Chapter 16

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Keith threw up three more times until he had nothing left in his stomach. The dry heaving sounded even more painful than the vomiting.

I was so sure my car would smell like that for months unless someone scrubbed it really clean, and I wasn't that someone. I couldn't really wash a car to save my life.

When we got there and I briefly explained what was going on to the doctors and they left with him, I sat down and buried my face in my trembling hands to calm my racing heart.

Just then, Keith's phone rang and it was his mum calling. I had called her on the way but she hadn't picked, so I assumed she just saw the missed call notification.


"Good morning Amanda. This is Danica."

I swear I felt the frost from her end over the phone. "Where is Keith and why are you with his phone?"

"We are at the hospital. Keith is not feeling well. He has been vomiting and we just got to the hospital..."She cut me off.

"Is he okay?"

"I..I don't know. They just left with him and they haven't told me anything yet."

"I'll be there soon." She said and disconnected. Letting out a deep breath, I buried my face in my hands again and waited for them to call me in as I whispered a small prayer to God that Keith would be okay, that whatever it was that he had wouldn't be serious.


Ruptured Appendix. That was what the doctors said he had. Apparently the pain had started the day he came back and he just ignored it and took painkillers to keep the pain away instead of going to the doctor to know why he had severe abdominal pain, nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea and other symptoms. The doctor said it had been 'glaring' that all wasn't well but Keith had ignored it.

Who ignores his body like that? He has a doctor for crying out loud.

If he had let his doctor know, none of this would have happened. They would have discovered it earlier and done the surgery earlier. But since he didn't, the inflammation got worse, the appendix ruptured and he suffered a complication, something they called peritonitis.

The surgery took almost two hours. Apparently, because of the rupture they had to clean out his abdominal cavity.

I just couldn't believe he neglected his body to that extent. No one should do that. I mean, why will you have really bad symptoms and then instead of seeing your doctor, you ignore it and take pain medications? It made no sense to me.

I raised my head to look at the door when someone knocked. It was Jason. He was on duty that day.

"hey you" I said with a small smile which he returned as he sat down beside me. "hey. I'm on break now, so I came to check on you. Hope you're doing okay. " I just shrugged. I wasn't doing okay. I was still trembling a little inside. The fear of expecting the worst news when I brought him in, the fear that he wasn't going to wake up. I hated the sound of the machines beeping. It just made everything more realistic.

What I needed was food, a warm hug and for someone to tell me not to worry, that he'd be fine. Jason gave me the last two.

"you know you give the best hugs." i muttered into his chest and he chuckled and that was when my mother in-law walked in. Did I spring away from Jason with a guilty look on my face? No, because I wasn't doing anything wrong. She didn't say anything, at least not immediately. Jason left, I told her what the doctors said while she ran her fingers through his hair. No matter how horrible a person she was, she loved her son.

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