Chapter 28

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Maya's POV

"Weeeelll you can't be mad at him for not doing anything because he didn't know. You didn't call, neither did your dad nor his mum, and he's not a mind reader, so there's no way he would have known. But deep down I feel he called but couldn't get to you because this is Keith we're talking about. His persistent nature is almost annoying." Avery said as he polished my toenails.

"Excuse me. I'm a pregnant woman and so I'm allowed to be irrational whenever I want to be." I replied while going through the box that contained all my nail polish bottles in search of a beautiful shade of red.

"Are you done with your counseling stuff?" he asked and I shook my head. I had called Suzanne, my therapist because of the way I reacted the day we got back from the hospital and so we had a mini session over the phone and she offered to come to the house if I wanted her to or we'd continue with the phone sessions and wait till I give birth before going back to her office and I choose the later.

"Are you okay?  Are they coming again?" Avery asked with a frown on his face and I realized I had unconsciously reached down to rub my belly where I felt a light contraction.

"I'm fine." I reassured him. "I have been having light contractions since that day. Guess I'll keep having contractions until they're finally out. I can't wait. I'm so tired of being pregnant. It's like the longest and most uncomfortable thing I've ever had to do and that's saying a lot because I have done uncomfortable things." I groaned before reaching back to rub my back.

"Have you seen the nursery Keith made for the babies?"

"No. Haven't been there since I moved out, don't think I can handle it. By the way I'm hungry. I want ice cream."

"Ice cream isn't food." Avery grumbled as he blew on my toenails before reaching for the nail dryer.

"Yeah, well I still want it... And cookies. I'm calling Keith."

"Is that a good idea? You can't really do that after blowing him off many times."

I chewed on my lower lip before shrugging. "He did say I can call him if I have a craving and he will come right over. And I'm pregnant,  so I can disturb whoever I want to,  starting from you. Would you be a doll and change the nail polish to green? This Black isn't doing it for me. " I said with a sweet smile while wiggling my toes as I picked up my phone and sent a text which he replied with an okay almost immediately.

"Girl you must be sick in the head if you think I'm thing to redo the nails I spent 15 minutes of my life doing. 15 minutes which I will not get back. I'm not Keith sweetheart, so I won't listen."

"Don't call me crazy." I whimpered with tears brewing in my eyes. He looked at me and saw me trying to hold back the waterworks and his face fell.

"Oh shit. Danica come on. Don't cry. I'm sorry. You're not crazy. I'm the crazy one for not telling you it's not a pretty color. I admit it it's a horrible color. I'll redo the nails and do any other thing you want. Just don't cry." he babbled

"But you said it is a pretty color when I picked it out in the first place."

"It's whatever you want Danica." He said as he pulled me into a much needed hug.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cry." I mumbled into his neck. "It's the babies. They're making me emotional and hungry and I always forget things. I don't remember where I kept the gold wristwatch Keith got for me or the pearls you gave to me. I've been searching for so long and thinking really hard to remember but I can't. And now I'm hungry and the food isn't coming as fast as I want it to." I cried shamelessly and he kept patting and rubbing my back while telling me to let it all out.

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