Chapter 26

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"I'll see you when I return alright? I love you." Keith said from his end of the line before disconnecting. He was going on another business trip, and would be gone for a week or so.

Picking up another onesie and folding it, I placed it in the basket as I looked around the room. It was the room next to mine at home which I decided to use as the nursery. It had taken a total of one week to get it ready. I had planned on doing it all by myself but he had insisted on helping and I had agreed. Apparently he already had one ready over in his own home with the hope that I'd return or even if i didn't, for those times the kids will spend the weekends or so with him.

I folded the remaining tiny clothes and put them where they should be before leaving the room.

I checked the time before going to my room to search for my shoes. It had been a while since I last left the house. My obstetrician did tell me to exercise a little from time to time and so I decided to take short walks around the neighborhood every evening. Grabbing my phone and earphones, I waddled out of the room and halfway down the stairs, I met Mr Howard.

"Good evening." I said to him to which he replied before dropping the horrible news.

"Mrs Amanda James is here to see you."

My eyes literally bulged out of my sockets as I whispered-screamed what?! It didn't make sense that she'd be there to see me.

"Tell her I'm not around" I whispered to him and he said he already said I'm around.

"Tell her I'm sleeping then." I said again with desperation seeping into my voice and just then I shrieked when I heard my father say behind me "You shouldn't run away from your problems Maya."

"Stop creeping up on people. I told you to stop doing that dad."

"It's not my fault you didn't notice me." He replied with a shrug and stuck his tongue out at me and I laughed at how ridiculous he looked. My dad and I had come a long way in that one year and for that I was really happy.

"Stay with me while I talk to her?" I asked with a hopeful voice and he chuckled before saying no while tapping my nose with his forefinger. "This is something you have to do on your own."

"I don't know how to face her. She doesn't even know I'm pregnant, and then she'd think I slept around and it's another man's baby and then..."

"And then you'd tell her to get the fuck out of your house. You tell her to go fuck herself with her opinions and then you tell her she can't come to your house and say shit to you."

I pinched his side with a small smile while muttering language before saying "Dad, if you swear around my babies when they're both, I'll cut your tongue." and he gave me an apologetic smile. Between my dad and Keith, I don't know who swears more but I did promise them that they'll both lose their tongues if they swore around the kids.

We finally got to the door and I whispered a thank you to him while he went to the kitchen to look for lord knows what. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and walked in. I definitely didn't miss the horrified gasp that left her mouth.

"You're huge."

"I'm pregnant is what I am." I replied with an eye roll.

She cleared her throat and pushed the stay strands of hair behind her ears.

"A good evening to you Danica."

"Good evening to you too Amanda. Did you want something? I was on my way out before you came."

"I..I want to ask you for something. Please I need you talk to Keith. He has refused to speak to me since you signed the divorce papers. He listens to you, so please plead with him for me, I can't loose everything I've worked for my whole life."

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