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Jungkooks .p.o.v.

I sighed as I slide down my chair 'science is so boring.' I thought to myself as the teacher talked about random shit, no wonder I failed this class if I never pay attention

The teacher was old as time , he would repeat things , one day he would be telling you about the periodic table and the next day he would teach you it again its so annoying but oh well.The bell finally rang for lunch."THE BELL DOESN'T DISMISS YOU! I DO!" He yelled and we all sat back down."Bastard," I cursed under my breath, quietly enough for Mr. Lee to hear me but loud enough for Minhyuk to hear.He sniggered then nudged me.

Mr Lee talked for a few seconds about a project we have to do . I just nodded my head and he let us out. Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around to see Minhyuk."Who you doing the group project with?" He asked and I shrugged,"I was planning to do it by myself." "It's called a group project for a reason Jungkook" "Yeah ,yeah whatever." I said and rolled my eyes.

He sighed and brushed his hand through his blond hair and handed me a stack of paper."Here you will need this." I took them and asked "What is this?" "My notes , you never pay attention in class , I don't want you to get in any more shit in that class." I pressed the stack of papers to my chest and thanked him."It's the least I can do now if you dont mind I have to find Wonho." He smiled and left.

I walked to my locker , I unlocked it and placed all my things inside it.I closed my locker and walked to the Canteen(or Cafeteria whatever you call it) I walked in , scanning the room , no Tae to be seen. I went to the dinner lady and got my food then went to an empty table near the back.

I ate the fish fingers as I stared at the entrance to the Canteen. I sighed as I finished my mash potatoes and fish fingers, 'Where's Tae?' I wondered and pulled out my phone , no messages from him or anything. Soon enough he ran in and sat beside me."Sorry I was talking to someone." "It's fine want to go or?"He nodded his head and I brought my tray up and we went outside.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and saw Tae look beside me with a bright smile."MARK!" He technically squealed. I laughed and turned to Mark."Mind if I talk to you a minute?"He asked and I turned to tae who smiled and then walked away."What is it?" "Want to hang out after school?" "Mark I have homework to do and I have to clean the house-" "I can help." "NO!" I Yelled and he shrinked ."Sorry um I meant no im fine by myself maybe we could skype while im doing my homework though huh?" He nodded his head yes and pecked my cheek."See ya later Kookie." He said and left.

I smiled and started to walk the direction Tae walked. I turned a corner to see him talking to one of the Bangtan boys , He was talking to the guy named Suga. I walked slowly away and hide behind the corner waiting for their conversation to end.

I waited and waited but then still weren't finished , I walked away and soon enough the bell rang and we all went to our classes...

I sat on my bed and turned on my laptop. I turned skype on and marks names popped showing hes online. He rung me almost instantly , I sighed and answered the call."KOOKIE!!"He yelled and waved."Hi.." I said back with almost no emotion and took out them notes Minhyuk gave me earlier.

"What cha doing?" "Some dumbass project." "Ohhh."I nodded my head and started to read over the notes. I finished one age and groaned,"This is so fucking boring what the hell."I heard Mark chuckle behind the monitor,"Frustrated Kookie?" He asked and I nodded,"Why do I have to do science anyways?" "I don't know you picked it as one of you subjects so don't ask me." "Shut up Mark." I said and rolled my eyes.

He sniggered and I glared at him,"What??" "Nothing just planning how to kill you." "Nah you wouldn't kill me , i'm too cute." "You wish." "Jungkook ,can we hang out please." "Why?" I said and he shrugged,"I want to tell you something in person." I sighed and nodded my head. "Oh my gosh ,thank you." "No problem." I mumbled and he hung up. "What the fuck?" I got up and went down stairs to continue cleaning.

I finally got the living room and kitchen cleaned , then there was a knock on the door."Door's open!" I yelled knowing it's probably Mark or Taehyung because no one else visits me. I washed the dishes as I felt strong arms wrap around me and then a chin on my shoulders , the familiar dirty blond hair and the familiar scent of men cologne."Mark?" "Mhm." "Let go of me, now." "Kookie please let's stay like this for a little longer." He begged and pressed his cold lips (because he was outside not that he's dead or something don't worry) against my neck.

I relaxed and smiled , He moved my hoodie off my shoulder and kisses down my shoulder,"I," *kiss* "..Love," *kiss* "..You," *kiss* "..So goddamn much." He turned me around , a cup still in my hand , I put the cup into the sink and he connected our lips. I moved my hands down around his hips , pulling him closer to me. He placed one hand on my cheek while the other one rested around my neck.He started to play with my hair making me moan slightly into the kiss.

I heard someone clear their throat making me and Mark disconnect our lips and look to the direction of the doorway, there stood Taehyung."Get a room"...He groaned in disgust, well that unusual he would usually cheer."I came here to do my homework , Mum kicked me out again." He groaned and threw his things on the table, now it makes sense why he's moody.."I-i'll go now."Mark said and left.

I walked over to Tae and crouched down beside him."What's-" "Go away." He said and folded his arms like an annoyed kid."Tae..." I sighed while dragging a chair and sat beside him."Tae." "Go to hell." "Oh baby im already there." I said and smiled , he turned around and sighed."Don't make fun of your mental state." "Okay..." I said and lowered my head. He grabbed my chin making me look up at him . He looked into my eyes for a while then embraced me in his arms."Come let's take a nap." He said and got up and let go of me."But what about your homework?" "It can wait now come with me princess."He said sticking out his hand and I took it and we went up stairs to my room , my cheeks hot as ever the whole time.

We got to my room and he pushed me down on my bed , he walked over to me and sat down on my waist and looked down at me with his dark eyes. I looked back into his eyes , I gulped and he lowered his mouth down to my ear."kookie , please let me kiss you."He nibbled on my ear lightly making me shiver.

He looked at me again and I nodded and took the hem of his shirt and pulled him down to me , connecting our lips together. He placed his hands on either side of me while I kept my grip on his shirt while the other hand wrapped around his slim waist.

He moved one of his hands on my stomach but before he got to do anything I grabbed his hand and stopped... 'he only wants to use you.' A voice said in my head and I opened my eyes and looked up and down his face and shook my head , Tae stood up and rubbed the back of his neck."Sorry.." He mumbled,"N-no its fine , I enjoyed the kiss..." I said mumbling the last part , I got up also.

He smirked and went closer to me,"So did I Kookie."He said and I felt the heat in my cheeks rise again."I-i'm tired let's go take a nap." I said and laid down and he did the same."Sleep tight Kookie."He planted a sweet kiss on my forehead and cuddled into me."You too ,Taehyungie."I said smiling and closed my eyes....

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