Chapter 9

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So sorry I haven't updated in a while. Was writing my semester exams and battling with a huge writer's block. Hope this chapter isn't so bad. I wrote it just to show you guys I haven't forgotten this story.

Two weeks after my accident, I realised one major thing.

Spraining an ankle sucks I swear. I have never been or felt as incapacitated as I felt while my leg was in a cast. I already walked like a baby duck. Add limping to that and you have a winner, a huge mama duck.

I sighed and 'stylishly' tried to use my ruler to scratch the skin in the cast and when I felt that relief, I sighed in pleasure.

"The little pleasures in life." I whispered to myself as I scratched some more. It was very itchy and at that moment, I realised why dogs and cats couldn't help but want to bite their bandages. I suddenly understood their annoyance. Increasing the TV volume, I opened the packet of M&Ms and poured it into a bowl and popped open a can of soda while I munched on my popcorn. The whole weekend, I gave my "say no to junk food" mantra the middle finger and munched away on my sweets. So what if I added more weight, it's not like it was going to change my situation.

It was a movie marathon day for me. Keith had travelled to Chicago on a business trip and I couldn't be happier. No awkward moments, no mean mother-in-law coming to visit her golden boy, nobody to clean after. Just paradise.

I had decided to spend my weekend binge watching the new 2017 movies. I'm sure the couch already had my butt imprint in it because I hadn't left that couch since Friday and it was already a Sunday. No school, no husband, no responsibilities. Just me and my injured leg and my cats and my secret stash of junk food. Just paradise.

Just then, my phone rang and when I looked at the ID and saw 'Jason', I sighed as i suddenly felt tired mentally. It was the hot nurse.

"Hey Jason." I said into the phone when I picked the call.

"Hey you. How's the leg?"

"It's better. Itchy though. How are you?"

"I..will be fine if you say yes to my request." He replied and I pinched the space between my eyes. Jason had turned out to be pretty persistent, like he didn't accept No's from people.

Sure, I had felt starstruck when I saw him the first time but apparently, my respect for vows ran deeper than I thought because since he started calling me and constantly asking me out on a date, I had blatantly refused....or maybe my real reason for not accepting was because he was hot and I was fat and was scared of finding out it was really just a big joke between him and his friends.

"No, Jason."

"Why? Just give me a good reason."

"I have a cast on. That means I can't put on a shoe and it makes me walk funny and will make me stick out."

"That's actually not a good reason. Just one date I promise, and if you don't like it, I won't ask again I promise."

"Fine. It's not a place I have to dress up for is it?"

"No. It's not. Since your leg is in a cast, we will go to a really really small place where you won't have to dress up to be."

"Yah. Okay. Send me the address and I'll meet you there by 5:30?"

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