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Jungkooks .p.o.v.

I put on my donut hoodie and a pair of shorts and sighed."Right lets tidy up the living room."I ran down the stairs and went to the kitchen and grabbed a empty beer box. I walked into the living room and turned on the tv and put on some random music and started to put all the bottles into the box. I got the room half finished when there was a knock on the door.

TAE! I dropped the door and ran over to the door and opened it for him."Hiii."We both said at once and he smiled making me also smile. He went in and closed the door after him."I guess you're cleaning." He said looking at me as I picked up the beer bottles."Yeah you know dad drinks alot after what happened to Mum and he's busy with work and all." He nodded his head and dropped his bags in front of the stairs and walked over to me and started to pick up the beer bottles and putting them into the box.

I went to one side of the room and he went to the other. I picked the bottles and caps , humming along with the music playing."FUCK!" Tae yelled making me drop everything and rush over to him."What happened?" "I was picking up broken glass and cut my hand."He said , squeezing his palm."Let me see."I said reaching for his hand. He gave me his hand and I looked at his cut , luckily it wasn't deep but it was bleeding pretty bad. I grabbed his wrist and walked to the kitchen."Sit down."I told him pointing to a chair and he did as i told him.

I climbed up the kitchen counter like a kid and got the medical box from the top hidden from anyone to see. I slowly got down and placed it on the table next to Tae. I opened the box and got out a cotton pad and disinfection thingy, I soaked the pad and kneeled down in front of taehyung and took his hand. I looked at his cut and then gently dabbed the cotten pad on the wound. I heard him yelp and he winced, I looked up at him and he had his eyes closed.

I smiled slightly and turned his hand around and kissed to top of his hand , He looked down at me and smiled. I kissed his hand one more time before turning it around and continueing with cleaning out the cut. I threw out the cotton pad and took a bandage and wrapped it around his hand. I finished and looked up at him , he stared into my eyes and smiled again.I cleared my throat and put the box back."So wanna go to my room?" He nodded and we went up to my room , ignoring the mess in the living room.

He grabbed his stuff and we went up the stairs. I opened the door to my room and threw myself on the bed.tae dropped his things next to the door and did the same and laid down beside me , his face inches away from mine ,it's so tempting to kiss his soft plumped lips but I cant.I sat up and stretched and then clapped. "RIGHT!" I looked at Taehyung."What chu wanna do?~" He shrugged and sat up beside me."I feel like doodling." He said and smiled. "Fineeee." I got up and went my desk and took another chair for him to sit at.I got paper and two pencils and put them on the desk.

Tae sat down beside me and took a page and a pencil and started to draw. I watched him as he drew , I placed my head on his shoulder as I watched."Is it a dog?" He shook his head no."Cat?" He shook his head again ,"Fox?" "Stop asking and youll see." "Okayyy." I said and watched as he drew. He hummed a simpls comforting melody as my eyes wandered from his page to his face. His tan skin , his face was shining a little because of sweat. I smiled and bite my lip then removed my head from his shoulder and started to draw something. "Done!" Taehyung held up his page showing a lion he drew,"Its cute!" I said , smiling and he thanked me ."What you drawing?" He asked and did the samething as I did."I-i'm drawing you , Taehyungie."I said my cheeks warming up.

"Oh my god , really?" I nodded my head and he smiled even more (if that was possible) . Soon enough my little chibi drawing was done and I showed him it."AWWWW!" He said and pecked my cheek."Its adorable , Kookie!" I put my hand on where he kissed it ."Close your mouth a fly might fly in there." He said laughing , I didnt even realise my mouth was wide open in shock."OMG HAHAHA YOU SHOULD HAVE SAW YOUR FAC-HAHAHHAHAH!" Tae said between laughter.

"Oh you're gonna make fun of me huh?" I said and tackled him to the ground and started to tickle him, he kicked his feet and tried to push me off of him with his arms . His laugh filled the room as I kept on tickling him."Stop it" He breathed out between laughs."Oh my god I can't breath."He said still laughing and I stopped,I laughed as he made a face of relief ."Sorry."He said with closed eyes.

I got up and helped him up."Next time think about making me fun of me."I laughed and tae glared and then laughed. I checked my phone and somehow it was already 7pm."Hey want to watch a movie or something?" I asked and Tae nodded his head. I sat down on my bed and got my laptop. I went on 123Movies and looked through all of them."Which one?" "That one."Tae pointed at a movie called Secret life of pets."I was going to watch that , so lets watch it together apparently its really good." He said and I nodded , I clicked on the movie and it started to play.Tae placed his head on my shoulder as we started to watch the movie...

We finished watching the movie and went down stairs for a drink and some food. I looked through the fridge for anything really. I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me and a chin rest on my shoulder."You have nothing to eat."He sighed , his breath hitting my ear making goosebumps appear on my skin."I know I should go buy something soon." I said and sighed still looking through the fridge." I mean we have yogurt.." I picked up the yogurt and looked at the bottom of it. "Which is a week out of date." I placed the yogurt back and looked more."Let's go to the shop." "It's 9pm though." "And?" He let go of me and rushed up stairs.

I shook my head and followed him upstairs and changed into a pair of jeans. I went down stairs where taehyung had his shoes already on and his hands in his pockets."Hurry up they close at 11." I looked at the clock it was 9:45 we had fair enough time. I rolled my eyes and put on my timberland boots."You always wear those..." He said and rolled his eyes"Yeah and?" He rolled his eyes again."Stop rolling your eyes , they are gonna end up looking retarded."I said and tucked my hands into my pockets."Whatever."He said and got out the house , I locked the door after us and we went to the shop."Do you even have money Tae?" "Yep,"He said taking out some paper notes out of his pocket."Okay."I said and we walked on....

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