~Sleep over~

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Jungkooks .p.o.v.

Taehyung ringed the others , asking if they will come over and they all agreed and are on there way now.

"So which pants you want?" He asked pointing at to two pairs of pj bottoms and then he passed me matching top.

I laid them down on the bed and smiled at taehyung who did the same."Wanna help lay out for the others?" He asked and I nodded.

"My parents won't be home so we can take their bedding , then from the extra room so we have a bed for three..."He said thinking this all through."Don't you have like blankets and stuff?" I asked and he nodded.

"But you see I dont want three to have a blanket then the other two not to..." "How about I'll take the blanket and you can share your big blanket with someone?"I asked and he shook his head."I want to cuddle with you Kookie." He said and kissed the tip of my nose.

I smiled and we continued to figure it out...

Soon the boys came and we had all blankets and all on the bed set for when we will go to bed.

Yoongi and Jimin sat in the ground talking to each other as I sat on the bed waiting for taehyung to return.

He walked in with hoseok and let him join me on the bed."Hey Jungkook."he smiled and I awkwardly waved.

"How's you?"he asked as he crossed his legs over."Fine.."I mumbled and Taehyung sat next to me and placed his large hand on mine before wrapping his fingers around my hand.

"You sure?" He asked and I sighed."Dad was being a dick head thats all."He nodded in response.

"Its okay , I wont judge I mean I have quite a messed up past myself." He rubbed the back of his neck.

I nodded and leaned back on the pile of blankets and pillows.jin and namjoon walked in and namjoon threw his bag next to the others before throwing himself on the bed in between.

"GET OFF , NAMJOON YOU FAT FUCKER"hoseok yelled , pulling his foot from under Namjoon who didnt even try to move.

"You're squishing my fucking leg!get up you asshole!!"He yelled and slapped Namjoon's chest,"I'm comfy" "Namjoonie get up."Jins said with a sweet voice.

Namjoon jolted up."I'm up." He said and walked to Jin and I rolled his eyes."What is it called where Namjoon isn't obsessed over Jin?" Hoseok asked and I shrugged."It's when Namjoon gets a fucking therapist." I laughed and Yoongi walked over to us with Jimin closely behind him.

Jimin let out a small chuckle and he sat down on the edge of the bed....

The time rolled by and now we were all changed and sitting on the front with blankets covering us.

"Lets play truth or dare!" Jimin said standing up , making everyone pay attention to him.

We all nodded our heads and Jimin started,"I'll go first , truth or dare Namjoon?" "Truth." He replied and Jimin thought for a minute."Do you actually like Jin?" Jimin asked and there was slight tint of pink on Namjoons cheeks.

"Pass" "Can't pass it!" Hoseok yelled at him and Namjoon sighed."Yeah.."He mumbled and Jin's face turned red.

"Truth or dare , Hoseok" "Truth." "Uhmm , what's the weirdest thing you ever seen on the internet?" "I dont know really I guess An hour loop of the 'My names Jeff' vine...." He trailed of "Did you watch the whole hour?"I asked and he nodded,"Sadly yes....I need to get a life..anyways truth or dare Yoongi?"

"Truth." "Have you ever slept in class?" Yoongi gave him the 'are you kidding me' look before answering."Of course I have , I like my sleep and no whore wearing high heels and a mini skirt will stop me.. truth or dare Taehyung?"

"You all are pussies im gonna go with dare." "Say an insult to Jungkook."Yoongi smirked and I looked at Taehyung whose eyes where wide."WHY!?" "Cause you always say how you love him and how perfect he is but everyone has flaws."

Taehyung turned to me and pecked my cheek."Don't take this seriously." He said and cleared his throat."Your hair looks like a coconut when its not styled." "By that you mean all the time?" Taehyung nodded and burst out laughing. 

I laughed with his as we continued with truth or dare...

It was around 11pm now and all of us where hyper as hell because of the soda Jin brought. I heard the song zutter play by Gdragon and T.O.P , signalling someone was calling me. 

I saw the caller ID and my heart sank and my smiled turned into a frown.

My dad was calling me at 11pm...what does he want. I gulped and stood up."What's wrong?" One of the boys asked and I showed them the phone."Dad's calling." I said and they nodded shutting up and I went to Taehyung's bathroom and picked up the phone.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? And why did you answer so late!" He yelled , hurting my ears by his loudness. "I-i'm sorry i'm at a friends house...." "COME BACK RIGHT NOW , YOU DESERVE SHIT-" Before he got to finish my phone got snatched out of my hand and Taehyung placed it to his ear and yelled,"NOW LISTEN HERE YOU CUNT! Me , Jungkook and the 5 other boys are having fun!You have no right in abusing Jungkook and not letting him do everyday things like a normal teenager! I have enough of you treating my boyfriend like shit! NOW GOOD BYE!" I stood there in shock as he shouted at my father.

I never had the guts to speak back to my father let alone full on yell at him...

He looked at me and sighed,"I have had enough of him , tonight is our night."He smiled and then pulled me back to the room where the rest of the boys were.....

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