Chapter 27

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I looked away from the TV screen for a second when the door to my ward opened and closed and in walked the last person I wanted to see at that point. Keith.

"Hey." He said with a small smile which I definitely didn't return.

"Hello." I replied as my eyes flicked back to the screen. The amazing world of gumball was on and I was definitely not going to leave it to pay attention to the man that had been professing love to me for more than four months but didn't have the decency to call me to know how I was doing after going into preterm labour.

"Maya how are you?"

"I'm fine." I replied as I reached out to take an apple from the fruit basket on the table beside me. I was waiting for my dad to finish handling my discharge papers. After 8 days of being in the hospital, I was itching to go home and lucky for me, in as much as I'd been sentenced to bed rest I didn't have to be in the hospital.

"What happened?" He asked as he leaned down to kiss my hair before taking a seat.

"I went into preterm labour." I replied before chuckling at Gumball's facial expression when Penny refused to accept his marriage proposal.


"Then they managed to stop it and put me on bed rest."

"Oh okay." He said and then he looked up when my dad walked in with the nurse behind him. They had a wheelchair with them and that made me frown.

"I'm not using that." I said in an annoyed voice.

"What part of total bedrest do you not understand?"

"Its not total bed rest. They said I can move around a little, so I can walk to the elevator myself Dad."

He sighed before nodding and so the nurse left with the wheelchair while Keith carried the overnight bag that I ended up not using it's content.

"Isn't there a possibility of labour starting again when we won't expect it?" Keith asked as he pushed my slippers closer to the foot of the bed with his foot while I tried getting off it.

"There is." My father replied.

"Isn't that all the more reason why she should stay here?"

"I don't like hospitals, so why stay here when home is also an option? We can always come back when it starts up again, just that it won't be a surprise anymore because we will be expecting it. It has happened once, it might happen again." I drawled as I finally slid off the bed without any help before picking up my phone and pulling the charger from the socket.

My dad left us behind to check on something and Keith and I followed him slowly.

"I'm glad you're all fine Maya. I was worried but thank goodness it wasn't a serious thing" he said with a smile and I replied with a smile that didn't reach my eyes. I was still offended that he hadn't called me at all over the week.

The trip back to my father's house felt longer than it should have. I was itching to get home and have a proper bath and change out of the clothes I had on, and that was exactly what I did. When I moved to go and look for something to eat, Keith came in with a tray of food.

"The staff was on her way here when I met her, so I offered to bring it to you."

"That's so nice of you." I muttered icily.

"Okay what is your problem? You've been nothing but nasty since I came back and met you at the hospital. What's up with the attitude? If you don't want me here just let me know and I'll leave." He snapped with a scowl on his face. He looked tired while standing there but that didn't faze me at all.

"Keith, you don't owe anyone a duty to be here. Not me, not my babies. I already told you I can do it all by myself. I already told you to go away but you didn't want to listen. You're here on your own accord. So I have the right to be nasty because I don't have to respect you or act happy to see you. Maybe when we were married, I would have done everything in my power to make you happy or whatever but not anymore 'cause we're not. So you can leave if you want to or take my nasty attitude however it comes. Your choice."

"We're still married until I sign the papers and send them back."

"Whatever." I snapped and he ran his fingers through his hair before sighing.

"When the fuck did you become so bitter Maya?" He asked softly as he pulled my hand into his.

My heart stilled in my chest for a second when he asked that question. Bitter? The word bitter had never been used in the same sentence with my name before. I always tried to be the opposite of that, always tried to live my life well despite everything but when he said that, I really looked at myself. I didn't know when it happened or why it happened but somewhere along the line, I became bitter. Deep down in my heart I was wishing to hurt Keith as much as he'd hurt me over the years. Not just him but his mother too. That was why I was lashing out at him, that was why I was being a bitch to him. That wasn't me being strong and vocal about my feelings, that was just me being hateful and trying to hurt him for hurting me.

"What happened?" He asked again and I pulled my hand out of his grip before dropping the spoon I had picked up to eat with, leaving the food untouched.

"Leave me alone Keith."

"Maya come on. Seeing you like this is disturbing. I don't know this side of you. What happened?"

"You happened. Your mother happened. Life happened. Maybe it happened when I went to highschool and was the butt of their fat jokes or maybe it happened when I had to marry a man that hated me and made my life a living hell. Maybe it happened when his mother treated me so badly or maybe it happened when he made me feel comfortable only to hurt me again or maybe it was when it was when I went into premie labour thinking I'd do it all alone and he didn't even call to know how I was faring."

He scratched his chin before sitting at the foot of the bed. "No one told me anything. You didn't call to inform me and your dad didn't either."

"Your mother knew. She was here when it all started."

"Well my mother and I haven't been on speaking terms for a while now."

I snorted in disbelief, both at the fact that he wasn't speaking to his mother and the fact that all it took for me to come down from "strong " to a quivering mess was just a few words from his mouth. I felt so pathetic and weak.

So much for being strong and not letting him know I still cared, the inner me whispered in a disapproving tone and I shook my head in agreement. Weak and a crier. What could possibly be worse than that?

Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I forced myself to smile a little and reached for the plate again. I had to eat for my babies.

"Whatever though. That doesn't matter anymore, it's like in the past. I hope you're trip went well. I'll just eat and rest. I'll probably see you around." I muttered before stuffing my mouth. It took me almost thirty minutes to finish eating and when he left with the plates, I laid down even though I knew it wasn't the proper thing to do and forced myself to try falling asleep. Just before I slipped to the other side completely,  I felt the bed dip and from his cologne, I knew it was Keith again. He then pressed a soft kiss on my forehead and then my lips before whispering "Sorry I wasn't here when you needed me around Maya. Sleep tight,  I love you."

Ass. I hate that I love you too.  I thought before sleep finally claimed me

Hey y'all. So sorry for the late update. I have had this chapter for a while now but I didn't post it because it didn't feel right. Not my favorite but I hope it's okay at least.

Do let me know what you think. And don't forget to vote and comment. They make me feel all fuzzy inside 😆 Till next time,  ✌🏾 and be 😀

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