Chapter 30

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Keith's POV

"Alright. Deep breaths. Don't panic. We will get through this. It's no big deal." I said and I heard her chuckle.

"Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself more than you're trying to convince me."

"No I'm not freaking out. I'm definitely not freaking out. I'm calm now." I took deep breaths and tired to remain calm because that was the most scary moment of my life. To think that she'd go into labor when I went to see her. What if I had been in one corner drinking my liver to death all in the name of bad feelings? More deep breaths and I was finally able to grasp onto a weak sense of calm within.

"Okay what next?" I asked when she moved away from the door.

"What's next is to have a shower and find my best maternity gown and throw it on. Have to make sure it's properly ironed. Oh and call my dad. He said he wants to be there when it's happening. And go through that labour bag and give me a sanitary pad. Don't want that bloody stuff to get on my underwear again." she replied and I looked at her as if she was crazy. Who the fuck wants to iron and look good when in labour? A shower? Finding her best maternity outfit and making sure it's properly ironed? I watched her pull out her mini makeup purse and she started rummaging through it.

"What are you doing now?" I asked with a light frown on my face. I was as confused as I looked.

"Finding the best lipstick shade. I can't welcome my babies looking ruffled. Have you called my dad?" She replied as she set a dark shade of red apart and I knew that was her choice.

I dialled her father's number and when he picked, I filled him in on what was happening.

"So where's Maya now?"

"She's going in for a shower."

"What the hell?"

"is this normal?"

"I don't know, I wasn't there when she was born." He replied with disbelief in his voice. We concluded the call and then I called the hospital to let them know we were coming. I went into the bathroom just when she turned the water off.

"What are you doing in here? I'm naked for crying out loud."

"Just want to ensure that you are safe."

"I've been showering on my own since I got pregnant. Go away." she shouted, embarrassment naked as she was rang in her voice as she tried to cover herself with her arms and that was what drew my attention to her body and despite the tension in the air, I felt my length harden in my pants

"You're so beautiful." I heard myself murmur.

" that an erection I see? You se... Fuck! Oh God." she shouted as she blindly reached out for something to grab which was my hand. I winced when she squeezed very hard and I felt my wrist bones shift within. When her hold loosened, she finally opened her eyes.

"That was stronger than the ones I have been having all morning."

"You've been having contractions all morning?" I asked with a frown.

"I've been having it since the preterm scare. Mini ones once in a while but today has been more consistent than the last two weeks but I didn't pay attention to them." I grabbed two towels from the rack and gave one to her. As she dried her face and neck, I did her legs. I was anxious to get going. Why was she so calm? It didn't make any sense to me at all. I was surprised she didn't kick me for touching her without her permission, considering how embarrassed she was about the whole thing.

When she was finally dry, she left to dress up and I stayed back in to put the towels in the laundry basket and then I peed. By the time I went back out, she was putting on lipstick and speaking to her friend Avery on the phone. Next was a text message to someone else. She handed a folder to me and said it contained my copy of the birthing plan and other things I didn't even know what they were. And we finally left for the hospital.

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