~Guess they aren't so bad~

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Jungkooks .p.o.v.

I sighed as I made my ways to Taes door. I knocked on it several times but no answer. I turned around but when I was about to leave I heard a voice say."Leaving so soon? You just came here." I turned around to see Namjoon standing there.

I gave him a small smile then went inside. Some of the boys were in the living room while the others were in the kitchen. A very excited Tae came running to me and hugged me."You came." "Ofcourse." I said and gave him a small smile and he groaned,"Stop faking that smile I know you don't want to be here." "I hate socializing." I mumbled and he rolled his eyes.

"One day you're gonna roll you eyes back into your head I swear." I laughed and he slapped my arms."Oh shut up." He said and then grabbed my arm and started to drag me to the kitchen where most of them were just two of them were snoozing on the couch I believe it was Jhope and Suga.

"Look who came!" Taehyung yelled making the two boys in the kitchen to look at us. "Jungkook!" They yelled and came running to me. For not knowing me even for a minute they are very happy to see me.

The two went around us and Jimin even put his arm around my neck , his red hair tickled my ear."Hopefully you'll like us Kookie" He said and smiled , his eyes turning into straight lines making him look very cute.

Jin came up to me with a spoon and stuffed it into my mouth."Eat up you must be starving , it's 3pm you probably didnt have your dinner yet." He said sounding very motherly.

I swallowed the soup and smiled,"Your cooking is very good." I said and he smiled."Well thank you."

Namjoon came up to us and wrapped one of his arms around Jins waist.

"We should tell you about our selves." Namjoon said and Jimin unwrapped his arm around my neck."I'll go wake up Suga and Hobi."He said and went to the living room us slowly following him.

When we got to the couch Jimin was on top of Suga waking him up."Fuck off Jiminie" He groaned and Jhope stretched.

"Oh look its Jungkookie."Hoseok said and went up to me."Taehyung told me a lot about you." "Oh shut up." Tae said hitting his arm. "What it's true you always talk about Kookie."He laughed and Tae groaned ,"So he's my best friend?" Tae fold his arms and I laughed a little."Well it seems you like him more than just a-" "Shut the fuck up hoseok or I will shove this tv remote down your throat."Taehyung threatened making Jhope to stop and sit down quietly without saying anything else.

"Feisty."I whispered and chuckled before i sat down beside Hoseok and Tae sat down at the other side of me."So Jungkook tell us about yourself." Namjoon said and he sat down on the floor in front of me."I mean there isn't really to say anything i'm not interesting." Taehyung sighed,"You are interesting.." He said then leaned back on the couch.

"What is there to say seriously?"I said and looked back at Tae and he shrugged."I don't know , tell them about how you dont have your Mum , about your sexuality , how you got bullied or how you almost committed suicide three years ago." "TAE!" I swung around and gave him the 'Are you fucking kidding me' look. He shrugged and at that point I never wanted to slap him more.

I gulped as I looked back at them and all of their faces looked sad almost worried."i-I'm fine now like ..."I Stuttered not looking at them."How did you lose your Mother?" Jhope asked and Jin slapped his leg."You can't just ask people that." He said and then looked back at me."No it's fine , she died in a car accident." I said looking down and the ground."I was driving and a dog appeared on the road and I made a sharp turn and we banged into a tree.." I said  and heard one of the members aww and Taes hand rubbing up and down my back and then he wrapped his arm around me.

"Dont beat yourself up about it we all had our dark moments." I heard Suga say and I nodded. 

We talked about ourselves for another while until they all went home leaving me and Tae at his house. He sighed and fell down on the sofa as he got back from saying bye to Jimin and Suga. I walked over to him and placed the two hot chocolates I made for us on the coffee table and went on top of him and sat on his stomach.

He opened his eyes and smiled gently. I smiled also and he put one of his hands on my waist."The boys aren't that bad aren't they?" He said and I nodded."Yeah but I would still rather spend time with you."I said and the heat started to rise to my cheeks.

"Aww Kookie." He awed and played with the fabric of my hoodie in between his fingers.I looked down at him as he watched his fingers playing with the black fabric.I scanned his face then looked at his cute , soft looking lips. I moved my hand to his face and placed it on his soft face , he looked up at me in surprise and then I moved my hand down and rubbed my thumb against his lips. 

A small smirk appeared on his lips and he looked up into my eyes and I looked into his. I bite my lip and looked away as I felt my cheeks getting hot again. He grabbed the collar of my hoodie and lowered me so our noses were inches away from each other.My heart started to beat faster than I ever thought it would as i heard the the two words leave taehyung's mouth.

"Kiss me," He lifted his head up slightly ,his lips inches away from mine.I pressed my lips against his and he wrapped his arms around my neck as I tried my best to support myself the best way I could.

His lips were so soft , our lips felt they were made perfectly only for each other. He disconnected our lips and let his head fall back down on the sofa. He looked up at me and wiped his mouth."You should have told me you were such a good kisser." I slapped his chest and shook my head,"You're such a dork." I said and got up from his stomach and sat beside him and he sat up.

"Well can I be your dork?" He asked and pushed his lips against mine again and wrapped his arms around my back. I smiled through the kiss and kissed back before resting my arms down at his waist. He slid his tongue against my bottom lip asking for entrance but i just sealed my lips and he groaned and moved away."you're such a tease kookie. I've been waiting for this for almost my whole life." I connected our lips again and this time I asked for entrance and he also decided to be a tease."I guess I have no other choice" I mumbled against his lips and moved my hand down to his crotch and gently palmed him through the fabric.

He let out a gentle moan which let me slip my tongue in.Our tongues fought and surprisingly I won. I disconnected our lips and he grinned."I never knew Kookie would be so dominant." Taehyungs voice being raspy but also sounding like a typical white girl.My cheeks started to turn red again and I bite my lip and he pecked my cheek and got up."I'm tired."He yawned and looked at me."Cuddles?" I nodded my head and followed him up to his room.....

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