~Comfort me~

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Jungkooks .p.o.v.

I ran out of the shitty school after the popular kid came in and had to fucking annoy me , he knows shit about me yet he decided to kick me and call me fat , useless and a faggot. wow thanks! Helps a lot bro!

Before you knew it I was back home and started to clean my room because I had nothing else to really do other than clean..

I heard the footsteps of my father going up my stairs as I sorted out my clothes , putting them into the wardrop."Wow , Jungcunt is actually being helpful for once in his fucking life." I heard my father say and I bite the inside of my cheek.

I went to my closet but before I got to hang my clothes up I got dragged back , dropping everything I had in my hands
"You're still useless though."My father said and threw me to the ground , smashing my face against the hard wooden floor.

"I'm gonna make you suffer you dumb ass faggot."He said and stomped my face more into the ground. I felt a warm substance drop out of my nose , knowing very well that I had another nose bleed.

He kicked my already bruised sides making me be in even more pain than before. He threw one insult after another saying how I should die and that he's surprised I haven't jumped off a bridge for the second time yet.

Next thing you know he was taking off his belt."Take your shirt off!" He commanded and I shook my head as I sat up. He kicked me back down repeating what he said"Take off your fucking shirt you dumb faggot!" "NO!" I yelled at him back and his belt he took off slapped me across my face leaving a red strip.

"Don't fucking answer back and take off your shirt , don't want your dumb friends knowing I do shit to you , this will seriously not look like you fell or some shit. Now listen to me and take off your fucking shirt!" He yelled and I did as he told. I took off my shirt , too scared of this man to do anything to defend myself.

He kicked me down on the ground , making my lay on my stomach. He stepped on my shoulder so I couldn't move.

He smacked my bare back with his belt over and over. At probably the 15th hit I could do it anymore , there were tears pouring out of my eyes as I used my free hand that I could move to cup my mouth , knowing too well that if I was going to yell or anything he would make it only worse....

After what felt like ages of doing this he got of my shoulder , he spat on me saying how disgusting I am before leaving. I laid on the ground in pain , letting all the tears flow out of my eyes along with some sobs coming out of my mouth. 

I heard the front door smash close and I decided to crawl to my bed and deciding to call the only person I wanted to see right now.

The phone rang twice before he answered,"What's wrong Kookie?" "T-tae can I come over , p-please?" I sobbed into the phone and he started to panic."What's wrong? What happened? Who did this to you?"All these questions flooded at me at once and I replied with."That doesn't matter all I care about is if your h-home."My voice breaking by my sobs.

"Yes i'm home-"That's all I needed to know , I hung up and put on a shirt and a hoodie before running down stairs , putting on my shoes and running out of the so called 'home'. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. 

I sprinted to taehyung's lane, whipping my tears away as I ran... 

Soon I got to his house and knocked on the door.

As soon as he opened the door I embraced him in a hug.

"Woah Kookie , let me just close the door." He said but I didn't let go and we waddled to the door and he closed it.

I sobbed into his shoulder and tightened my grip on his shirt."What's wrong baby?"He said smoothing out my hair.

"Him."I managed to say and he knew what I meant and tightened his grip."Come on , lets go up stairs."He said and we went up to his room and sat on his small bed.

He kept me close as he continued to stroke my hair. I let out a sniffle and he kissed the top of my head."It's okay , it's all going to be okay soon."He said as he continued to play with my hair."What if its not going to be? what if I die either because he kills me or.." "Don't say that! Jungkook look at me." He cupped my face and moved my head so we were looking into each other eyes."Here and now , I promise that I WILL protect you , comfort you , love you and save you..I will get you away from him and everyone else who has ever harmed you and move to a city somewhere far far away from everyone, we can even take the boys and we can all live happily..."He pressed his forehead against mine.

"Promise?" He nodded,"I promise , until I die I will protect you." He connected his lips with mine into a passionate and sweet kiss before disconnecting them again."All of the boys have had rough pasts and been through shit like me and you , things from bullying and neglect to rape and abuse , they have been through shit and you can tell them anything , they wont judge you...trust me."he said and I nodded.

"Wanna have a sleep over?" I asked out of the subject, he nodded,"I don't want to be in the same house as him."I said and he nodded again understanding."Want the boys over also and we could have a mega sleep over I mean it's friday anyways." I nodded "That will be fun but i'll have to borrow your clothes." "Oh my god that will be so cute I love when couples share clothes and wear each other clothes.. You're gonna look so cute Kookie!" He squealed and I chuckled and whipped away the rest of the tears on my face......

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