Chapter 17

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The light that came in through the windows was what woke me up. I sighed mentally as I felt fatigued down to my bones. It has been almost three weeks since Keith's surgery. He was discharged a week before and I have not left the house since then. Because of the complications, his healing time was way longer than it should have been.

 I was sleep deprived and very tired. Taking care of him and doing chores, cooking, watching him and preparing for my exams was taking its toll on me and I was worried for my health. 

Hearing the light snoring beside me, I turned to see Keith still asleep. I had temporarily moved into his bedroom so I'd be closer to him just in case he needed something. Thankfully, he was recovering fast. He had stopped vomiting and was able to walk into the bathroom slowly either on his own or with help, mostly the later because I was too scared to take the risk of him falling or anything bad happening. The only reason why I even agreed to that was because he vehemently refused to use the bucket I got for that reason. His words had been I can walk with your help Maya. I am not going to pee in a bucket anymore. And emptying it after I'm done, doesn't that even bother you?

It didn't bother me because he was sick and we had no choice. We took serious care to avoid constipation and the pain had stopped keeping him awake. I was really happy but tired at the same time.

His mum came around everyday to check on him, also looking for a reason to insult my care taking skills. Each time I saw her, i remembered her words and frowned a little. I hadn't had the time to confront my father about what she said because I had my hands full with Keith. 

Letting out a deep sigh, I rolled out of bed and dragged myself out of his room to mine so I could shower and put on fresh clothes. Peeing, I wiped and saw a speck of blood of the tissue. 

Damn. Let this just be spotting. I can't afford to be on my period right now. I grumbled as I stripped out of the clothes I had on and showered quickly before putting on a jeans and a sweater. I went downstairs and got started on breakfast, wishing I could just sleep some more. When I went back upstairs to wake him up to eat, he was not in his bed and that was when i heard the sound of the shower running. 

What the?! I leave the room for 20 minutes and he ups and goes to shower on his own?

Dropping the tray on the bedside table, I rushed into the bathroom and saw him trying to pick up the soap he dropped.

"Don't do that." I shrieked and he glared at me. I didn't pay any attention to that, I just picked the soap, ignored the water that was touching my clothes and got the shower chair I brought for him as I mumbled you should have waited for me. He slapped my hand away when I reached out to take the sponge from him.

"I'm not a fucking invalid so stop treating me like one." He growled and I was taken aback.

"What? I'm not treating you like an invalid."

"Really? Trying to spoonfeed me, peeing in a bucket, bathing me, buying a shower chair. I have legs and can stand to take a shower. I can walk to the bathroom myself. I can feed myself. I can have a shower without your help and I can fucking pick up the damn soap."

I stared at him with wide eyes. "I..I was only trying to help."

"Well I don't need your fucking help."

I was offended. My feelings were hurt because all I did was try to help and somehow, I couldn't even do that right by his standards. I went off, not in a loud voice but I definitely didn't shout.

"Do you think I enjoy doing all that? I tried feeding you only because I thought you were too weak to eat by yourself and when you refused and ate by yourself, did I do that again? No. Telling you to pee in the bucket was me trying to help so that you won't keep walking all the way to the toilet just to pee. Do you think I enjoyed doing that? I only did that because I was trying to help. The chair was to make both our jobs easier when it comes to shower time, and you assume I like bathing you? Everything I did was to avoid taking the chances of you doing something that will rip your stitches open because we will be back to square one. I have exams in a week's time which I'm not prepared for. I should be the one complaining and you should be saying thank you. I've been stuck in here taking care of you for the past three weeks just so you'll heal faster and get back to your usual self so that I can focus on my own exams. I can't afford 3 more weeks of taking care of you just because you ripped your stitches open in a bid to be independent. So excuse me for intentionally treating you as an invalid. Since that's the way you feel, here's your sponge and soap, don't use the chair. Do whatever you like. If you don't want to eat what I made, you can also go downstairs and cook whatever it is you want or better still, call dear old mummy. I'm sure she will come running with help and with a lot to say about me. You know where your drugs are, so you can get them yourself. Have a nice day ahead." I said as I pushed the soap and sponge into his chest before leaving him behind, furiously wiping angry tears that finally dropped.

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