Chapter 21

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I froze as my heart rate increased in my chest. My mouth dried out and I couldn't even say one word.

"What.The.Fuck.Is.This?" he asked again and all I could get out of my mouth was a stammered I'm sorry.

"You're pregnant." he stated and I nodded.

"How long have you know?" When I couldn't get the answer out fast enough, he repeated the question in a loud voice that made me flinch and that was when Leo came into the kitchen.

"Bro. Calm down. Whatever it is, you don't need to.."

"Shut the fuck up Leo. Maya how long?"

"Two weeks."

When I said it, he was silent for a moment before he chuckled. "Two weeks and you didn't think I needed to know? You had all the time to think of getting an abortion but you didn't think I had to know about it or is the baby not mine? Maybe you fucked around and got pregnant and didn't want me to find out so you decided to get rid of the evidence before it becomes obvious."

I shook my head as my hand reached out to touch his hand which he pulled back. The last thing I wanted was for him to think that. "No. That's not it. The baby is yours but-"

He cut me off by muttering "fuck this." before turning to leave the kitchen. I moved to follow him but Leo shook his head, motioning me to stay before he followed his friend out. I heard the entrance door slam shut first when he left, then close softly when Leo left. I numbly pulled out a chair and sat down as the pot boiled away behind me. It was when the smell of burnt food permeated the air that I moved to turn off the stove. Looking at the charred contents of the pot, I thought of starting from the beginning. Who am I kidding? No one is eating dinner this night.

Taking my seat again, I remained there until I heard the door open again about an hour later. It wasn't slammed this time around but somehow, I knew it was Keith and he was alone. He came into the kitchen and sat down opposite me. I just looked at him. His eyes were angry but his fave had no expression on it. After a moment, he asked the question I had been dreading since he left the house angrily. "Why?"

Keith's POV

I couldn't remember ever being as angry as I was at that moment as I watched the woman I had all but said I love you to tell me the reason why she didn't tell me she was pregnant with my baby and why she had even considered aborting it without letting me know. It hurt.

I hadn't gone snooping around in her room. Leo had kept going on and on about how he wanted to use her game console to play the Walking Dead game I told him she got. I had gone upstairs to get the console and chuckled when I saw the open book on her bed. I had called her a nerd and looked at it to know what she was reading only to see the words written in her writing. Confusion was the first thing I felt, followed by rage and then disappointment. Maya was the homeliest person I ever met and I loved that about her, and to find out that she wasn't so different after all was a huge kick in the guts. What floored me wasn't just the fact that she was pregnant and didn't let me know but that she had thought of having an abortion without even letting me know that I was going to be a father.

"Bro you shouldn't have gone snooping around her private things." Leo said when I finally calmed down and I glared at him.

"I wasn't snooping around. I went up there to get the fucking game you couldn't stop talking about and saw the book and thought it was another weird one like the Zombie Apocalypse one she read yesterday. It didn't occur to me that it was a diary and not a paperback novel."

"Well I know you well enough to tell you to calm down and try not to make rash decisions that you'll regret later because we all know you Keith. When you're angry, you don't give a shit about any other important thing."

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