~Dreams/the end~

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Jungkooks .p.o.v.

We got to an abandoned building site and sat the edge talking about our hopes and dreams for the future.

"My future isn't bright."Taehyung murmured as he looked down at the water."Why?" "I'm gonna get caught by at anytime , i'm wanted... i'm a criminal Jungkook , God knows how long I have left before being sent to prison for a lifetime!" He yelled and I nodded my head.

"Don't nod your head as if you understand! I killed someone , I killed your father just because I wanted to help you , I should have just reported him or some shit! Now i'm in deep shit and his face has been haunting my at night , his face of pain... I regret it Jungkook."He said to me as everyone else just quietly listened.

"I'm going for a walk."He said and go up , I was about to go with him but Namjoon sat me back down told me to let him be. I dangled my feet off the edge as his footsteps faded away. 

I rubbed my eyes and yawned , I sure was sleepy for it being only 1pm.

I sighed and started to listen to the conversations that the others where having. I didnt quite pick up but I did feel the sun behind shaded away from my face.

I looked up seeing Taehyung climbing up one of the construction things."Tae get down!" I yelled , getting everyone's attentions and look at Taehyung. The others yelled at him to get down , hand gesturing to get down when I yelled."TAEHYUNGIE PLEASE GET DOWN YOU'RE SCARING ME" I felt my eyes water but not only because of the wind but because was worried of tae. 

He smiled down at me and smiled faintly before wiping the smile off and going to the edge of the platform before running up and jumping off...All of this was in slow motion for me as I yelled his name over and over again..

I ran to the spot where taehyung jumped off getting stopped by Jin and Namjoon , both of them holding my hoodie."I love him! Hes my everything! He was always there when no one else was! HE WAS THE ONE THAT COMFORTED ME EVERYTIME I FELT LIKE DYING , I CANT LET HIM DROWN!"I yelled , couple of tears rolling down my face. I managed to unzip the jacket and take it off before jumping off............

I woke up , sitting up with tears again streaming down my face like most mornings. This was getting ridiculous , It's the same dreams of me and this guy called Taehyung or Tae ,  I never get to the end of the story , did the boy I apparently loved die? Did he survive? Is this a memory or just some dream?

I got up and opened the door to my small bedroom before making my ways to my therapist's office yet again. I walked not even bothering to knock."Dreams again?" He asked and I nodded my head and sitting in the plush chair in front of him."What was it this night?" "Him jumping off and me trying to save him..." I mumbled and whipped my eyes.

"Recently I've been trying to add your 'dreams' up to your life before being in coma , all I can say is that yes both or your parents are dead , your father has been murdered and you were missing from your home for a couple of weeks before having you accident and being sent to the hospital by a group of 6 boys but they never said their names and nobody has seen them since." He finished and I nodded."All I need to know is if these are dreams or me getting my memory back, Dr.Wu?" "That I can't tell but we will find out some day , but for now go sleep for a couple of hours you look exhausted."He said and I nodded heading back to my room....

Taehyungs .p.o.v.

It's been 9 years....9 long ass years ever since I saw Jungkook for the last time....I miss him , I loved him and I still do so much. my heart aches just thinking about him.

The last time I saw him was when I carried him into the hospital before he was sent to a emergency room for operations... You might ask why?Well he did have a good land in the water.He hit his head against one of the rocks, it was pretty bad. after that he was in coma for 7 years , the two other years he has/ is in the mental hospital , trying to remember his past. I wish I could just go up to him and hug him , tell him the fun we had and all but after all im still a wanted criminal...

Ever since Jungkook left it hasnt been the same , for a while we were living on the money we had but then we didn't have any money and that uncle Yoongi told us about , sold his fucking house and moved to Australia. We live in broken down house like some hobos and are the 'Bangtan boys' Again but much more different , we are full on criminals , killing , stealing and all that shit... I guess the rage of my stupidity for jumping into the water came to me and I show all of my self hatred by killing people? It's not the best but its fine as long as I don't think of Jungkook im fine...

I trailed my finger on the blade of the pocket knife I used once to kill Jungkook's father."V." I heard my new nickname and looked up."We have a job to do." Namjoon said and I nodded and got up."I'm ready Rap mon."I said and put my head over my head before stepping out the house and heading to the place we needed to do our business at....

DONE!!! hopefully you liked this fanfic , I know there was a large plot twist on the end but yeah tell me what you think about the whole jungkook not remembering the things that happened and taehyung turning into one of the world's most wanted criminals. i've been planning this whole thing out for ages , even though sometimes i wouldn't update for weeks or month i just didnt know how to write the chapter but i mean i won't need to worry about that anymore because this fanfic is down :) it feels like weight's been lifted off my shoulders because i've been wanting to do the ending because of the things i've planned but also because one of my fanfics are finally finished meaning i can't focus on my other ones more now :D if you liked this fanfic check out my other ones like step brother(exo kai) , psychopath(exo chanyeol) , bunny boy(bts jungkook) or my non kpop one amaras diary or maybe even my band one shots or kpop oneshots! but anyways im sorry if i made any of yous cry but i love you guys and remember*whispers*its markson or never..BYE BYE!!!

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