~Better times~

274 13 2

Jungkooks .p.o.v.

I climbed up a ladder into my room then moved the ladder away so it wasn't close to my window , just in case cause I dont want no robber to steal my shit.

I threw my school bag to my desk and sorted out my things from my bag. I pecked out of my room , hearing only the sound of the tv down stairs.

I went into my bathroom , filling the bath with water. I striped and steped into the warm water relaxing a bit as I sunk down , my lower part of my face under water , my nose just above the water so I could breath...

I reached for the small box beside my sink , taking out the razor before swirling it between my fingers as I watched the water move ever so slightly making the sight of my arm under water a little blurry.

I lifted my arm from the water watching the clear droplets travel down my arm which soon turned red as the blade made contact with my skin , I slashed at my skin as the cut started to bleed more.

I dunk my hand under watching the red blend into the clear water.....

Jin called me saying to meet him at his house and sent me his address so thats where im on my way now. I went downstairs and saw my father and some slut making out so i just went through the window again...

I double checked the address before approaching the rather big house , it was bigger than mine or Taehyung's anyways. I Walked up to the door and knocked on it a couple of times then put my hand down waiting for someone to answer.

Soon the now pink haired Jin , opened the door and greeted me."Hello Jungkookie." He smiled and he let me in. "I see you dyed your hair." I said and he nodded ,"You like it?" I smiled."It's cute it makes you look like a princess or something."I laughed a little and he waved his hand as the other one was on his cheek,"Oh stop it you." He said and laughed.

I went into the living room looking for the beautiful blonde but he was nowhere to be seen."Wheres Tae?"I asked and turned around to look at Jin.

"He said he doesn't know if he'll come because he's doing something."I nodded my head and went over to the couch sitting beside , I guess was Yoongi , I still haven't learnt their names.

"Hi Jungkook , how's you?" he asked and looked at me and I shrugged."Fine."I leaned back on the couch and closed my eye.

"Tired huh?" I nodded my head."Hotel beds aren't really comfy." "Why were you in the hotel?" I sighed."Family things....to shorten it my father found me and Tae kind off making out and kicked me out calling me a faggot and saying he doesn't want to see Tae in his house ever again."

"Well hes an asshole." I nodded,"Tell me about it , I have to deal with his homophobic shit almost every day saying how if he finds out i'm gay he will abandon me.."I let out a chuckle and looked at the table .

"Interesting how he knows I like guys ever since I was 15 yet he still tells me this." "Maybe that's why Taehyung isnt here.." "What?" "Tae might not be here because he's worried about you and doesn't want to see you hurt." I nodded .

"You know he likes you a lot , he would do anything to see you smile... When a person loves someone they are always by their side and always come when the other wants them." He smiled and I looked at him before smiling.

I was going to say something but then I hear Yoongi's name being called, "Yoongi I need your help!~" Someone said from the kitchen and Yoongi quickly got up , walking into the kitchen while saying: "I'm coming Jiminie~ what is it?" I smiled and looked at the two tall males speaking in the corner of the room , Namjoon looking at the older one with heart eyes.

I looked at Hoseok and slide over to him."So everyone is like taken huh?" "Yeh Namjoon has been crushing on Jin ever since first year , Jimin and Suga are 'friends' like they said but we all know they have a heavy make out session every time the doors are closed and you're with Taehyung right?" "Well I dunno I guess we are , how about you?" "Me?"he laughed "Im probably the least gay one here , I had three girlfriends the past year." "So a player huh?" "Might be." He winked and I rolled my eyes.

"I just can't stay in a long relationship for a long time..." "Why?" "I've been crushing on Po Minji , the leader of the cheerleading team." "Isn't she dating the guy named Bambam." "No they broke up she's dating Kyungsoo now" "Damn that sucks you should have took the move when she was single." "I tried but the day I had the guts to she was sick." He sighed and I put my hand on his shoulder."Keep your head up , I bet you'll get her one day , just wait , thats all you can really do."I said and he nodded his head.

I heard a knock on the door and I got up as Jin made his way over to the door."No ,no i'll take it , go chat with Namjoon." He smiled and went back to Namjoon continuing whatever conversation they were having.

I took a deep breath and opening the door , never being more happy in my life by seeing a person."Hey Kookie."He smiled , his smile giving me butterflies in my stomach, 'God he's cute.' "Hi Taehyungie."

I let him in and he took of his shoes , he stopped me before I got into the living room. He grabbed my wrist , I winced but didnt pull away not wanting him to know.

He spun me around and wrapped his arms around my body."Are you okay?"He asked as he had his head on my shoulder."Yeah i'm fine..." He pushed away,"No you're not what's wrong?" "Nothing, everything's fine." "What did he do to you?" "Nothing" I said looking down at the floor "It can't be nothing if you're avoiding eye contact."He lifted my head up , looking deep into my eyes."I'll ask again , what did he do to you?" My vision blurred as I got out of his grip."Leave me alone..."I said in a more annoyed voice.

"Jungkook I only want to help." "Well I don't need your help right now." I said before turning around and walking into the living room , I passed everyone and went into the kitchen to get a drink. I walked in on the cutest thing ever , I guess Jimin was making cupcakes and the dough spilled and they where taking pieces of the dough on each others faces and next thing you know Jimin kissed Yoongi's nose who then returned his kiss by placing a gentle kiss on his lip.

I awed and the two males turned there head towards me with a shocked expression."I-its n-not what-" "How cute." I said walking over to them and poking each of their noses. "Don't worry I wont tell the others." I winked at them , both of them turning redder than the red smarties in the douch.

I took out a glass , pouring some cold water into it before walking back to the living room , sitting beside Taehyung who was chatting with Hoseok. I didnt pay attention to their conversation just stared at the ground...'Maybe I should have told Taehyung..'

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