~The ocean~

181 11 4

Jungkooks .p.o.v.

A few days has passed and we have been stopping to town to town , each time Taehyung hiding his face. If I had to say the truth I was scared about Taehyung getting caught. I mean who wouldn't be afraid of their boyfriend leaving them for God knows how long.

We ran to our car from the hotel , which now seems to become a regular thing. We all went into the the car , Taehyung and me going first followed by Hoseok , Jimin and Suga before Jin and Namjoon sitting in the front. 

I fastened my seatbelt and we started to drive off to God knows where. I scrunched up my nose as I sniffed the end of my hoodie. It smelt like death not even kidding."Tae?" "Mhm?" He turned around and I pointed behind him."Can you get me a different hoodie from my bag?" He nodded and unzipped the bag behind him before pulling out a blue/navy hoodie. 

I thanked him as I pulled off the sleeves before pushing the hoodie over my head. I handed him the hoodie as with my other hand undid the zip on the new hoodie.

I felt taehyung stare at my almost healed arm before taking the hoodie and stuffing it into my bag as I put on the hoodie he passed me.

"Hyung!?" I yelled and everyone turned around."You gotta be more specific J.K."Jin said and laughed."Namjoon or Jin it doesnt matter , i'm bored put some music on." I smiled and Namjoon nodded before turning on the radio."She played the fiddle in an Irish band but she fell in love with an English man~" I sang along then pointing at Taehyung who continued with the lyrics."Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand said, "Baby, I just want to dance"~"He sang and we then sang the other part together.

"I met her on Grafton street right outside of the bar She shared a cigarette with me while her brother played the guitar!" We sang together and then everyone joined."She asked me what does it mean the Gaelic ink on your arm?said it was one of my friend's songs do you want to drink on?!" I smiled as I danced along with the music and sang with everyone else.

Taehyung soon joined me making random hand gestures and swinging his hips slightly. He had his eyes closed while singing and gently swaying in the beat. I smiled and leaned towards him but before I got to kiss his cheek he turned around and I kissed him on the lips , I felt him smirk and I disconnected our lips before smiling like some idiot again.

I went back to my seat and we both continued to sing and dance before the song came to an end followed by another song...

Soon we came to a stop by a beautiful beach. We parked infront of it , surprised nobody was here. 

We all ran out of the car and onto the beach. I slipped off my converse throwing them behind me and running into the water , not too deep on that my feet where submerged so none of my clothes would get wet.

I backed away from the water as I saw a wave coming in. I felt someone jump on my back , knowing it was Taehyung I started to carry him back to the dry sand."Quick the wave will catch us." I laughed and then dropped him on the dry sand. 

He yelped a little before I sat down in front of him , I took the under of his knee and pulled him closer making his and my noses to touch each other. 

He let out a small giggle as I saw his cheeks turn a light shade of pink. I quickly pecked his lips before wrapping my hands around his waist and pressing my forehead against his. "I love you kookie."He whispers and I smiled even more."I love you more Tae" "AWWW HOW CUTE!!" I heard someone squeal followed by  a flash. 

I opened my eyes seeing Jimin with Yoongi looking at Jimins phone and smiling. I sprang up and Jimin started to run as he held Yoongi's hand who was right behind him. 

I ran after them yelling at them about me and Taehyung where having a moment. After a while I gave up and stomped back to Taehyung who was laughing his ass off.

I slapped his arm gently and laid down on the sand. He laid down beside me and put his hand on my chest."Stop being huffy Kookie." He booped my nose and I tried hard not to smile but ended up smiling at his adorableness.

"YO LOVE BIRDS COME HERE!" We heard Namjoon yell and me sat up , he waved us towards him and we got up , dusting ourselves from sand."Let's go on a walk." "All of us?" I asked and he nodded."So none of us gets lost from the group or gets left behind , you know?" Jin said and I nodded agreeing. 

Taehyung wrapped his hand around mine and I did the same , I smiled as I looked up at him ,I've been smiling a lot now days its different. 

Namjoon called the rest and they all joined us , we grabbed our shoes and everything we dropped or threw and started to walk along the beach talking about random things...

These guys make me so happy... I don't know what I would do without them...


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