Chapter 29

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I groaned when I heard the doorbell. I was hungover and definitely did not want to be around anyone.

After 3 days of locking myself in and asking how and why my previously perfect life had turned to shit and not finding the answer I needed, I just drank and slept and watched movies to drown my pain and confusion.

Why did my father leave? Why is he suddenly interested in me?  Oh now he wants to be in my life. Why?  After lying for over ten years?  How could mother look me in the eyes all this time and still continue lying to me?

Those were my thoughts throughout those days and at times like this I needed my friends around to help me snap out of it, especially Leo but even Leo left after taking my crap for so long and I understand why. If I give my friend an advise over and over again and he refuses to abide by them,  I would leave them be. I would stop giving the advice but I wouldn't drop him like a bad habit.

The sound of the doorbell and pounding on the door made the trolls in my head pound against my eyeballs and my mouth tasted like vomit. Rolling over and hitting the floor, I realized that I was on the couch and the pain I thought I imagined in my shoulder shot up enough to make me hiss.

Oh Fuck. That's too real to be my imagination.

Before I could collect my thoughts, the doorbell rang again. I stumbled towards the door and checked who it was through the peephole. If the light of the day wasn't blinding my eyes already, my eyes would have widened in surprise when I saw Leo standing at the other side of the door with a patient look on his face.

"Keith?!" he called out and I unlocked the door. Every movement hurt my back and I didn't even know why. I couldn't recollect everything that happened the day before,so I didn't even know if I had gotten hurt.

I turned the key and invited him in. He came in and I closed the door behind him before walking towards the kitchen.

"What's up?" he asked as he followed slowly.

"Nothing much."

I replied as I pulled out a bottle of water from the fridge while wishing there was q mirror nearby so that I could look at my back to know why it was throbbing so bad.

After drinking some water, I relaxed a little and then turned to Leo, who had followed me into the kitchen and was looking at me with those hawk like eyes of his.

"What's up? What are you doing here?" I asked as I reached into the freezer for the ice tray in there to rub on my sore back.

"You look like hell." he said and I rolled my eyes before asking the same question again.

"What exactly are you doing here? I know you didn't come here for small talk." I grumbled before leaving the kitchen. Leo was not the type to beat around the bush or make small talks. He said things the way he saw them. And I was too irritated and hungover to beat around the bush and make small talk with him.

"Your mother called and said I should check up on you. Said something about you getting a news you wouldn't know how to deal with."

"You can tell her that I said she can take her concern and shove it into a dark corner. I don't want it."

I replied as I went to the mirror close to the entrance door and pulled off my shirt to know why my back was throbbing back.

"Dude what were you thinking?" I heard Leo ask behind me and I turned around and stared at the mirror for a moment in shock.

I❤Maya was tattooed to my back. My mind went into overdrive and I forgot about my hangover as I tried to recollect the activities of the previous night.

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