~you're my happiness~

164 11 13

Warning , smut near the end!!

Taehyungs .p.o.v.

It was 3am , I couldn't fall asleep because I was terrified.

People now are looking for me , God knows how long I have before they catch me but also the face of Jungkook's father has been stuck in my mind...

I caressed Jungkook's cheek , running my two finger along his cheek to the tip of his chin.

He was fast asleep by now but that didn't matter to me."I love you." I mumbled quietly and kissed the top of his head.

I wrapped my arms around him and I also felt his grip tighten around me."I love you more." He murmured , his words barely making any scene....

We all woke up at around 10 with banging on the door. Yoongi went to the door with the gun in his hand. 

He opened the door and pointed the gun at the person."You again?" The girl who was at the counter.

"You have to go."She simply said with a worried face."Why?" I asked as I sat up on the bed"The police is in the area , I saw you on the news you have to go!" We all rushed to our things , putting on our shoes and bags."Why are you helping us?" Jin asked and she shrugged."You gave me enough money to buy medication for my sick Mother....Without the medicine she could have died in less than three weeks."She said and looked at the ground."This is my ways to thank you...by helping you."She said as she fiddled with the skirt of her hotel uniform.

"Thank you."Jungkook said and lightly bowed."No problem , now GO!" She yelled the go and we put on our mouth masks before putting on our hoods and sprinting down stairs.

We looked around at the exit and we ran to the car, I kept my head low as we saw a person.Jin unlocked  the door as quickly as possible before we all hopped in and buckled our belt and drove off. 

Jin drove as fast as possible but still made sure to be under the speed limit , when we got out of the town and on some abandoned road I let out a sigh of relief and fell back in my seat."That was fucking close." I said and ran a hand through my hair.

"Bet it was , pass me some pepsi please." Namjoon said and stuck his hand to the back , I opened the box at my feet and tossed him a can."You idiot."He said as the can almost slipped out of his hand.

"Don't throw stuff in my car god knows how long we will need this still."Jin said and I rolled my eyes."Oh by the way I contacted my uncle , he said he could take us in"Yoongi said."What?" I said not understanding what was happening.

"My uncle lives in the forest , on like the other side of korea... he said he would let us live with him for a while , well until this whole 'police chasing you' thing ends." He said and I nodded."Well what are waiting for?" "We are actually on our way there now."Jin said and I nodded.

I stared out the window as we drove...

Jungkooks .p.o.v.

I sighed from boredom and took a bottle of water before taking a sip.

I felt a hand on my thigh , I trailed the arm and was met with Taehyung's face inches from mine.

He pecked my lips and looked back out the window. I smiled and did the same , looking out my window before his hand trailed down to my crotch and started to palm me through the fabric.

I bite my lip before closing my eyes as I rested my head on my hand.

"N-namjoon?" I stuttered and Namjoon turned around,"Sorry um can you turn the music on i'm bored."I said and he nodded , turning on the radio , he turned the volume up so everyone in the car could hear it.

I thanked him as I felt taehyung undo my jeans and slip his hand into my pants , palming me more but through only one thin layer of fabric.


My breathing hitched as he leaned to my ear , giving it a small lick."You're gonna need to be quiet baby." He played with the zip of my jeans before unzipping my jeans and pushing them down a little , I bite my lip as he began to stroke my member through the fabric.

I stared out the window resting my head in my hand.

I looked down at him and he stared into my eyes as he tugged at the rim of my boxers.

I lifted myself up and pulled down my boxers and my jeans a little further.

I glanced at the three I front of us , two where sleeping and one was chatting with Namjoon.

He wrapped his hand around my shaft before slowly pumping it up and down before licking the tip.

I clutched my hand over my mouth watching him do every move.

He slid a part of my cock into his mouth , swirling his tongue around the head.

He slide my whole length into his mouth before repeating his action and bobbed his head up and down.

I glanced up from him to the people infront of us, checking if anyone has noticed something but nothing.

I tangled my hand through his hair and moved his head a little faster and deeper.

I gulped feeling the familiar feeling in my stomach.

I slowly thrusted myself more into his mouth and clutched my hand tighter at my mouth.

I quiet muffled moan that was almost silent erupted from my throat as I felt myself release in taehyung's throat.

Taehyung removed himself and swallowed before licking his lips.  

I fixed my clothes as he whipped his mouth on his sleeve."Good job baby."He whispered and I chuckled a little as I tried to calm down my breathing......

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