~Loneliness and cupcakes~

296 15 7

Jungkooks .p.o.v. 

I went down the hall to my locker. No happy Taehyung to be seen. I sighed as I opened my locker.

I took out the things I needed and then closed again.I walked to my classroom and the bell rang as I got to the door.

Our teacher let us in and then checked the register....

I sat at my table alone , no Taehyung , no Mark , no Minhyuk. No one.

Everyone was ignoring me. Earlier on I saw Tae talking to that Suga guy again.

I got up and threw my left overs into the bin. I looked around , nope again no Tae.

I plopped my earphones into my ears and started to listen to some Greenday(cause why the fuck not)

I went outside to get some fresh air , I walked around the school then I saw Tae and the bangtan boys.

The corners of my lips twitched and then I looked away from them.

I walked past them , my hands in my hoodie awkwardly.I spared a quick look at them and Tae watched as I walked past and got up.

I sighed and turned around Tae millimeters away from me"What do you want?!" I snapped and turned off my music.

He was about to says something but I cut him off,"Go to bangtan I dont give a damn , it's not like we are best friends ever since like birth." I said glaring at him , all the confidence and happiness was out of him now.

'FUCK I MADE HIM FEEL BAD!' I mentally yelled at myself. I gulped and stepped back. 'You're no different like 'Him' , making people feel like shit,' I looked around and shook my head"I-i'm sorry im not any better then him..." "What do you mean?" Tae finally spoke and I gulped"M-my father , i'm not much better than him , making you feel like shit."I said and then started to walk away.

I heard him call for me so I started to run I cant explain to him now, he cant know. I jumped over the school gate and ran down to the forest were me and Tae go. I ran through the forest and to the giant tree in the middle.

I sat under it to catch my breath and closed my eyes....

I opened the door to my house and heard the television on, 'Great hes here!' I cursed in my head and looked around ,'I mean I did clean.'

"Im-im home , I bought some things."I said , taking off my shoes."I have to say , you did a quite good job at the cleaning." He praised me....is he okay...is he high or something."What the fuck did you buy?" "I bought butter , bread , some fruit , frozen pizza and some soda."I said and gave him the bag.

"Go to your room , change and then get out of the house i'm gonna have some visitors over." He said and got up to go to the kitchen."Okay," I said and went up stairs.

'Thats why hes in a good mood , hes having 'visitor' .' I said to myself and opened the door to my room. I went over to my closet and pulled out a different shirt and pair of skinny jeans.

I changed into them and took my phone , earphones and some money. I went down stairs and put my shoes on"I DONT WANT TO SEE YOUR UGLY ASS HERE OR ANY WHERE NEAR THE HOUSE UNTIL 10 PM GOT IT?!"I heard him shout from the kitchen."OKAY!" I shouted back and left as quickly as possible.

Its was already getting dark and it was only 6. I sighed and walked down the dull street. I looked down at the ground."What if he is abandoning me for them?" I mumbled and sighed,"JUNGKOOK!" I heard someone yell my name and I turned around to see Tae.

I bite my lip and stood there."I-i'm sorry"He panted and then gave me a bag."I went to your house but your dad told me you went for a walk so here."I took a box out of the bag and then opened the box , there were delicious looking cupcakes."They are from me and the boys."He said and gave me one of his famous cute squared smile.

"Thank you." I said and looked back down at them."Eat one"He said, "Nah im fine." "Kookie..."He said with a raised eyebrow."Fine." I said and took a cupcake with white icing and chocolate chip cookies crumbled on the top .

I took a bite , Taehyung keeping a close eye on me the whole time."HMMM did you make these?"I said, covering my mouth because I was still eating. He nodded,"Yeah , well mainly Jin did we just decorated and made a huge mess in the kitchen."He laughed"They are really good."I Said and took another bite.

"I'm happy you like it , you picked the perfect one too." "Why?" "That's one of the ones I made."He smiled even more if that was even possible. I smiled and put the rest of cupcakes away into the bag."Well thanks." I said and rubbed the back of my neck."Nah it's nothing , the boys thought it would be a good idea because of the thing earlier on..."

I nodded my head and continued to talk,"They saw that we are close friends and thought why not make cupcakes as an apology." I smiled and nodded."OH! and by the way , the boys think you're quite cool and would like to meet you." I looked at him with wide eyes,"I know ,I know you told me before that you don't want to get involved with them but if you join the gang you'll be really popular and people wont tease you.... and also the boys are real fun , we have lots of laughs together." I shrugged, "I dont know.." "Common Kookie , please,"

"It'll be fun I promise"I still didn't reply."I'll do anything just please." "Fine I'll meet them tomorrow but if I dont like them or they dont like me im leaving instantly."I said and then tae hugged me."I knew you would join."He said and moved his head away then pecked my lips.....

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