Chapter 2

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I sighed as I pulled out the bottle of orange juice and emptied its content into the glass cup that sat on the table. It was just 8am and I was preparing breakfast for my husband of 3 years.

Its funny how my life had changed, yet it was still the same. I was still the same insecure girl, just older and dressier, and by dressier I mean I no longer wear sweaters so much not that I had become a Barbie kinda girl with pretty dresses and make up, I did not put on more weight and I had learnt a lot in cooking and cleaning.

That was all that I was to my husband, his cook and his cleaner. Not his fuck buddy, not his best friend, not even his acquaintance, nothing. In all honesty, apart from giving me work related orders and stuff like that, he never paid any attention to me. He was hardly around even.

When he was around, he usually came home with other women. His "said girlfriend", the one he gave a shit about on our wedding day had said she didn't want anything to do with him anymore, hence the numerous women I see him with every night, in his matrimonial home/bed. Who the fuck does that? Obviously someone with no regards for another's feelings. It was obvious he didn't respect me, it was obvious he was doing all that to provoke me into leaving the marriage but I refused to be the one to breach the contract.

I heard the door to his room upstairs open and close and then his light footsteps followed. I wouldn't have heard him at all if it hadn't been for how silent the house was. Cold, silent, like an abandoned castle.

Soon, he appeared. Cold green eyes and his black hair was still somewhat wet. If there is something I have always been proud of about myself, it was the fact that I am an honest person. I could honestly say that I married a beautiful man. The fact that he treated me like shit didn't change that fact nor blind me. The same way, I could honestly say that my worst nightmare in highschool, Jason, who had bullied me and said the meanest things was a handsome fellow.

I looked at my him and said good morning, to which he didn't reply as he sat down for breakfast. Then he glared at the juice before him.

"What is this?" He growled and I muttered "Orange juice."

"I remember saying specifically that I wanted strawberry, not any other thing."

"I have to go to the store. I forgot the strawberries were finished so I..."

"You really are good for nothing." He muttered as he pushed the tumbler away before he started eating. I felt tears well in my eyes. It hurt. I will never be used to the hurtful things people hurl at me. Useless, big for nothing, good for nothing, fatso, pig, cow, what had I not been called? At least he hadn't called me a fatso before. That would have really broken me.

My eyes travelled down his left hand. It wasn't there. The silver band that was proof that he was married wasn't there. I had known for a while now that he never wears it. I looked down at my own fingers and saw the plain silver band which I had gotten so used to that I didn't feel its weight anymore.

I sighed and took an apple from the basket of fruits on the table before leaving to dress up for school that day.

On my way down, my phone rang. I smiled a little when I saw the callerID.

"Hey sweetie." I said as I tucked my hair behind my ear. The way I dressed changed, courtesy of my best friend Avery, who I was on the phone with.

I met Avery on the day he asked me for directions in college. We hit it off immediately...and by hit it off, I mean he decided immediately that I was his bestie, but being the socially awkward person I was/am, I couldn't do much to help myself. He kept pushing and refused to give up on me and here we are, Besties. He is studying fashion and designing while I am a veterinary medicine student.

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