slight cold glance as we walked out and she shivered in fear.

Its time to be tough , this life isnt for cry baby's..

We made out way to our room , I walked in before closing the door due to being the last.

I jumped on one of the three beds and took off my shoes."Who knew wearing shoes would be so painful after a period of time."I said massaging my feet.

"Get use to it Kook , soon we will be going days maybe weeks without getting to a hotel and having a normal rest."Yoongi said and threw a small bag beside me.

"Whats this?" I asked and picked it up,"I got a spare one and thought you would want one , I mean you seem like one of the toughest here." He said and I opened the bag revealing a hand gun.

"You'll need it , god knows when we will need to do something dangerous to survive this run away life."I nodded and hid the gun back into the bag and into my hoodie.

"Right we have three beds , two on each bed and one will have a extra person."Jin said as he took off his jacket.

We all nodded and I went back on the bed until my back hit the board before Taehyung jumped on the bed and wrapped his arms around me."I'm sleeping with Kookie I don't care about where you others are sleeping."He said and nuzzled his face into my neck.

I smiled and wrapped my hand around his body."I'm with Jin." Namjoon said and back hugged the older male who was turning pink.

Yoongi slowly went to Jimin and took hold of his hand but nudging their hands behind them so no one would notice.

"So I have to pick between three couples and be a third wheel."Hoseok groaned and I nodded."Yeah pretty much."Yoongi threw his shoe at me."Me and Jimin are just friends you fucker." "Mhm same way im straight and a virgin." Taehyung burst out laughing and slapped my chest."Good one"He breathed out.

"I know right." I said and Yoongi rolled his eyes as he sat down on one of the beds.

After a while of debating Hoseok settled down with sleeping in the middle bed with Namjoon and Jin.

We turned on the small tv that came with the room , before flipping to the channel with news on it

The lady talked bunch of bullshit until I heard my fathers name.

"Shush guys!" I yelled ,"Mr Jeon has been found dead in his house with stab wounds on his chest and stomach at around 5pm. Multiple neighbours in the area have been questioned and they all said the same..." The reporter said and it cut to a video of the kind old lady that lived opposite of me.

"I heard yelling , which was normal in their house due to what I heard the two Jeons where always in fights because of their mother who passed away a long time ago. I saw one of the young Jeon's friend in front of the door before he burst in , its all I saw."She said into the mic.

Her interview was followed by a drawing of a face that didnt look perfectly like taehyung but it was very similar."If you see this man , report him immediately , he killed Mr Jeon and possibly kidnapped his son-"With that the tv turned off.

I looked around seeing Jin turned off the tv"I'm not kidnapped? What bullshit is that?" I whispered and shook my head."Taehyung?" I asked and looked around to see the terrified male staring at the now turned off television.

"Tae..." "They want me....I'm gonna go jail." He murmured,"No I won't let them take you." I grabbed his hand and gulped."I don't want to get gangbanged in a cell."He said and hugged me "You wont , like I said I wont let them take you..none of us will , we will fight till the end...we will live in peace." I ran my hand through his brown hair and he nodded."It was a pinky promise and pinky promises never get broken...."

hey guys im going to try to finish this story by easter/by the time i go on holiday which is in ten days(12th april) but im not promising anything because i have no idea how to write m ideas for this fanfic anymore XD but ill try my best so maybe expect more updating in the next couple of days.. ANYWAYS I love you guys and remember*whispers* its markson or never... BYEBYE!!!  

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