~Lonely hotel night~

298 14 2

jungkooks .p.o.v.

Taehyung stopped and looked up at the door in pure terror. I slowly looked up to the directions of the door.

Shit!My father stood there a disgusted look on his face.

I pushed myself from underneath Taehyung and looked at him."Tae you should go...." He shook his head. "Now!"I said and pushed him , not helping him at all because he fell.

"Go."I said a little quieter as I saw my dad coming towards me."I never want to see you in my house ever again you faggot!"He yelled at Taehyung before Tae ran out in fear of what my Father could do.

"So not only your a failure but now you're some gay faggot also!?Your such a fucking disappointment!"He slapped my face and grabbed me by the collar of my hoodie.

He moved my hoodie exposing my shoulder. He pressed the cigarette he had in his mouth a minute ago into my skin , burning my flesh.

I let out a scream and tried to move away but his strong arm kept me close. He pressed the cig more into my skin until he moved it away and looked at the circle which was burnt and was bleeding.

He repeated this saying things like;"So you know what hell will feel like." "You're going to burn in hell anyways so why cant I get you use to the feeling"

After a while of burning holes into my shoulder and collar bones area and me letting out screams and yelps as tears ran down my face.

"Get out I don't want to see you here tonight!"He said and let go of me , making me drop down to the floor.

"I'm giving you a minute to leave." And with that he left. I grabbed my school back pack and then my other back pack.

I stuffed a hoodie , a black shirt , pair of jeans , socks and underwear. I went to my bathroom and grabbed random stuff , took my earphone, some money , charger and phone then went down the stairs  and dashed out the door after putting my converse on.

I ran out of the house and then park in which my so called 'Home' is , its nothing more than a building in which I spend time and get abused at.... Taehyungs house feel more like a home then my house.

I got to a nearby hotel and asked the person behind the desk for a room for two nights. She gave me the key and I went to the room 257.

I opened the door and threw all my things on the bed and locked myself in the room before the tears started to spill again.

I clutched my knees to my chest and cries into my knees."What did I ever do to him to deserve this?"I mumbled and laid down on the floor.....

I woke up at 2am...I got up and put on a top and took off my pants. I threw all my things on the floor and plugged in my charger and then plugged in my phone....

I went to my bag and took out my tooth brush and went to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face , I went back to the room and sat down on my bed.

I turned on the small lamp on the bed side table.I sighed as I trailed my fingertips along my arm....

"Im such a disappointment..."I mumbled "Can't remember the last time I wore a short sleeved top to be honest" I said looking at my bare arms.

I went under the sheets and turned the lamp off...

I stared at the wall not being able to sleep and only wanting to check up on taehyung who probably sleeping.... I turned around away from the phone and closed my eyes trying to sleep again....

Taehyungs .p.o.v.

I moved and turned in my bed like some maniac , I couldn't sleep , I just wanted to know I jungkook was okay...

Hes probably sleeping by now I can't text him...

Jungkook's .p.o.v.

I got up and went to the balcony and looked at the view of the city. The night sky covered with stars.

I leaned back on the wall before going back in and trying to fall asleep again....

I decided not to go to school because I woke up at 10am...

I sat on my bed looking around before grabbing my bag and putting on a plain shirt and my jeans. 

I went to the balcony and looked down at the people walking at the bottom. I sighed and rested my head on the railing and stretched out my  hand over the railing (like in the picture)

'I wonder what taehyung is doing....Is he okay after yesterday? is he angry?is he worried? Did he go to school?' These thoughts stayed with me all day....


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