~Dirty little secret~

272 14 26


jungkooks .p.o.v.

"I'm home fucker!"My father said and I saw taehyung clench his fist but I shook my head , I heard him going up the stairs and I panicked."Bathroom , go"Taehyung sprinted to the bathroom and closed the door. I buttoned up my shirt and took my phone.

"I said i'm home!" He yelled opening my door."Hi father." I said with a straight face even though I was shitting bricks right about now , if dad finds Taehyung we are both dead."Anyways im going down stairs , I want you gone in five minutes or so , don't want you to embarrass me infront of my visitors."He said and walked out my room.

I let out a breath that I didn't realise I was holding in until now. I walked to the bathroom seeing taehyung crawled up in a ball in the bath.

"It's okay , it's just me." I whispered , turning on the lights. I walked over to him and squatted down beside the bath.

Tae sat up and looked at me as I placed my head on he side of the tub.

"Plop." He said poking my nose and smiled. "Wanna have a bath?" I asked him and he nodded looking down at his wet clothes from sitting in the bath. I helped him out and started to fill up the bath as I heard him undoing the belt to his jeans."You'll have to be quick though because i'm leaving soon."  I said and I heard a mhm from him. 

I stood up and turning around seeing a fully naked Taehyung infront of me. I felt the heat in my cheeks rise as I bit my lip , trying my best not to look down.

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my neck and connected our lips. He moved me towards the door , closing and locking it with out our lips disconnecting once.

"Taehyung we shouldn't , I need to get ready i'm gonna go out with Jin and Namjoon soon." I mumbled against his lips.

"Common just let me..." He slide his hand down to my crotch. "Taehyung~"I bite my lip and looked down at the problem forming in my pants

"You seem to have a small problem down there ,huh?"He smirked rubbing his hand up and down.

I gurgled up a weird sound and gulped as he started to unzip my jeans.

He slid the piece of clothing down leaving me only in my boxers. He licked his lips and looked up at me.

"Please hurry Tae.." I whined and he very slowly slid down my boxers. When he finally got them at least half off my member sprung free making my face red.

He slide them down to my knees and slowly wrapped his hand around my (Jung)cock.

He slowly pumped it , he looked up at me again in pure lust."Please a little quicker baby." I begged and he obeyed , quickening his pace.

"Ugh~" I moaned and looked down at him and made eye contact. "You like that Baby?" He asked and i nodded my head making a 'mhm' sound.

"Im glad that im making my baby feel good." He said before going to my member and kissing the side of it.

He trailed his tongue along it before licking the tip. He trailed his other hand around my waist and to my ass , he squeezed one of my cheeks making a moan gurgle in my throat.

"Let me hear you more Jungkook~" He whispered and made circles with his tongue on the tip of my dick.

I bite my lip trying not to moan more , I placed my hand on the back of his head."Oh kookie wants to be in my mouth does he?" He asked seductively , I nodded my head with an innocent smile.

"Okay , anything for you~" He slowly slid me into his mouth until I felt hitting the back of his throat.

I let out a small moan and tangled my hand in his light brown hair. He moved his head forward and back , repeating the same action over and over.

I pulled on his hair earning a moan from him , the sound waves traveled down my manhood making me also moan.

I felt taehyung smirk and kept on moaning and groaning as my cock went in and out his mouth.

"Taehyung....i-i'm close..." I mumbled as I threw my head back and tightened my grip on his hair.

I pushed his head more and faster onto my cock , making me feel as if I was in heaven.

"Taehyung~"I moaned as I felt my climax coming soon. I groaned as he also trailed circles around the rim of my hole. "T-taehyung...don't stop!"I moaned and he entered one of the fingers in slowly pumping ot in an out.

"Holy shit , Taehyungggg!" I yelled not caring if my father heard anymore. "Taehyung im gonna-" before I got finish my sentence I released into Taehyung's mouth , he swallowed it all and licked his lips.

"Jungkookie?" Taehyung whined and gave me puppy eyes. "Can you top me?" His question made me choke I mean I still haven't recovered from my first orgasm.

"I mean if you're not tired..." He said getting up and I shook my head and smashed our lips together again , tasting myself on his lips.

He unbuttoned my shirt and slid it down , this time ignoring all the cuts and bruises. "Wait" I said and pushed him away and took my phone out of my pocket and texted our group chat.


Kookie : Sorry not coming outside something got in the way ;)

~Mama jin is online~  

Mama jin : It's okay kookie i'll just go with Joon then

~Destruction mon is online~    

Destruction mon : OHHHH are you and Taehyung getting at it , I saw him going to your house as i drove past ;)

Kookie : Maybe ;P

~Kookie is offline~

I turned off my phone , placing it on the counter."Ready?" He asked and I nodded placing my lips on his , trailing my hands up his bare back , I kissed down his neck then back again and backed away placing a finger on his lower lip.

I slowly slide my finger into his mouth , he circled his tongue around my one finger before I entered another one. Watching him do that was truly arousing.

He sucked on my fingers , his eyes closed like some kitten nursing. I stared at him in aw and took out my fingers. He pouted out his bottom lip. "I enjoyed that." He whined and I chuckled.

I trailed my wet fingers down his back and to his hole , pressing down at the rim.

I slowly pushed my finger in and slowly moved it in and out before putting the other one in also.

I turned him around and pushed him against the counter letting him stare at his face which was filled with pleasure. I pushed in and out of him , going deeper and deeper each time."Kookie!" He moaned out my name and I smirked , I pulled out the fingers and kissed his shoulder.....

RIGHT CANT BE ARSED WRITING MORE , HOPEFULLY YOU LIKED THE CHAPTER , i lor you and remember *whispers* its markson or never...BYEBYE!

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