~Never ending cycle~

283 15 3

Jungkooks .p.o.v.

I woke up on a bare chest rising and falling, I looked up at the face of the owner of the body I was laying on and smiled.

He looked so peaceful....

I moved up , closer to his face. He groaned and tightened his grip around my waist."Stop moving Kookie-yah," He groaned and I pecked his lips.

The corners of his mouth gently curved and he half opened his eyes. He put his free hand on my cheek and then smoothed my hair.

I rolled over and went to his side , he turned to his side. His face inches from mine , I smiled and my eyes slowly shut again. His hand stroking my cheek making me sleepy again*BZZ BZZ*My phone buzzed in my pocket and i took it out.DAD!


His unreadable text shows that he's clearly drunk and pissed. I sat up and looked at tae who had a worried expression."Don't worry dad just wants me home."I smiled and climbed over him and stretched.

I felt his bare arms wrap around my torso and his head on my shoulder."Can't you stay a little longer Kookie?" "Sorry but no Taehyungie , maybe you can come over later but not now." I said and he let go of me.

"Okay~" He said before planting a kiss on my cheek and I went down stairs and out the house. I crossed the empty road and quickly walked to my lane. 'Im so fucking screwed hes going to kill me' I said to myself as I got nearer and nearer to my house.

I went up to the front door and placed my shaky hand on the door handle. I opened it and stepped inside before closing the door back. Before I got to take of my shoes a hand collided with my face,"WHERE WERE YOU ALL FUCKING DAY!?" He yelled and I shrunk down and mumbled."I was with friends" "Since when do you have fucking friends you loser! You told me you would be away for only 2 hours that you would come home at 4 its fucking 7 do you think i'm fucking stupid?!"He yelled before another hand collided with my face my cheek stinging like hell.

"You were meant to be fucking clean and be useful once in your fucking life in this god damn house you fucking bratty shit."He yelled and yanked my hair making me look up at him."You will regret ever being born." he said and punched me....

Magical time skip cause I don't want to write abusive scene cause I suck at them

I limped into my room and into my bathroom.I locked the door and striped out of my clothes. I touched the bruise forming on my cheek and then my busted lip. I looked at my body in the mirror. "How can anyone like this? I'm disgusting" I shook my head.

Cuts, bruises , burns and hand marks covered my body.I sighed and stepped into the shower. I turned on the water and winced as the warm water collided with the cuts and bruises. I washed my hair and then carefully washed my body.

I dragged the soapy sponge across my wrist wincing now and then because some of the cuts were new from the morning. I washed the soap of and got out the shower wrapping the towel around my waist then took another one and placed it around my shoulders.

I walked into my room and grabbed a black sweater and white bottoms. I put them on and put the towel back just kept the one around my shoulders and dried out my hair. I sat down on my bed and took out my phone. Nothing ,no texts, no notifications.

I shrugged and threw the phone on my pillow and got up."DINNER YOU FUCKER!"Dad yellled and I went down stairs. I pushed the plate away."Not hungry." "What ever starve , I have more to eat at least."He walked past me with the french fries and fish fingers and laid down on the couch.

I got a glass and filled it with water then went back to my room and sat down beside my bed and took my laptop and started to go through facebook. Random family shit , friend dram , celebrity deaths you know typical things.

A message popped up by Tae

Taehyung: So what time?


Taehyung: I'm coming over did you forget?

Me:oh yehhh!!

Taehyung: -_-

Me: come whenever you want I dont care.

Taehyung: -_-.....OKAYYYYYY!

~taehyung is offline~

I clicked out of facebook after like 30 minutes of surfing it and only getting angry and annoyed at people , I went on youtube and played some music and laid down on my floor staring at the ceiling.

"Please don't see just a boy caught up in dreams and fantasies , Please see me reaching out for someone I can't see. Take my hand let's see where we wake up tomorrow.Best laid plans sometimes are just a one night stand , I'd be damned Cupid's demanding back his arrow.So let's get drunk on our tears and God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young. It's hunting season and the lambs are on the run , Searching for meaning But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?" I sang along with closed eyes.

I jumped as I heard someone clapping, I looked at the door and taehyung stood there. My cheeks got warm as he went up to me still clapping."Nice vocals Kookie" He smiled and I smiled also."Thanks ,I guess."I said and rubbed the back of my neck and I lowered the sound on the music.

He sat down next to me and leaned against my bed. His head tilted back and his eyelids half closed. He pushed his brown hair back and I gulped , trying not to drool because of his attractiveness.

"It's not nice to stare Kookie."He said and looked at me then closed his eyes. "If you have something to say then do."He smirked and I looked away."So what is it?" "Nothing doesn't matter." "Mhm as if."He said and I just kept looking around my room.

"You look very attractive like that , with your head tilted back showing you neck and all."I said my cheeks probably red as cherries by now.

He smirked and took me by my collar and pulled me to him and connected our lips. This boy really likes fucking kisses I have to tell you.

After a while he pushed me on the ground and went on top of me , he attacked my neck like some vampire.

He earned some moans from me then and now as he sucked and licked my neck.

He kept on trailing kisses down my neck and then going back up my neck leaving small purple and pink marks.

He stopped and looked up at the door in pure terror...

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