Chapter 23

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I had just rinsed the plates I used to eat dinner when I heard Keith come into the kitchen.

"Hey." I said as I placed the plates in the rack and the spoon and fork where they should be before moving to the fridge to get the ice tray I filled with water about an hour before eating dinner. Forcing the ice out and into a bowl, I turned to look at Keith who returned my greeting.

"Do you want me to get you something to eat?" I asked even though I already knew what his answer would be.

"No. I already ate." and I nodded. Keith had figured that since we were going our separate ways, it wouldn't be nice of him to stress me by eating my food which made no sense to me. Since I was making dinner for myself I didn't mind adding a little extra for him.

"My lawyer brought this to my office today." he said as he handed a manila envelope to me. I didn't have to open it to know the content. I already knew he was not the forgiving type but I didn't expect it to be like this. One mistake and he was willing to throw everything away without caring about the consequences.

"So it's all over? You're willing to throw everything away just because of one thought I didn't even end up doing? One mistake?"

Taking a deep breath, he looked me in the eyes and said "Maya I don't trust you. Not anymore."

"We can always go to a marriage counselor to help with that. Three years of being with you without doing anything wrong, of serving you, of doing everything in my power to make sure you're comfortable and you want to throw it all away just because of one mistake? I mean I don't hold anything you've done to me against you and you've done a whole bunch of wrongs to me and I forgave you but you can't let go of one thing?"

"I'd rather go through 3 times of what I put you through than find out that the woman I loved and called the perfect woman thought of aborting my baby and wasn't going to let me know about it."

"No one is perfect." I replied before taking a deep breath. I nodded and took the envelope as I asked what will happen to his mother's company and he just shrugged.

Putting a handful of ice cubes in my mouth, I began walking out of the kitchen when his next question stopped me. "Should you even be eating that?"

I shrugged. "I have a heartburn and a weird craving for ice. I'm going to bed now. I'll give you the papers when I go through them and sign them. Good night."

"Wait. Doesn't that mean you're anemic?" he asked as his brows furrowed in worry. I was touched that he read up on pregnancy and cravings.

"The doctor checked me out when I told her about it to make sure I'm not. Goodnight." and with that, I left the kitchen and went to my room. 

Throwing the envelope on the table, I slipped into bed and stared at my laptop screen. I didn't know how much it all affected me until I felt a tear roll down my face and into my ear. Pressing my palm against my mouth and my fingers against my eyes, I willed myself to not cry because I wasn't losing out on anything. I had my babies to think of, I had so many good things to look forward to. I shouldn't be bothered by the fact that things were over between Keith and I. I should be looking forward to so many good things but my mind kept going back to him. Closing my eyes, I whispered a little prayer and asked for peace of mind because that was what I really needed at that moment,  and after tossing and turning for what felt like hours, I finally fell asleep.


"Are you sure this is the last of it all?" Avery asked as he put the last box that contained my stuff in the trunk of the truck my dad sent and I nodded. I had decided to leave when he wasn't around because I figured it wouldn't hurt as much but it did hurt more than I imagined it would. Opening the pet crates for my cats to enter, I closed it and Avery left to put them in the car while I went back up to make sure I wasn't leaving anything behind. I found the scrapbook I made for Amanda and put it in my handbag before opening the manila envelope that contained the documents I already went through. I signed in the required places and went to his room to drop it on his bedside drawer. Pulling off my wedding ring, I dropped it on top of the envelope and left the room while saying I'm not gonna cry in my head. I went to the kitchen for a bottle of water and then left after locking the door behind me and keeping the key under the doormat.

"Go on. I'll be right behind you." I said to Avery and he nodded and drove off in the truck while I followed behind him. When we got to my dad's house, I left Avery and the Butler behind and went to the kitchen to raid the freezer for leftovers. I was too hungry to care much about a lot of things at that point in time. When Bonnie, my dad's greyhound raced into the kitchen, I couldn't believe how much she'd grown. She was not a pup when I got her for him but she was definitely not that big. Resting her paws on my stomach in am attempt to lick my face, I let out a little laugh at her excitement. Taking the paws in my hands and shaking her a little, I set her down before bending to stroke her fur while muttering "I missed you too girl" and just then, Avery came in w it that the crates that the cats were in. They were meowing angrily at being put in there for so long and I just rolled my eyes. Bonnie left me and went towards Avery, barking and trying to press her snout through the cage before loosing interest and leaving the kitchen entirely.

"How does your father keep up with that ball of energy?" he asked as he opened the crates to let the cats out.

"Well they're used to each other now. She knows when he's too tired for her hyperactive nature and knows when to be the companion she's supposed to be. I'm hungry. I'm starved I swear. What I want to eat right now is any thing that is very spicy."

"Uhmm you ate roughly two hours ago." he said as he opened the fridge to look for who knows what and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm eating for three. It's only normal for me to want food. Besides you should be proud of me for not starving all in the name of trying not to get fatter than I already am."

He took out the bottle of orange juice that was in there and I clucked my tongue. "You better put that back if you don't want my dad raiding your house with angry hungry dogs. That man doesn't joke with that stuff. Nobody, I mean nobody touches his orange juice."

Visibly shuddering, he put it back and took a bottle of water before walking towards the door as he said "Come on let's do something about those cravings of yours. And I really want something to drink."

I thought of Keith at his words because he should be the one listening to my craving tales and helping me satisfy them since he made the babies with me,  not my best friend that I had bothered with so many things already.

"Nica you coming?" he shouted from the sitting room and I shook my head to clear my thoughts before putting on a small smile.

"Be right there." I replied as I rubbed my hand down my belly. I wasn't to be blamed for the deterioration of my marriage. I had done everything in my power right from the very first day. If Keith believed that his anger and disappointment were worth missing out on everything important, then so be it.

Taking an apple from the basket of fruits on the table, I left the kitchen.


Keith's POV

When I got home a week later and found the doors locked, I wondered where Maya had gone to. Taking the key out from under the doormat, I closed the door behind me and felt my brows furrow in confusion when I realized that the house smelled like no one had been there in a while. I didn't see any of the cats. Turning on the lights in the sitting room, everything looked normal except that her movie collections were no longer where they used to be.

There was a bad feeling in my stomach which I tried to push away as I climbed the stairs. When I pushed the door to her room open and found a bare room, I kind of hoped that what I thought had happened wasn't true. It was when I checked the walk-in closet and found nothing of hers that I came to the realization that she actually did it. She actually moved out,  meaning she signed the divorce papers.

When I went to my own room and found the papers and the ring, I ran my fingers through my hair as I whispered "What have I done?"

I decided to update earlier than usual 😀 Hope it's good. 

So can y'all check out @thatway25's story? It'd really mean a lot to her.

Why can't I get over 2012 Rise of the Guardians?  It's just so cool. 

Once again, your feedback makes me so happy. Thanks to you guys. Don't forget to vote and comment. Let me know what you think. 

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